Health chapter 1 questions


The combination of physical, mental/emotional and social well-being

Spiritual health

provides people with a deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life


a person with a balanced health triangle is said to have a high degree of this

making and keeping friends

which of the following is not an aspect of physical health?

she gets along with others

which statement is true about about a person who is in good social health

you fail to practice healthy behaviors

You are likely to move in a negative direction on the health continuum if...


your ______ consists of traits that are biologically passed on to you by your parents


a person's ethnicity, religion and language are part of her ______


_____ personalities may become our role models for how to behave

use only sites belonging to manufactures of health care products

what technique can you use to locate valid health information on the internet?

beliefs, customs and behavior

cultural influences on your health include...

is constantly present

the media is a powerful influence because it...


means taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse


a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors


____risks are risks that add up over time

most teens engage in risk behaviors

Which statement is true?

face more negative consequences

A person who practices multiple risk behaviors at the same time is likely to...

lifestyle factors

Personal habits and behaviors that relate to the way a person lives are called

health education

___empowers people to live healthfully and improve their quality of life

healthy people 2020

Health goals for the U.S. may be found in_____

health literacy

A person who lacks ______ finds it difficult to obtain, understand, and use valid health information

accurate health information

Health education provides...

age, income and education

experts think that poor health literacy influences a person's health more than...