plant cell and tissues

Describe three main features of plant cells that distinguish them from animal cells. Your answer should list the name of the features and describe their function in plant cells.

-Cell wall : Provide protection and support
-Chloroplast: Site of photosynthesis
-Vacuoles: Used for storage or digestions store water, proteins, and waste materials.

Describe the difference between apical meristems and primary meristems.

-Apical meristem: In vascular plants its the growing point at the tip of the root or the stem.

Describe the difference between primary meristems and primary growth

- Primary meristem:
-Primary growth: the increase in length of the shoot and the root originating in the apical meristem.

What is the difference between a simple tissue and a complex tissue? Which tissues in a plant body are complex and which are simple?


Contrast indeterminate growth in plants to growth in animals.


In what way are vessel elements more efficient conductors of water than tracheids? In what way are they less safe?

-vessel elements are more efficient because they are larger in diameter, less safe because embolism stops water flows of cells from roots to leaf unless it can refill.

Compare and contrast the vessels and tracheids of the xylem with the sieve cells and sieve tube elements of the phloem

-vessel elements are the building blocks of the water transportation system of the plants. They are responsible for the ascent of sap from roots to leaves and the tip of the plants. These are lignified cells which are surrounded by parenchymal cells. Thes

What are trichomes? Describe at least 3 unique functions of trichomes.

-trichomes are often living cells.
Trichomes can run the gamut in structure, appearance, and texture. Some trichomes are frail, some coarse; some are branched like tree limbs, others star-shaped; some are long and straight, others are short and curly.

1. Which of the following statements about primary growth is FALSE?

It results in the thickening of the stem and root.

he two types of ______ cells are fibers and sclereids.


Stomata are the ______ between ______.

pores; guard cells

Which of the following statements concerning primary meristems is FALSE?

An example is the epidermis

Where does the shoot apical meristem arise in eudicot embryos?

between the two cotyledons

What is the membrane surrounding the vacuole?


Function of vacuoles?

Contain channels and pumps that regulates osmatics such as ions, water, and sugar molecules

Storage of vacuoles?

ions, water, sugar, pigment, waste, and enzymes that detoxify.

What is the cell wall of plants made of and when do they form?

cellulose formed when the plant is growing


cell to cell junction plasma membrane of adjacent cells are connected allows passage of materials between cells.


organelle where photosynthesis occurs


formation of an embryo, establish the apical (top) and basal (bottom) top consist of shoot system and shoot apical meristem, bottom root system root apical meristem

Radial axis of a plant

Outside outside - epidermis dermal system
inside vascular


retain potential to divide and give rise to different types of cells

Three primary meristems?

Protoderm > epidermis/ dermal tissue of cells
Ground meristem > ground tissue
Procambium > vascular tissue

Three types of ground tissue?

Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma

Parenchyma tissue

1 cell type, storage of photosynthesis secretions, alive at maturity, totipotent> revert to meristems to create new plant.

Collenchyma tissues

1 cell type, alive at maturity, thick flexible walls provide support for primary growth, stands along stems, leaves, veins, petiole.

Sclerenchyma tissues

2 cell types, dead at maturity, thick cell walls strengthen cell that are no longer elongating.
Fiber> long and slender ex juke
Sclerids> vary in shape seeds coats, hard nuts, gritty of pears

Vascular tissue

derived from pro cambium consist of the main tissues xylem and phloem


transport water and minerals


tranport food

Xylem tissues

(fxn) water transport mineral transport storage of food

Cell type of xylem

vessel elemnts
trachieds > transport water minerals
peranchyma cells . food storage
fibers > support


conducting cells gymnosperms and needles vascular plants

Vessel elements

found in flowering pants


transport food, hormones, lipids, RNA, aminoacids consist of sieve tube cells and (sieve elements > consist of companion cells)

Sieve tube elements

alive at maturity organelles > mitochondria, smooth er, plasma membrane, plastids.

Companion cells

parenchyma cells connect sieve tube elements provide ATP

Dermal tissue system

derived from primary protoderm from dermal tissue of leaves, fruits, flowers form tissue of stems and roots that haven't had secondary growth