Bio 285 exam 4

What happens when a cell-surface receptor activates a G protein?

The alpha subunit exchanges its bound GDP for GTP

T or F: Motor proteins move in a directional fashion along microtubules by using inherent structural polarity of protofilamen


T or F: Centromere nucleates microtubules in mitotic spindle

False; it's the centrosome

T or F: Because microtubules are subject to dynamic instability, they're used only for transient structures in a cell

False; although microtubules are subject to dynamic instability, their interaction with microtubule-binding proteins can stabilize them so they can be used to form stable structures like cilia and flagella

T or F: ATP hydrolysis by tubulin heterodimer is important for controlling growth of microtubules

False; GTP (not ATP) hydrolysis is important for controlling growth of microtubule

T or F: Nucleation of new filaments near the leading end pushes plasma membrane forward


T or F: ARP proteins nucleate branched actin filaments in the lamellipodia


T or F: Capping proteins bind to the minus end of actin filaments

False; Capping proteins bind to the plus end of actin filaments, preventing further assembly or disassembly from growing end

T or F: There's more ATP-bound actin at the leading edge than in actin filaments away from the leading edge


Which genetic change can't convert a proto-oncogene into an oncogene?
a. mutation that introduces a stop codon immediately after codon for initiator
b. mutation is in coding sequence that makes the protein hyperactive
c. amplification of number of copies


T or F: Tyrosine phosphorylation builds binding sites for other proteins to bind to receptor tyrosine kinases.


The protein Ras:
a. has one membrane-spanning a helix
b. is a protein kinase
c. binds directly to phosphorylated tyrosine residues on a variety of receptor proteins
d. is required for both the growth and differentiation of many different types of cells


Hormones are made by _____ cells and are carried to their target cells by ______.

Endocrine; the bloodstream

The growth factor RGF stimulates proliferation of cultured rat cells. The receptor that binds RGF is a receptor tyrosine kinase called RGFR. Which of the following types of mutations would be most likely to prevent receptor dimerization?
a. mutation that


T or F: IP3 is produced directly by cleavage of an inositol phospholipid without the incorporation of an additional phosphate group


T or F: Calmodulin regulates the concentration of intracellular Ca2+


T or F: Different signals originating from the plasma membrane can be integrated by cross-talk between different signaling pathways inside the cell.


T or F: the extracellular signal molecule acetylcholine has different effects on different cell types in an animal. It often binds to different kinds of cell-surface receptors on different cell types


The following happens when a cell-surface receptor activates a G protein:
a. the a subunit exchanges its bound GTP for GDP
b. the GDP bound to the a subunit is phosphorylated to form bound GTP
c. the a subunit exchanges its bound GDP for GTP
d. it activat


Are intermediate filaments found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?

animal cells

Are cell walls found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?

plant cells

Are microtubules found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?


Is cellulose found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?

plant cells

Is collagen found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?

animal cells

A major distinction between the connective tissues in an animal and other main tissue types such as epithelium, nervous tissue, or muscle is:
a. the ability of connective tissue cells such as fibroblasts to change shape
b. the amount of extracellular matr


Fibroblasts organize the collagen of the extracellular matrix by:
a. cutting and rejoining fibrils together inside of the cell for secretion
b. processing pro collagen into collagen inside of the cell for secretion
c. twirling fibrils together to make rop


Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: monomer that binds ATP

actin filaments

Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: includes keratin and neurofilaments

intermediate filaments

Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: important for formation of the contractile ring during cytokinesis

actin filaments

Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: supports and strengthens that nuclear envelop

Intermediate filaments

Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: their stability involves a GTP cap


Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: used in the eukaryotic flagellum


Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: a component of the mitotic spindle


Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: can be connected through desmosomes

Intermediate filaments

Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: directly involved in muscle contraction

actin filaments

Indicate which of the three major types of classes of cytoskeletal elements the statement refers to: abundant in filopodia

Actin filaments

Indicate whether the statement refers to a ciliary microtubule, a microtubule of the mitotic spindle, both types of microtubules, or neither type: the basal body is the organizing center

Ciliary microtubules

Indicate whether the statement refers to a ciliary microtubule, a microtubule of the mitotic spindle, both types of microtubules, or neither type: the monomer is sequestered by profilin


Indicate whether the statement refers to a ciliary microtubule, a microtubule of the mitotic spindle, both types of microtubules, or neither type: it is arranged in a '9 + 2' array

Ciliary microtubules

Indicate whether the statement refers to a ciliary microtubule, a microtubule of the mitotic spindle, both types of microtubules, or neither type: it is nucleated at the centrosome

Mitotic spindle microtubules

Indicate whether the statement refers to a ciliary microtubule, a microtubule of the mitotic spindle, both types of microtubules, or neither type: it uses dyne in motors


Indicate whether the statement refers to a ciliary microtubule, a microtubule of the mitotic spindle, both types of microtubules, or neither type: it's involved in moving fluid over the surface of cells

Ciliary microtubules

What is the function/feature of aster microtubules?

Interact with the cell cortex

What is the function/feature of kinetochore microtubules?

Link chromosomes to a spindle pole

What is the function/feature of interpolar microtubules?

Grow at plus ends to push spindle poles apart during anaphase

Cell movement involves the coordination of many events in the cell. Which of the following phenomena are NOT required for cell motility?
a. myosin-mediated contraction at the rear of the moving cell
b. integrin association with the extracellular environme


The hydrolysis of GTP to GDP carried out by tubulin molecules:
a. provides energy needed for tubulin to polymerize
b. occurs because the pool of free GDP has run out
c. tips the balance in favor of microtubule assembly
d. allows the behavior of microtubul


Which of the following conditions below is likely to decrease the likelihood of skeletal muscle contraction?
a. partial depolarization of the T-tubule membrane, such that the resting potential is closer to zero
b. a mutation in tropomyosin that decreased
