Chapter 3 Biology

What is ecology?

scientific study of interaction between organisms (living AND nonliving)

What is a "living environment"?

portions of the earth that supports life is called the biosphere, extends from the top of the atmosphere and the bottom of the ocean.

What is a biotic factor?

all living organisms in an environment

What is a abiotic factor?

all nonliving organisms in an environment

Examples of abiotic factors

air current, light, soil

What are the five levels of organization?

Organisms, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biosphere

What is studied in the level of "organisms"?

habitat and niche

What is a habitat?

A place where an organism lives

What is a niche?

How a species uses and effects its environment. Only one species may occupy a niche without competition.

What are some examples of a niche?

Zebra mussels and purple loose strife

What happens in a "population"?

Group of organisms of one species that interbreed, live in the same place at the same time.

What happens in a "community"?

Collections of interacting populations. A change in one will change another.

What is an example of a community?

Hawk vs Mouse. (Predator Prey Relationship)

What happens in a "ecosystem"?

interactions among populations in a community AND abiotic factors (land and water ecosystems)

What happens in a "biosphere"?

Entire planet (living and nonliving)

How do autotrophs obtain energy? What is their other name? What is an example? Can they make their own food?

From the sun; Producers; Plants; Yes

How do heterotrophs obtain energy? What is their other name? What are some examples? Can they make their own food?

Depend of autotrophs for energy; Consumers; Herbivores, Carnivores, Scavengers, Omnivores, Decomposers; No.

What is symbiosis?

close, permanent association of 2 different species "living together

What is commensalism? Examples?

One species benefits the other is not benefited or harmed; Birds living in trees & moss on trees.

What is mutualism? Examples?

Both species benefits; Termites and One-Celled Organisms

What is parasitism? Example?

One organism benefits but harms the other one; Tapeworms in a dog's intestines

What does a food chain show?

How matter and energy moves throughout an ecosystem

What contains the most energy?


Energy isn't lost it is just _____ while being turned into ______

Being transferred; heat energy

Each organism in a food chain represents a.....

Feeding step or TROPHIC LEVEL

What is at the bottom of an Eco Pyramid?


What is the second one up from the bottom in the Eco Pyramid?


What is the third one up from the bottom in the Eco Pyramid?


What is on the top of the Eco Pyramid?

Top Carnivores

How much energy is lost at EACH level?

90 percent

What are food webs?

express all possible food chains at each trophic level in a community