3rd 9 weeks CBA

What is inference?

When the author does NOTstate it directly in the text, but instead hints at it.
TE + BK = Inference

Main idea words are usually mentioned ___________times within the text whereas details may only be mentioned __________.

Many, Once

Some of the answer choices will be too _________ and give you more information than the story is about.


Some of the answer choices will be too __________ and give you a single detail from the story.


When is Bold/Italiazed print used?

Used to emphsize or show importance

A ____________________ is the person who writes a play.


The person who writes a poem is called a _____________.


The painted background used to represent the setting on a theater stage or movie set is called _________________.


A ______________________ shows continuous action within one setting.


___________________ is another word for theatrical play.


A tool that an author uses to help the reader better understand what is happening in a story or poem is called ________________________________________. Some common examples are onomatopoeia, hyperbole, simile, personification, and metaphor.

Figurative language

Usually written in italicis/parentheses, this part of the script tells that the actors how where to move or and how to speak their lines is called ___________________________.

Stage directions

This is the time and place where the actions takes place __________________________,


A small object such as a book, tool, etc., used by actors is called a ______________.


__________________________ is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in a line of poetry or text.


Words that stand for sounds are known as __________________________.


A _____________________ is the comparison of two unlike items without using the words "like" or "as".


A word that is the opposite of another word is known as an ________________________.


A literary term for a problem is ___________________________.


The word _____________________ means a small selection of a larger text.


A brief statement that includes the main events in a story or passage is a __________________.


The turning point of a story or the most exciting part is referred to as the ________.


_______________________________________ are words or phrases that show how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, or sounds and help the reader better understand the passage.

Sensory details