Eukaryotic Cells Chapter 1

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. All cells require molecular oxygen to live.
B. An individual ribosome can be seen with a phase contrast microscope.
C. Individual atoms can be seen with a confocal laser-scanning microscope.
D. At a molecul

D. At a molecular level, the members of the two domains of prokaryotes-the archaea and
bacteria-differ as much from each other as either does from the eukaryotes.

2. In what way are all cells alike?
A. They are round in shape.
B. They are about a tenth of a millimeter in diameter.
C. They store their genetic instructions in DNA.
D. They require oxygen to live.

C. They store their genetic instructions in DNA.`

3. How long ago is it estimated that the common ancestor for all of life existed?
A. Between 350 and 380 thousand years ago
B. Between 3.5 and 3.8 million years ago
C. Between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years ago

C. Between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years ago

4. Genetic change followed by selection are the fundamentals of what process?
A. Genetic drift
B. Evolution
C. Reproduction
D. DNA duplication

B. Evolution

5. Which statement is NOT true about the differences between liver cells and kidney cells from the same animal?
A. The different cells express different genes.
B. The different cells have different DNA.
C. The different cells have different roles in the b

B. The different cells have different DNA.

6. The cell theory states that ______________
A. All cells are formed by the division of preexisting cells.
B. All cells have genetic material that they pass on to daughter cells.
C. All cells require a continual input of energy to sustain life.

A. All cells are formed by the division of preexisting cells.

7. Which of these structures cannot be resolved with a conventional light microscope?
A. Ribosome
B. Mitochondrion
C. Bacterium
D. Nucleus

A. Ribosome

8. What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotes lack?
A. A nucleus and other internal organelles
B. A cell wall
C. A means of generating their own energy

A. A nucleus and other internal organelles

9. Which of the following are prokaryotes?
A. Plants and animals
B. Animals and archaea
C. Archaea and bacteria
D. Bacteria and fungi

C. Archaea and bacteria

10. The DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells is separated from the cytoplasm by the:
A. cell wall.
B. plasma membrane.
C. nuclear envelope.
D. endoplasmic reticulum.

C. nuclear envelope.

12. Which statement is NOT true of mitochondria?
A. Mitochondria have an inner and outer membrane.
B. Mitochondria contain their own DNA.
C. Mitochondria are thought to have originated from bacteria. D. Mitochondria are not present in plant cells.
E. Mito

D. Mitochondria are not present in plant cells.

13. Which statement is NOT true of chloroplasts?
A. Each has an internal stack of membranes and is enclosed by two membranes.
B. Chloroplasts contain their own DNA.
C. Chloroplasts are thought to have originated from bacteria.
D. Chloroplasts are present

D. Chloroplasts are present in essentially all eukaryotic cells.

14. Which of the following organelles is an irregular maze of interconnected spaces enclosed by a membrane that functions as the site where most cell membrane components, as well as materials destined for export from the cell, are made?
A. The Golgi appar

B. The endoplasmic reticulum

15. Which of the following organelles is a stack of flattened membrane-enclosed sacs, functioning in receiving and often chemically modifying the molecules made in the endoplasmic reticulum, and then directing them to the exterior of the cell or to variou

A. The Golgi apparatus

16. Which of the following organelles is a small, irregularly shaped organelle in which intracellular digestion occurs?
A. The Golgi apparatus
B. The endoplasmic reticulum
C. Lysosome
D. Peroxisome
E. Mitochondrion

C. Lysosome

17. What mediates the exchange of materials between the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, the lysosomes, and the outside of the cell?
A. The cytosol
B. Vesicles
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosomes
E. Peroxisomes

B. Vesicles

18. What is the name of the process by which eukaryotic cells engulf material captured from an external medium?
A. Symbiosis
B. Endocytosis
C. Exocytosis
D. Mitosis

B. Endocytosis

19. The largest single compartment in most cells is:
A. the nucleus.
B. the Golgi apparatus.
C. the lysosome.
D. the cytosol.

D. the cytosol.

20. Which of these is NOT part of the cytoskeleton?
A. Cytosol
B. Actin filaments
C. Microtubules
D. Intermediate filaments

A. Cytosol

21. What role is NOT performed by the cytoskeleton?
A. Pulling duplicated chromosomes to opposite poles in dividing cells
B. Transporting organelles and molecules from one place to another in the cytoplasm
C. Generating chemical energy
D. Controlling cell

C. Generating chemical energy

22. Which of the following statements about eukaryotic cells/organisms is FALSE?
A. In plant cells, a tough cell wall takes the place of a cytoskeleton.
B. The cytoskeleton is one of the few permanent fixtures in the cell.
C. Human cells are capable of su

B. The cytoskeleton is one of the few permanent fixtures in the cell.

23. Which organelle's ancestor was likely engulfed by primitive eukaryotes to help the cell survive in an oxygen-rich atmosphere?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Mitochondrion
C. Chloroplast
D. Cytoskeleton

B. Mitochondrion

25. Which statement is NOT true of E. coli?
A. E. coli is a model eukaryote.
B. E. coli is small, rod-shaped cell.
C. E. coli can be grown in the laboratory.
D. E. coli normally lives in the gut of humans and other vertebrates.

A. E. coli is a model eukaryote.

26. What is NOT a reason scientists study yeast?
A. It carries out all the basic tasks a eukaryotic cell must perform.
B. It lacks a nucleus so it is easy to genetically manipulate.
C. It could be cultured in an economical manner for isolating biological

B. It lacks a nucleus so it is easy to genetically manipulate.

27. Which of the following is a model plant used by scientists?
A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B. Arabidopsis
C. C. elegans
D. Drosophila

B. Arabidopsis

28. Early studies of Drosophila melanogaster showed that:
A. DNA exists only in eukaryotic organisms.
B. chromosomes exist in sets of three.
C. genes are carried on chromosomes.
D. eukaryotes carry their genes in self-replicating plasmids.

C. genes are carried on chromosomes.

29. Which of the following is frequently studied as a model vertebrate?
A. C. elegans B. Zebrafish C. Drosophila D. Arabidopsis

B. Zebrafish

30. Which term describes genes (and gene products) related by a common ancestral gene?
A. Analogous B. Homologous C. Vestigial

B. Homologous

31. DNA contains sequences that:
A. code for proteins.
B. code for functional RNA molecules. C. are seemingly dispensable.
D. regulate gene activity.
E. All the above

E. All the above

32. Who was the first person to describe living single cells?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

33. Choose the statements that are TRUE about Robert Hooke.
a. He coined the term "cell" to describe what he saw under his microscopes.
b. He invented a microscope using a glass bead.
c. He was a Dutch tradesman dealing in textiles.
d. He was an English s

(E) b, c

34. What are the three domains of life?

Archea Bacteria Eukarya

35. What are the features that are shared by all cells on Earth?

a. All cell and all living things, grow, convert energy from one form to another, sense
and respond to their environment, and reproduce themselves.
b. All cells are enclosed by a plasma membrane that separates the inside of the cell
from the environment.

36. Which of the following statements about procaryotes are TRUE?
A) They have no nucleus and therefore no DNA
B) They include bacteria, protozoan, and yeast
C) They do not have the Golgi apparatus
D) Some of them can collect energy from the sunlight.

C) They do not have the Golgi apparatus
D) Some of them can collect energy from the sunlight.

37. Fill in the blanks with the best words or phrases selected from the list below.
Cells can be very different: first, they come in various sizes, ranging from bacterial cells such as E. coli, which is a few __________________ in length, to larger cells

37. micrometers, millimeters, procaryotes, eucaryotes, yeast, plants, animals, amino acids, DNA

38. Find the two main reasons why specialized cell types in the body of a multicellular organism are different from each other.
A) the different cell types have fundamentally different organelles
B) different genes are switched on in different cell types

B) different genes are switched on in different cell types
C) different cells have different arrangement of similar set of organelles

39. List the following items in order of size from the smallest to the largest. Also, list the things that you have to utilize electron microscopy to observe.

39. myoglobin - ribosome - HIV--mitochondria--yeast cells--human epitheial cells EM is required for seeing myoglobin, ribosome, HIV.

40. What are the factors that are thought to limit sizes of cells smaller than 0.1 mm?

limitation in protein synthesis from two copies of a gene
limitation in the ability of cells to exchange substances with the environment Cellular reactions are largely dependent on molecular diffusion. Diffusion- dependent reactions become prohibitively s

41. From the list below, select the THREE cellular structures or compartments that are found in all cells.
A) Nucleus
B) Ribosomes
C) Lysosomes
D) Mitochondria
E) Chloroplast
F) Plasma membrane
G) Golgi apparatus
H) Cytoplasm

B) Ribosomes
F) Plasma membrane
H) Cytoplasm

The process by which a relatively unspecialized cell becomes highly specialized is called _______.
A) differentiation B) determination C) degeneracy D) denaturation E) renaturation

A) differentiation

45. Changes in DNA sequence from one generation to the next may result in offspring that are altered in fitness compared with their parents. The process of change and selection over the course of many generations is the basis of __________.
(A) mutation

(B) evolution

46. Given what you know about the differences between procaryotic cells and eucaryotic cells, rate the following things as "good" or "bad" processes to study in the model organism, E. coli.
A. formation of the endoplasmic reticulum
B. DNA replication
C. h

Bad: A, C, E. Good: B, D

The protozoan Didinium feeds on other organisms by engulfing them. Why are bacteria, in general, unable to feed on other cells in this way?

Because of the rigid cell wall of bacteria

48. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below
Eucaryotic cells are bigger and more elaborate than procaryotic cells. By definition, all eucaryotic cells have a __________________, usu

Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, cytosol, cytoskeleton

49. Which of the following organelles has both an outer and an inner membrane?
(A) endoplasmic reticulum
(B) mitochondrion
(C) lysosome
(D) peroxisome
(E) Golgi apparatus

(B) mitochondrion

50. C. elegans is a nematode. During its development, it produces more than 1000 cells However, the adult worm only has 959 somatic cells. The process by which 131 cells are specifically targeted for destruction is called
(A) directed cell pruning.
(B) pr

(B) programmed cell death.

52. Which of the following statements is false?
(A) Nuclei and mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane.
(B) Plants and animals are always multicellular.
(C) At a molecular level, members of the archaea domain and the bacteria domain are more simi

(C) At a molecular level, members of the archaea domain and the bacteria domain are more similar to each other than to members of the eucarya domain.

53. Choose the primary reason that explains why specialized cell types in the body of a multicellular organism are different from each other.
(A) different cell types have fundamentally different organelles
(B) different proteins are synthesized in differ

(B) different proteins are synthesized in different cell types

54. The antibiotic streptomycin inhibits protein synthesis in bacteria. If this antibiotic is added to a culture of animal cells, protein synthesis in the cytosol continues normally. However, over time the population of mitochondria in the cell becomes de

A If the mitochondria originated from an ancient aerobic bacterium that was engulfed
by an ancient eucaryote, as postulated, it is possible that an antibiotic that inhibits
protein synthesis in bacteria could also block that process in mitochondria.
B. We

55. What are the two most important ideas underlying the modern biology?

55. The theory of evolution, the cell theory