Cellular Respiration #7 - Midterm

Cellular respiration

Complex process by which cells make ATP by breaking down organic compounds
-ATP produced
-products are reactants in photosynthesis and vis-a-versa
�aerobic respiration
-both autotrophs and heterotrophs undergo

Aerobic (respiration)

Process in which Peruvian Aric is broken down and NADH used to make large amount of ATP
-the part of respiration carried out with oxygen

Anaerobic (respiration)

Process that does not require oxygen


The breakdown of carbs by enzymes, bacteria, yeasts, or mood in the absence of oxygen
-Combo of glycolysis and additional pathways which regenerate NAD+
-main types:
�lactic acid

Lactic acid fermentation

Chemical breakdown of carbs that produces lactic acid as the main end product
-enzyme converts pyruvic acid made during glycolysis into another 3-carbon compound
1. NADH oxidized to form NAD+
2. NAD+ used in glycolysis, where again reduced to NADH

Alcoholic fermentation

Anaerobic process by which yeasts and other microorganisms break down sugars to form carbon dioxide
-plant cells and unicellular use to convert pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol
-two steps:
�CO2 molecule removed from pyruvic acid, leaving 2-carbon compound


Anaerobic breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid, which makes small amount of energy available to cells in form of ATP
1. Glucose (C6H12O6) (6), 2 ATP lend phosphate for energy
2. P-oooooo-P makes molecule unstable and must split to stabilize
3. P-o

Krebs cycle

Biochemical pathway that breaks down acetyl CoA, producing CO2, hydrogen atoms, and ATP
-5 steps in mitochondrial matrix
1. 2 acetyl CoA + 4 (strictly compound) oxaloacetic acid = citric acid
2. Citric acid (6) gives off CO2+H to form NADH
3. Now isocitra