Research Methods - Chapter 1

Which of the following could be considered a source of empirical evidence?
a thermometer
a logical argument
an expert opinion
common sense

a thermometer

What type of research is done with a practical problem in mind?
applied research
basic research
exploratory research
translational research

applied research

A statement, or set of statements, that describes general principles about how variables relate to one another is a ________________.
set of observations


Psychological scientists base their conclusions on the evidence. They collect data and use it to develop, support, or challenge a theory. This approach is known as ____________.
the peer-review process


Some theories are better than others. Which of the following is NOT considered a feature of a good theory?
The theory makes sense intuitively.
The theory is falsifiable.
The theory is parsimonious.
The theory is supported by the data.

The theory makes sense intuitively.

Which of the following is a common way that journalists misrepresent science when they write about it for a popular audience?
recalculating and correcting the published statistics
exaggerating the strength of the findings
clearly reporting the findings of

exaggerating the strength of the findings

When the data from a study do not support the theory behind the study's hypothesis, what does that mean for the theory?
The theory should be discarded.
The theory should be made more parsimonious.
The theory is disproven.
The theory should be revised.

The theory should be revised.

Franchesca read about Elliot et al.'s (2007) study in which students scored lower on a cognitive test when the test had a red booklet cover. Franchesca is interested in the idea that the color red influences the perception of caution. Franchesca decides t

the theory-data cycle

Seligman (1975, 1991) proposed that animals who cannot escape an aversive outcome don't even try to avoid the aversive experience later, when they can escape it, because they don't perceive themselves as having control ("learned helplessness"). Latecia th

a hypothesis

Which of the following is primarily a consumer of research information?
marriage and family counselor
systems analyst

marriage and family counselor

All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." Which principle does this describe?
weight of the evidence
translational research
evidence-based treatment


Which of the following is an example of basic research?
a study investigating the effectiveness of a new treatment for depression
a study investigating whether a memory-enhancing strategy found to improve recall in the lab also helps third graders learn m

a study investigating whether children of divorced parents are more likely to be divorced themselves

Research done specifically to add to our general understanding of psychology is known as ______________.
basic research
applied research
translational research
quantitative research

basic research

Daniel's teacher tells him that his theory about dating is not strong because it is not falsifiable. What does she mean?
Daniel's theory is too complicated.
Daniel's theory has already been put forth by another psychologist.
Daniel's theory has already be

Daniel's theory cannot be disproven.

Which of the following outlines the correct order of steps in the theory-data cycle?
hypothesis, research design, theory, data
research design, data, theory, hypothesis
data, hypothesis, research design, theory
theory, research design, hypothesis, data

theory, research design, hypothesis, data