Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Funciton Study Guide

The Cell Theory

All organisms are made up of cells All cells come from pre-existing cells. The cell is the basic unit of all living things.


having cells that lack membrane-bound nuclei


having cells with 'good' or membrane-bound nuclei

plant cells

have cell wall have chlorophyll/chloroplasts large central vacuole

animal cells

No cell wall, no chlorophyll/chloroplasts, have lysosomes, have smaller vacuoles, have centrioles


process by which molecules tend to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated

Active Transport

the movement of materials through a cell membrane using energy


diffusion of molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration until the concentration on both sides is equal


process by which a cell takes material into the cell by infolding of the cell membrane

Facilitated Diffusion

movement of specific molecules across cell membranes through protein channels


the process by which a substance is released from the cell through a vesicle that transports the substance to the cell surface and then fuses with the membrane to let the substance out

hypertonic solutions

those with higher solute concentrations and lower water concentrations

hypotonic solutions

those with lower solute concentrations and higher water concentrations; cells placed in these solutions gain water; and if they lack a cell wall, may burst

isotonic solutions

contains the same concentration as the solute and the solvent means same solutes

cell specialization

the process in which cells develop in different ways to perform different tasks

multicellular organisms

organisms made up of many cells

unicellular organisms

a single-celled organisms


devices that produce magnified images of structures that are too small to see with the unaided eye


directs cell processes; contains the cell's DNA; stores information for cell growth function and reproduction

Nuclear Membrane

double membrane that surrounds the nucleus


helps manufacture protiens


produces ribosomes inside the nucleus


site of ribosome attachment; can be smooth or rough

Golgi Body

modifies sorts and packages proteins for transport outside the cell


membrane bound storage area within the vessel


vesicle that contains substances that digest excess or worn-out organelles


structure near the nucleus that functions during cell division


converts fuel particles into useable energy


captures light energy and converts it to chemical energy through photosynthesis

cell wall

gives support to plant cells

cell membrane

projections that allow the cell to move or to move substances along the surface of the cell


a tiny cavity filled with fluid in the cytoplasm of a cell