Health Final

You cannot control health risks that result from


People are more likely to take advantage of available healthcare if

the have health insurance that pays for medications.

A person at the midpoint of the health continuum is

neither ill nor perfectly well.

In the DECIDE process, the letter I stands for Identify your

(4) actions.

If you are tired because you stay up late watching television, the factor having a negative influence on your health i


One way to evaluate health risks is to

consider consequences.

Which is a consumer right?

Right to information

Which aspect of health refers to how you react to events in your life?

Emotional health

An example of a service is a(n)

Hair cut

How is communication generally used in advocacy

To influence others in making positive health decisions

What is an example of gaining awareness about a health problem

Having your blood pressure measured during a medical checkup

To evaluate health information, you need to consider

The source

Which is a consumable product


What is the message of the bandwagon approach in advertising

(NOT) The product is more effective than others

A persons culture is part of his or hers

Social environment

What might a person with high self-esteem say to explain a poor grade on a test? (NOT) The teacher doesn't like me.
According to Maslow, which human needs are the most basic? physical needs
What term refers to how much a person respects and likes himself


Which choice is an example of positive thinking? I've done things like this before.
Which trait helps people tolerate high levels of stress? resilience
What can you learn from biofeedback? how to control physical responses to stress
Why is physical activi


In what type of therapy do people work with others who have similar disorders? group therapy
Which is a physical factor that can lead to a mental disorder? exposure to lead
A phobia is an example of a(n) anxiety disorder.
During a manic episode, people us


The key to conflict resolution is (not) trying to resolve a problem when you are angry.
which best describes a support group? a group of people with a specific problem who help each other cope with the problem
What type of family is formed when parents re


What proportion of teenage girls who engage in sexual intercourse become pregnant? one in six
Which term describes an exclusive, closed group of friends? clique
When one member of a close friendship wants to make additional close friends, the other friend


The people who experience fear after violent acts are victims.
What should your first concern in deciding to deal with any conflict? your safety
Students who use weapons at school often are acting on the rage they feel as victims of (NOT) hazing.
What is


The people who experience fear after violent acts are victims.
What should your first concern in deciding to deal with any conflict? your safety
Students who use weapons at school often are acting on the rage they feel as victims of (NOT) hazing.
What is


The chemical process by which the body breaks down foods to release energy is called metabolism.
Which mineral is needed for healthy red blood cells? iron
Which is NOT a characteristic of vitamins? They occur naturally in rocks and soil.
According to the


People with diabetes all of these answers.
Vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of heart disease than other people.
A fad diet may lead to temporary weight loss.
The "sell by" date tells you the last date the product can be sold.
Your basal metabolic rat


Which of the following events directly caused the outbreak of the Civil War? the attack at Fort Sumter
What was Lincoln's view on African Americans? They were entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Who wrote the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 18


A tendon is a thick strand of tissue that attaches muscles to bones.
Which function below is NOT performed by the central nervous system? (NOT) thinking and reasoning
The basic unit of the nervous system is the neuron.
Which structures carry messages from


Almost half of all children are diagnosed with a(n) heart murmur.
Tiny sacs in the lungs where gases are exchanged are called alveoli.
Which carrier in your blood is known as "good cholesterol"? high-density lipoprotein
The part of blood that transports d


What is the first stage in planning a fitness program? defining your goals
A pull-up is a(n) isotonic exercise.
Which activity is the best choice for building cardiorespiratory endurance? rowing
Physical activity helps maintain weight by increasing the am


Which vision problem is caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea or lens? astigmatism
What is the purpose of the oil secreted by sebaceous glands? It keeps hair and skin from becoming dry.
Which type of tooth cuts food into bite-sized pieces? incisor


Which drink contains the most alcohol? (NOT) 1.5-oz shot of liquor that is 40% alcohol
Excessive drinking contributes to heart disease by causing fatty deposits in the heart.
How much alcohol can a woman drink during pregnancy without risk of harming her


The most important factor in successfully quitting tobacco is having a strong personal commitment.
Nicotine substitutes help reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Short-term effects of tar include (not) increased blood pressure.
What part of the body is mo


A CNS depressant associated with date rape is rohypnol.
What is the purpose of a therapeutic community? learning to live without drugs
Detoxification usually (NOT) follows treatment in a therapeutic community.
Protective family factors include clear famil


Which of the following is a genetic disorder? cystic fibrosis
Which genetic disorder is caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes? Down syndrome
Which endocrine gland is part of both the nervous and endocrine systems? hypothalamus
Caring for the female


Which substance is safe for a pregnant woman? calcium
From the third month until birth, the growing baby is called a(n) fetus.
Which is a structure containing blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the embryo? umbilical cord


Which secondary sex characteristic occurs in girls? all of these answers
A facility or program that provides physical, emotional, and spiritual care for dying people and support for their families. hospice
The effects of aging on the body include all of t


A common viral infection of the upper respiratory system is (NOT) tuberculosis.
What should you NOT do to avoid disease? skip meals
Which behavior can help you get healthy and stay healthy? getting at least eight hours of sleep at night
What results from


What determines the onset of AIDS in an HIV-infected person? The helper T cell count becomes very low.
What does it mean if you are HIV-positive? (NOT) You definitely have AIDS.
What role does alcohol play in the STI epidemic? It impairs judgment.
The fir


What kind of cancer treatment uses drugs to slow the reproduction of cancer cells? chemotherapy
What does the Americans with Disabilities Act guarantee for Americans who have physical or mental disabilities? civil rights
The environment contains cancer-ca


Which is a small fee paid whenever you visit the doctor? copayment
Which are two agencies of the United Nations? UNICEF and the World Health Organization
A doctor's opinion of the cause of a medical condition is a diagnosis.
Which healthcare facility prov


Your local government is responsible for providing road maintenance.
How can you become informed about health-related issues facing your community? all of these answers
What is waste that is flammable, explosive, corrosive, or toxic to humans or other liv


The main factor in avoiding falls is to consider environmental conditions.
A lifesaving technique in the water that does not take much energy is survival floating.
Which is a rule that ensures everyone's safety on a school bus? Know where the emergency ex
