Ronzoni Literary Terms

plot, characters, setting, point of view, theme

the elements of a short story, novel, play, TV show, or movie


the order or sequence of events that are closely related


things, animals, or people acting in a story

flat character

predictable and one sided

round character

many-sided and unpredictable

dynamic character

shows a change by the end of the story


time and place of the action

point of view

vantage point from which a story is told

first person point of view

story told by a character is her or his words; "limited" or "I" point of view

third person point of view

story told by a narrator who is not a character

omniscient point of view

all-knowing narrator tells the story and lets the reader know what the character is thinking


general idea or insight about life in the story

explicit theme

stated directly

implicit theme

must be dug out of the story

exposition, conflict, complication, climax, resolution

elements of plot


necessary background information


a struggle; most important element of plot

internal conflict

in the mind of a character

external conflict

one the reader or viewer can actually see

man vs. man conflict

a human struggles against another human

man vs. society conflict

a person's beliefs conflict with those of society

man vs. nature conflict

a character struggles against the forces of nature

man vs. himself

an internal conflict


an unexpected problem that occurs


the highest point of interest in a story

rising action

events preceding the climax which intensify the conflict

falling action

events following the climax, leading to the resolution

resolution (denouement)

the conflict ends and the outcome is clear


contrast between what is stated and what is meant, or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens

verbal irony

a writer or speaker says one thing and means something different

dramatic irony

a reader or audience perceives something that a character does not know


the reader or audience is uncertain about the outcome


description of what a story is about; not the same as theme


use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later


a scene that interrupts the action to show earlier events


central character of a story with whom the reader or viewer sympathizes most


person, thing, or force opposing the protagonist

imaginative language

words that arouse specific feeling in the reader