The Flying Machine

n. comfort or relief from sorrow


v. to move with twisting motion


- The year 400 AD
- Emperor's palace near the Great Wall of China
- Ray Bradbury, the author, describes the setting at
the very beginning of the story
- Knowing the setting is critical in understanding
the story and the decisions the emperor makes.

Setting - the time and place of the story

Emperor Yuan - ruler of China, who was fearful of change and new inventions that could destroy the peace and harmony of his empire.

Main Characters #1

Servant- an enthusiastic man, who has seen a man fly

Main Character #2

Inventor - a creative man who has crafted a flying apparatus out of paper and bamboo. the Emperor executes the inventor of the flying machine because of what the servant has seen and expressed.

Main Character #3

In ancient China, a servant tells the emperor that he has seen a man fly. After going to see the flying man for himself, the emperor has the man called down, takes him back to the great house, and has him executed. Even though he admires the skill involve

Plot - Plan of Action in the Story

- Fear of new and different things, may prevent
progress and end in tragedy.
- Technology can have positive and negative

Theme - Main Idea of the Story

This short story is told in THIRD PERSON point of view. The narrator is outside the story and presents the action

Point of View

About 214 B.C. Emperor Shih Huang TI, the first emperor of a united China, connected a number of defensive walls to form a "Great Wall" that would protect his empire from invasion by fierce Mongol horsemen. To accomplish this project, he had his army roun

Background Information

Many seemingly useful human inventions have had hidden danger or unexpected consequences. Human's complicated relationship with their own technology is a theme that appears in literature frequently. Today, technology continues to impact the human conditio

Humans and Technology

is the time and place of a story. Knowing the setting helps readers understand a story by "placing" the events - connecting them to other things they know about that time and that place. Sometimes authors give the time and place at the beginning of the st


v. landed (past tense of alight - to land)


n. something created or invented for a particular purpose


v. surprised and amazed


n. the territory or country under the authority of a particular ruler or government


n. one who carries out a death sentence ordered by a ruler or king.


n. large groups or crowds


n. the main piece of timber or steel that runs lengthwise along the bottom and supports the rest of the frame of a boat, plane, or other structure (keel of the inventor's kite)


adj. very small


v. to keep from harm, protect


adj. calm, peaceful, or undisturbed
