EG: Parts of speech


A person, place, thing, or idea.
If it exists, and we are able to name it, that is a noun.
Cars, people, mountains, etc.

Noun, Proper

The specified name of a noun.
These are always capitalized.
Mt. Rushmore, John, Middle East, Republican Party, etc.

Noun, Pronoun

Used to replace a noun.
He, she, they, someone, them, etc.


These are words that modify or describe something.
Dirty, sweet, rusty, soft, angry, fast, tall, etc.


A, an, and the.
These are also adjectives.


Word used to describe an action, or what you do.
Was, are, will be, bought, wrote, ran, screamed, swam, consider, thought, and many more actions.

Verb, Auxiliary

A verb used to form the tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs.
They usually accompany the main verb.
Some words such as have, has, had, is, are, was, and much more.


These are words that end in "ing."
Swimming, hiking, climbing, running, thinking, etc.

Verb, Adverb

These words modify verbs.
They tell us when, where, how, in what manner, or to what extent.
He swam yesterday. They ran barefoot. He jumped quickly. She's an extremely nice person. John placed the vase carefully on the table.


Words that show time, place, and space.
Basically, they describe a relationship between other words.
Before, in front of, behind, under, toward, around, past, through, against, beside, upon, during, after, and so forth.
>For time and place, we use "at",

Conjunctions, Coordinating

The words that connect clauses. They are made up of the acronym FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
Can you get me some ice cream AND some chocolate?

Conjunctions, Subordinate

usually start in the beginning of a sentence. Therefore, whereas, because, suddenly, first, foremost, however, and so on. You will learn more about these later.


These are words that show emotion or sentiment. Wow, golly, um, er, uh, ahem, oops, whew, shh, hurray, darn, yeah, and yay are some examples. They are also called exclamations because most often they have an exclamation point after the word. Wow! I couldn


Used to replace a noun. He, she, they, someone, them, etc.



Article: These are also adjectives. A, an, and the.


Verb: These are words used to describe an action, or what you do. Was, are, will be, bought, wrote, ran, screamed, swam, consider, thought, and many more actions.


Verb, Auxiliary

A verb used to form the tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs. They usually accompany the main verb. Some words such as have, has, had, is, are, was, and much more.