Pearson Health Ch. 17 Test Vocab


legal drugs that help the body fight injury, illness, or disease.

over-the-counter drug

A medicine that is sold legally in pharmacies and other stores without a doctor's prescription.

prescription drug

A drug that can be obtained only with a written order from a doctor and can be purchased only at a pharmacy.

illegal drug

chemical substance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy or sell.

drug misuse

the improper use of medicines-either prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

drug abuse

When a drug is intentionally used improperly or unsafely.

psychoactive drug

A mood-altering drug that is a chemical that affects brain activity.

side effect

An unwanted physical or mental effect caused by a drug.

reward pathway

Many psychoactive drugs trigger activity along a path of cells in the brain called the...


This chemical, though not dangerous in itself, is very dangerous when in association with drug use.


A chemical need for a drug and the body cannot function without it.


when a drug is used repeatedly, this can form, requiring more and more of the drug as the body gets used to it.

withdrawal symptoms

If a person who is dependent on a psychoactive drug stops taking the drug, that person will experience this.

drug antagonism

When each drug's effect is canceled out or reduced by the other.

drug synergism

when drugs interact to produce greater effects than those that each drug would produce alone.


Since drugs are not manufactured legally, they may often be laced with something or tainted by something, both of which are known as what?

hepatitis and HIV

These are two diseases that can be caused by sharing needles to inject drugs.

family factors, social factors, personal factors

The three types of factors that make it more or less likely that a teen will abuse drugs.

protective factor

A factor that reduces a person's potential for harmful behavior.


a psychoactive drug that slows brain and body reactions


A class of depressants that are also called sedative-hypnotics. In small doses, they relax a person while in large doses they induce sleep.

CNS depressant

A sedative that slows the activity of the central nervous system.


Any drug made from the psychoactive compounds contained in the seed pods of poppy plants.


an illegal opiate made from morphine in a laboratory.


A drug that speeds up the activities of the central nervous system.


prescription drugs that are sometimes sold illegally as "speed" or "uppers".


A stimulant related to amphetamines, but even more powerful.


A powerful but short-acting stimulant.


A drug that distorts perception, thought and mood. They overload the brain with sensory information, cause a distorted sense of reality.

LSD, psilocybin, PCP, marijuana

The four main types of hallucinogens


The strongest hallucinogen.


a hallucinogenic chemical found in a certain type of mushroom, often called shrooms.


Also called "Angel Dust", this hallucinogen is one of the most dangerous of all drugs.


the leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the hemp plant.


A drug that may act as a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen.

club drugs

Drugs that got their name from the fact that they first gained popularity at dance clubs and raves.


A breathable chemical vapor that produces mind-altering effects.

anabolic steroids

Synthetic drugs that are similar to the hormone testosterone.

acknowledging the problem

the first step in treating drug abuse.


A program where one undergoes gradual but complete withdrawal from the abused drug under medical supervision.

therapeutic community

A residential treatment center where former drug abusers live together and learn to adjust to drug-free lives.

supervised medication

A treatment option that involves replacing the abused drug with a drug that produces some of the same effects, without the "high".

CNS depressant
