Cell Molec Exam 2


changing DNA into RNA

RNA polymerase

multiprotein complex that transcribes DNA from the 3' to the 5' end of the DNA

5' to 3'

RNA is generated from ___ _____ ____ end

promoter regions

places on double-stranded DNA that RNA polymerase binds to

pre-mRNA strand
complementary base pairing

RNA polymerase builds the _______ ___________ that is ________________________ to the DNA template by _________ ____________________ (elongation)


Once finished, RNA polymerase _______ the RNA and _________________ from the DNA strand

DNA processing

non-coding regions (including introns) are removed from the pre-mRNA and the exons are spliced together by the splieosome

5' cap
poly-a tail

A ___ _____ and a _______________ are added to protect the mRNA from _____________ and to allow export into the cytoplasm.


changing of mRNA into proteins

5' to 3'
start codon (AUG methionine)

Ribosome reads mRNA from ___ ___ ___ until it finds the ________ ________ (____ __________).

Eukaryotic translation initiation factors (EIFs)

facilitate initiation of translation (by assembling the ribosome 43's pre-initiation complex and 80s initiation complex) and elongation

amino acyl tRNA

___ nucleotide codons are matched to the correct _______ ________ ____

amino acids

__________ __________ are linked by the ribosome to form a chain.

translation elongation factors

facilitate chain elongation so that the amino acid chain can become a protein

release factors

recognize the stop codons to terminate translation


unwinds the mRNA secondary structure so that the nucleotide sequence can be read by the ribosome

E, P, A

Ribosomes have a small (_____) and a large (_____) subunit, and 3 tRNA binding sites (____________).

hydrolysis of GTP

acts as quality control at each step of translation (initiation, elongations, translocation of ribosomes, and termination)

DNA synthesis

creating DNA from DNA

DNA polymerase

reads the DNA template from 3' to 5' and builds new DNA from 5' to 3'

DNA polymerase

____________________ unwinds the DNA strand, _____________ makes short RNA primers, _____ ______________ builds the DNA strand that is complementary to the DNA template


removes torsional stress in unwound strands during DNA synthesis

leading strand
orazaki fragments
DNA ligase

The ________ ___________ is generated continuously but the lagging strand is made of short ____________ ____________ that are stitched together by _____ ______________.


Synthesis is _________________ (old parent and new daughter strands are paired together in the new DNA double helix


DNA replication is ____________________________ because two helicases unwind the DNa duplex in both directions from an origin.


units of heredity


different forms of a gene


set of alleles carried by an individual


observable traits

DNA cloning

method to increase expression of DNA of interest

Sanger Method

used to determine nucleotide seuqences

bacterial host
restriction enzymes
PCR polymerase

During DNA cloning, DNA is inserted into _____________ and expanded in a _____________ _________. Then it is ______________ from the plasmid using ___________ _______________. ______________________ are separated using _______________________. ___________

southern blot

quantified DNA expression in a sample

Northern Blot

quantifies RNA expression in a sample

Western Blot

quantifies protein expression in a sample

in-situ hybridization

localizes RNA in tissue

DNA microarray

measures changes in expression of mRNA corresponding to multiple genes


method of introducing gene expression into an animal cell

plasmid uptake

type of transfection that occurs via electroporation or chemical agents or viruses that are modified to carry the gene of interest

green fluorescent protein

localizes gene expression in tissue or label cell for gene expression

transgenic mice

used to knock out or knock in expression of a gene to study it in vivo

RNA interference

used to eliminate expression of a gene to study its function in vivo

protein coding genes
RNA coding genes
Tandemly-repeated genes
Non-protein Coding Functional RNA's
Repetitious DNA
Unclassified Spacer DNA

6 major classes of DNA

protein coding genes

55% of DNA that participate in alternative splicing

alternative splicing

produces different isoforms of a protein by introducing variations in the incorporation of the exons or coding regions of mRNA

tandemly-repeated genes

0.4% of DNA that includes small nuclear RNA and ribosomal RNA

small nuclear RNA

RNA confined to the nucleus that are involved in splicing or other RNA processing actions

ribosomal RNA

RNA required in the ribosome for protein synthesis

non-protein coding functional RNA's

non-coding RNA that is not translated into proteins and is used to regulate gene expression at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels

small nucleolon RNA

non-protein coding function RNA that is involved in rRNA processing and base modification


non-protein coding functional RNA that regulates messenger RNA translation and stability

repetitious DNA

simple-sequence DNA, which has short repeats, and includes micro- and mini-satellites

micro satellites

DNA regions with short, repeated sequences (1-13 base pairs)


DNA regions with larger, repeated sequences (14-100 base pairs)

DNA fingerprinting

technique to compare lengths of mini-satellites using southern blotting

interspersed repeats

longer sequences, composed of transposable elements

DNA transposons

small piece of DNA that inserts itself into another place in the genome


transpose as DNA or RNA that is then reverse transcribed to DNA

long terminal repeat retrotransposons

flanked by LTR region, similar to retroviral genome

mitochondria and chloroplasts

contain their own genome


achieve packing and organizing of chromosomal DNA


DNA/Histone complex


least compact form of DNA that appears as beads called nucleosomes on a string


most compact form of DNA that wraps around and forms a double helix


phase in which chromosomes are in the most compact form of two chromatids of identical DNA molecules joined at the centromere with telomere sequences at the ends to prevent shortening


the number, size, and shape of chromosomes during metaphase

replication origins

3 functional elements required by eukaryotic chromosomes to replicate and segregate


repeated sequence (TTAGGG) at the end of a chromatid that protect the chromosomes from enzymatic degradation


Telomeres _________________ with progressive cell ________________ because RNA ____________ are degraded on the lagging strand.


Standard _______ replication leads to loss of DNA at the _____ end of each strand.


prevents shortening by reverse transcribing its RNA template into DNA and active in germ, stem, and cancer cells but turned of in most "adult" cells

transcription (initiation/elongation)
RNA processing
mRNA export from the nucleus
translation into protein

points at which gene regulation can occur during the gene expression process

polymerase I

RNA polymerase that deals with rRNA (ribosomes)

polymerase II

RNA polymerase that deals with mRNA, sRNA (RNA splicing), siRNA(transcription control), miRNA (translation control)

polymerase III

RNA polymerase that deals with tRNA, rRNA, snRNA

RNA polymerase II

Transcription of a gene is regulated by the ability of _________________________ to intitiate __________________ or ______________ the RNA strand.


functional groups of proteins located adjacent in chromosone with a single promoter


short region of regulatory DNA that is recognized by the repressor protein

lac operon

operon that endoces 3 proteins to bring lactose into the cell and metabolize it

activators and repressors

control initiation of lac operon by monitoring what nutrients is available in the cell


When lactose and glucose are both present, cells preferentially metabolize _____________ becuase _________________ requires an enzyme to break it apart into ________________ and ______________.

no lactose but ample glucose

lac repressor binds to the operator region and blocks mRNA transcription

have lactose and glucose

lac repressor releases and transcription occurs at a low rate

have lactose but no glucose

lac repressor releases and there is an increased intracellular concentration of cAMP which binds to CAPs and activates them, filitates binding of RNA polymerase, and has a high rate of transcription


DNA sequence that specified where RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription of a gene (true for both eukaryotes and prokaryotes)

transcription factors

proteins that bind to the transcription control regions (which include promoter and regions upstream and downstream from the gene, within intron or beyond the gene regions) to repress or activate transcription

alternative control elements

Transcription of a single gene may be regulated by the binding of _________________ different transcription factors to __________________ ________________________ ______________________.

transcription control regions

a eukaryotic gene transcription control factor that includes the promoter and the DNA region involved in regulating gene transcription

transcription factor binding sites
gene expression

Transcription control regions may have some regulatory sequences that can be located ______ from the promotor as well as ____________ __________ ________________ __________ that enhance or inhibit ________ _____________.

TATA boxes

binding site that is associated with highly transcribed genes and helps to correctly position RNA polymerase II at the transcription binding site

CpG Islands

binding sites that are large quantities of CG sequences that can have several alternative start sites surrounding the gene


consists of a core (including TATA box) where transcription factors and Polymerase II bind, and promotor proximal element, where transcription factors bind

promoter proximal element

a regulatory sequence of DNA located 2000 base pairs from the start site

general transcription factors (TFIIA, TFIIB, etc)

needed in order for RNA Polymerase II to initiate transcription

binding protein

Factors must assemble at the __________ which includes the TATA box __________ ____________ that distorts the _________ to facilitate formation of the _________________________ complex.

pre-initiation complex

includes TBP, RNA Polymerase II, all other general transcription factors, and a helicase that unwinds the DNA strand


General transcription factors can also be regulated to ____________ or ____________ the rate of ___________________.

pairing of DNA into chromatin via histone modification

regulates the availability of genes for transcription

inactive genes

regulated in highly compacted regions of heterochromatin

transcribed genes

located in less compact regions of euchromatin

activators and repressors

interact with RNA Polymerase II to regulate assembly of the initation complex

RNA Polymerase II

Activators ___________, position, and _____________ transcription factors as well as _________________________ at the start of transcription.

mediator of transcription complex
pre-initiation complexes

Activors interact with ______________ _____ ___________ ____________ that binds to RNA Polymerase II and regulates assembly of ________________ ____________________.


Transcription may require ________________________ enzymes (chromatin remodeling complexes and histone acetylases) to increase ___________________ of DNA.

RNA polymerases
elongation factors

During transcription elongation, ___________ ______________________ are associated with _____________ _________________.

elongation factors

prevents polymerase from dissociating with DNA before it reaches stop site, and help it transverse through more compacted regions of chromatin during transcription elongation

transcription factors

can inhibit elongation or release elongation inhibitors


can compete with activators for DNA binding sites, or bind to activation domains of activators to inhibit them

chromatin remodeling complex:

multi-protein structure rewired for assembly of the transcription machinery at the promotor site

the co-activator complex mediator binds

After the chromatin remodeling complex remodels the chromatin to an open structure:

co-activator complex

interacts with multiple activators bound at enhancer or promotor-proximal elements to stimulate assembly of pre-initiation complex of the promotor


regulate gene expression in multiple cells and multiple genes

cell membrane

Hormones are small, _____________________ molecules that diffuse through the _____ ______________ to bind to _____________________ in the cytosol.


type of receptors for hormones located in the nucleus that repress transcription without hormones boudn to DNA by histone dacetylation

histone acetylation

When a heterodimeric hormone receptors is bound to a hormone, the ________________ promote ___________ _____________ and bind to the __________________.


where heterodimeric receptors are located

Heterodimeric receptors

hormone binding releases inhibitors

chromatin remodeling

heterodimeric receptor + hormones tanslocates to the ____________ to interact with ______________ ___________, ____________ acetylase complexes, and the ___________

heat shock genes

genes always in a state of paused transcript

heat shock TFs

heat shock activates ________ _________ __

proximal promoter regions
pol II

heat shock TFs bind to ___________ ___________ __________ of HS genes that then stimulates _____________ __ to continue elongation which induces ________ translation of HS genes


transcription memory

do not

Epigenetics involve ________________ or _____________________ alterations to gene expression that (Do/do not) affect the genome sequence

toxin exposure
possibly mental trauma

Epigenetics is caused by

cell differentiation

Epigenetics initially results from activity of ____ that regulate ________ ______________

dna methylation
multiple cell divisions

epigenetics changes are maintained by _________-_________________ modification of _________ ( includes acetylation, methylation, ubiquitinylation, phosohorylation, etc) and _______ _________________ (position 5 of cytosine pyrimidine ring) through _______

germ cell modifications

may be passed to offspring

mRNA processing
Export from nucleus could be blocked
Stability in cytoplasm
Based on location in cytoplasm
Affecting translation

Methods of Post-transcriptional control of gene expression

mRNA processing

Alternative splicing and choice of poly A sites

poly A tail
5' cap

Export from nucleus could be blocked if mRNA is missing ________ ______ or __ _____.

cytoplasmic exosomes

Stability in cytoplasm could be degraded by _________________ and ________________, followed by degradation by ________________ ____________ (note: longer poly A tails slow rate of degradation)


Pre-mRNA processing is often __________________________

carboxyl terminal domain

_________ guanylate capping of ___ end and by ____________ enzymes that associate with ___________ ______________ __________ (CTD) of RNA poly II

ribonucleoprotein particles

RNA associates with heterogeneous ____________________________ __________ (hnRNPS) that protect the mRNA from degradation

heterogenous ribonucleoprotein particles



hnRNPS also participate in splicing, _______________, and export to the cytoplasm

long genes

introns are spliced out (co-trranscriptional for ______ ______ only)


transcription terminates, poly A site is __________, ____________________ occurs, ________ are spliced out (for short genes only)


mature" mRNA + hnRNP proteins

small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles

___________ associated with certain proteins to form snRNPs ( ____ __________ _______________________ _____________)

exonic splicing enhancers
RNA binding proteins

Exon is recognized at regions called ________ _________ ____________ by ___ ________ __________ (SR proteins, which are a type of hnRNP)


RNA binding proteins assemble on a __________ to form a ______________=snRNA + pre-mRNA and force the branch point A of the pre-mRNA to bulge out


Proteins join 2 _______ and release the ________ as a "lariat structure

linear strands
3' to 5'

In the last step of splicing, introns are converted to ___________ ________ and digested by _____________ in the exosome (from ___ __ ___)

RNA editing

alters the sequence of pre-mRNA so that the sequence of amino acids differs from that in the genome


RNA editing is common in ____________ and _______ , but rare in _____________

nuclear envelope
nuclear pores

To transport to the cytosol, the mRNA must cross the __________ _________ through __________ ______

Nucleoporin proteins

forms nuclear pores

molecular cloud

___ nucleoporins extend into the pore and form a ______________ ________ that blocks movement through the pore

mRNP complex
nuclear exporters

____ __________ (mature mRNA + hnRNPs) associates with ________ _______ (NXF1/NXT1) (hydrophobic regions bind transiently to F6 domains)

nuclear exporters

dissociates in cytoplasm and return to nucleus

5' cap
cytoplasmic poly a

Translation initiation factor binds to ___ ______ and nuclear poly A binding protein PABPII is replaced with ____________ _____ ___ binding protein PABPI


Cytoplasmic gene control: ________ (~22 nucleotides) hybridize to the mRNA (at ___ region) to ___________ translation


Cytoplasmic gene control: ________ signal for the mRNA to be ___________


hybridizes perfectly with mRNA which leads to cleaving and degradation


Cytoplasmic gene control: ___________ can bind to 3' or 5' end of mRNA (binding to mRNA inhibits assembly of translation initiation complex)

mRNA degradation

Decapping pathway
Deadenylation-dependent pathway
Endonucleolytic pathway (cleavage)


changing DNA into RNA

RNA polymerase

multiprotein complex that transcribes DNA from the 3' to the 5' end of the DNA

5' to 3'

RNA is generated from ___ _____ ____ end

promoter regions

places on double-stranded DNA that RNA polymerase binds to

pre-mRNA strand
complementary base pairing

RNA polymerase builds the _______ ___________ that is ________________________ to the DNA template by _________ ____________________ (elongation)


Once finished, RNA polymerase _______ the RNA and _________________ from the DNA strand

DNA processing

non-coding regions (including introns) are removed from the pre-mRNA and the exons are spliced together by the splieosome

5' cap
poly-a tail

A ___ _____ and a _______________ are added to protect the mRNA from _____________ and to allow export into the cytoplasm.


changing of mRNA into proteins

5' to 3'
start codon (AUG methionine)

Ribosome reads mRNA from ___ ___ ___ until it finds the ________ ________ (____ __________).

Eukaryotic translation initiation factors (EIFs)

facilitate initiation of translation (by assembling the ribosome 43's pre-initiation complex and 80s initiation complex) and elongation

amino acyl tRNA

___ nucleotide codons are matched to the correct _______ ________ ____

amino acids

__________ __________ are linked by the ribosome to form a chain.

translation elongation factors

facilitate chain elongation so that the amino acid chain can become a protein

release factors

recognize the stop codons to terminate translation


unwinds the mRNA secondary structure so that the nucleotide sequence can be read by the ribosome

E, P, A

Ribosomes have a small (_____) and a large (_____) subunit, and 3 tRNA binding sites (____________).

hydrolysis of GTP

acts as quality control at each step of translation (initiation, elongations, translocation of ribosomes, and termination)

DNA synthesis

creating DNA from DNA

DNA polymerase

reads the DNA template from 3' to 5' and builds new DNA from 5' to 3'

DNA polymerase

____________________ unwinds the DNA strand, _____________ makes short RNA primers, _____ ______________ builds the DNA strand that is complementary to the DNA template


removes torsional stress in unwound strands during DNA synthesis

leading strand
orazaki fragments
DNA ligase

The ________ ___________ is generated continuously but the lagging strand is made of short ____________ ____________ that are stitched together by _____ ______________.


Synthesis is _________________ (old parent and new daughter strands are paired together in the new DNA double helix


DNA replication is ____________________________ because two helicases unwind the DNa duplex in both directions from an origin.


units of heredity


different forms of a gene


set of alleles carried by an individual


observable traits

DNA cloning

method to increase expression of DNA of interest

Sanger Method

used to determine nucleotide seuqences

bacterial host
restriction enzymes
PCR polymerase

During DNA cloning, DNA is inserted into _____________ and expanded in a _____________ _________. Then it is ______________ from the plasmid using ___________ _______________. ______________________ are separated using _______________________. ___________

southern blot

quantified DNA expression in a sample

Northern Blot

quantifies RNA expression in a sample

Western Blot

quantifies protein expression in a sample

in-situ hybridization

localizes RNA in tissue

DNA microarray

measures changes in expression of mRNA corresponding to multiple genes


method of introducing gene expression into an animal cell

plasmid uptake

type of transfection that occurs via electroporation or chemical agents or viruses that are modified to carry the gene of interest

green fluorescent protein

localizes gene expression in tissue or label cell for gene expression

transgenic mice

used to knock out or knock in expression of a gene to study it in vivo

RNA interference

used to eliminate expression of a gene to study its function in vivo

protein coding genes
RNA coding genes
Tandemly-repeated genes
Non-protein Coding Functional RNA's
Repetitious DNA
Unclassified Spacer DNA

6 major classes of DNA

protein coding genes

55% of DNA that participate in alternative splicing

alternative splicing

produces different isoforms of a protein by introducing variations in the incorporation of the exons or coding regions of mRNA

tandemly-repeated genes

0.4% of DNA that includes small nuclear RNA and ribosomal RNA

small nuclear RNA

RNA confined to the nucleus that are involved in splicing or other RNA processing actions

ribosomal RNA

RNA required in the ribosome for protein synthesis

non-protein coding functional RNA's

non-coding RNA that is not translated into proteins and is used to regulate gene expression at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels

small nucleolon RNA

non-protein coding function RNA that is involved in rRNA processing and base modification


non-protein coding functional RNA that regulates messenger RNA translation and stability

repetitious DNA

simple-sequence DNA, which has short repeats, and includes micro- and mini-satellites

micro satellites

DNA regions with short, repeated sequences (1-13 base pairs)


DNA regions with larger, repeated sequences (14-100 base pairs)

DNA fingerprinting

technique to compare lengths of mini-satellites using southern blotting

interspersed repeats

longer sequences, composed of transposable elements

DNA transposons

small piece of DNA that inserts itself into another place in the genome


transpose as DNA or RNA that is then reverse transcribed to DNA

long terminal repeat retrotransposons

flanked by LTR region, similar to retroviral genome

mitochondria and chloroplasts

contain their own genome


achieve packing and organizing of chromosomal DNA


DNA/Histone complex


least compact form of DNA that appears as beads called nucleosomes on a string


most compact form of DNA that wraps around and forms a double helix


phase in which chromosomes are in the most compact form of two chromatids of identical DNA molecules joined at the centromere with telomere sequences at the ends to prevent shortening


the number, size, and shape of chromosomes during metaphase

replication origins

3 functional elements required by eukaryotic chromosomes to replicate and segregate


repeated sequence (TTAGGG) at the end of a chromatid that protect the chromosomes from enzymatic degradation


Telomeres _________________ with progressive cell ________________ because RNA ____________ are degraded on the lagging strand.


Standard _______ replication leads to loss of DNA at the _____ end of each strand.


prevents shortening by reverse transcribing its RNA template into DNA and active in germ, stem, and cancer cells but turned of in most "adult" cells

transcription (initiation/elongation)
RNA processing
mRNA export from the nucleus
translation into protein

points at which gene regulation can occur during the gene expression process

polymerase I

RNA polymerase that deals with rRNA (ribosomes)

polymerase II

RNA polymerase that deals with mRNA, sRNA (RNA splicing), siRNA(transcription control), miRNA (translation control)

polymerase III

RNA polymerase that deals with tRNA, rRNA, snRNA

RNA polymerase II

Transcription of a gene is regulated by the ability of _________________________ to intitiate __________________ or ______________ the RNA strand.


functional groups of proteins located adjacent in chromosone with a single promoter


short region of regulatory DNA that is recognized by the repressor protein

lac operon

operon that endoces 3 proteins to bring lactose into the cell and metabolize it

activators and repressors

control initiation of lac operon by monitoring what nutrients is available in the cell


When lactose and glucose are both present, cells preferentially metabolize _____________ becuase _________________ requires an enzyme to break it apart into ________________ and ______________.

no lactose but ample glucose

lac repressor binds to the operator region and blocks mRNA transcription

have lactose and glucose

lac repressor releases and transcription occurs at a low rate

have lactose but no glucose

lac repressor releases and there is an increased intracellular concentration of cAMP which binds to CAPs and activates them, filitates binding of RNA polymerase, and has a high rate of transcription


DNA sequence that specified where RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription of a gene (true for both eukaryotes and prokaryotes)

transcription factors

proteins that bind to the transcription control regions (which include promoter and regions upstream and downstream from the gene, within intron or beyond the gene regions) to repress or activate transcription

alternative control elements

Transcription of a single gene may be regulated by the binding of _________________ different transcription factors to __________________ ________________________ ______________________.

transcription control regions

a eukaryotic gene transcription control factor that includes the promoter and the DNA region involved in regulating gene transcription

transcription factor binding sites
gene expression

Transcription control regions may have some regulatory sequences that can be located ______ from the promotor as well as ____________ __________ ________________ __________ that enhance or inhibit ________ _____________.

TATA boxes

binding site that is associated with highly transcribed genes and helps to correctly position RNA polymerase II at the transcription binding site

CpG Islands

binding sites that are large quantities of CG sequences that can have several alternative start sites surrounding the gene


consists of a core (including TATA box) where transcription factors and Polymerase II bind, and promotor proximal element, where transcription factors bind

promoter proximal element

a regulatory sequence of DNA located 2000 base pairs from the start site

general transcription factors (TFIIA, TFIIB, etc)

needed in order for RNA Polymerase II to initiate transcription

binding protein

Factors must assemble at the __________ which includes the TATA box __________ ____________ that distorts the _________ to facilitate formation of the _________________________ complex.

pre-initiation complex

includes TBP, RNA Polymerase II, all other general transcription factors, and a helicase that unwinds the DNA strand


General transcription factors can also be regulated to ____________ or ____________ the rate of ___________________.

pairing of DNA into chromatin via histone modification

regulates the availability of genes for transcription

inactive genes

regulated in highly compacted regions of heterochromatin

transcribed genes

located in less compact regions of euchromatin

activators and repressors

interact with RNA Polymerase II to regulate assembly of the initation complex

RNA Polymerase II

Activators ___________, position, and _____________ transcription factors as well as _________________________ at the start of transcription.

mediator of transcription complex
pre-initiation complexes

Activors interact with ______________ _____ ___________ ____________ that binds to RNA Polymerase II and regulates assembly of ________________ ____________________.


Transcription may require ________________________ enzymes (chromatin remodeling complexes and histone acetylases) to increase ___________________ of DNA.

RNA polymerases
elongation factors

During transcription elongation, ___________ ______________________ are associated with _____________ _________________.

elongation factors

prevents polymerase from dissociating with DNA before it reaches stop site, and help it transverse through more compacted regions of chromatin during transcription elongation

transcription factors

can inhibit elongation or release elongation inhibitors


can compete with activators for DNA binding sites, or bind to activation domains of activators to inhibit them

chromatin remodeling complex:

multi-protein structure rewired for assembly of the transcription machinery at the promotor site

the co-activator complex mediator binds

After the chromatin remodeling complex remodels the chromatin to an open structure:

co-activator complex

interacts with multiple activators bound at enhancer or promotor-proximal elements to stimulate assembly of pre-initiation complex of the promotor


regulate gene expression in multiple cells and multiple genes

cell membrane

Hormones are small, _____________________ molecules that diffuse through the _____ ______________ to bind to _____________________ in the cytosol.


type of receptors for hormones located in the nucleus that repress transcription without hormones boudn to DNA by histone dacetylation

histone acetylation

When a heterodimeric hormone receptors is bound to a hormone, the ________________ promote ___________ _____________ and bind to the __________________.


where heterodimeric receptors are located

Heterodimeric receptors

hormone binding releases inhibitors

chromatin remodeling

heterodimeric receptor + hormones tanslocates to the ____________ to interact with ______________ ___________, ____________ acetylase complexes, and the ___________

heat shock genes

genes always in a state of paused transcript

heat shock TFs

heat shock activates ________ _________ __

proximal promoter regions
pol II

heat shock TFs bind to ___________ ___________ __________ of HS genes that then stimulates _____________ __ to continue elongation which induces ________ translation of HS genes


transcription memory

do not

Epigenetics involve ________________ or _____________________ alterations to gene expression that (Do/do not) affect the genome sequence

toxin exposure
possibly mental trauma

Epigenetics is caused by

cell differentiation

Epigenetics initially results from activity of ____ that regulate ________ ______________

dna methylation
multiple cell divisions

epigenetics changes are maintained by _________-_________________ modification of _________ ( includes acetylation, methylation, ubiquitinylation, phosohorylation, etc) and _______ _________________ (position 5 of cytosine pyrimidine ring) through _______

germ cell modifications

may be passed to offspring

mRNA processing
Export from nucleus could be blocked
Stability in cytoplasm
Based on location in cytoplasm
Affecting translation

Methods of Post-transcriptional control of gene expression

mRNA processing

Alternative splicing and choice of poly A sites

poly A tail
5' cap

Export from nucleus could be blocked if mRNA is missing ________ ______ or __ _____.

cytoplasmic exosomes

Stability in cytoplasm could be degraded by _________________ and ________________, followed by degradation by ________________ ____________ (note: longer poly A tails slow rate of degradation)


Pre-mRNA processing is often __________________________

carboxyl terminal domain

_________ guanylate capping of ___ end and by ____________ enzymes that associate with ___________ ______________ __________ (CTD) of RNA poly II

ribonucleoprotein particles

RNA associates with heterogeneous ____________________________ __________ (hnRNPS) that protect the mRNA from degradation

heterogenous ribonucleoprotein particles



hnRNPS also participate in splicing, _______________, and export to the cytoplasm

long genes

introns are spliced out (co-trranscriptional for ______ ______ only)


transcription terminates, poly A site is __________, ____________________ occurs, ________ are spliced out (for short genes only)


mature" mRNA + hnRNP proteins

small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles

___________ associated with certain proteins to form snRNPs ( ____ __________ _______________________ _____________)

exonic splicing enhancers
RNA binding proteins

Exon is recognized at regions called ________ _________ ____________ by ___ ________ __________ (SR proteins, which are a type of hnRNP)


RNA binding proteins assemble on a __________ to form a ______________=snRNA + pre-mRNA and force the branch point A of the pre-mRNA to bulge out


Proteins join 2 _______ and release the ________ as a "lariat structure

linear strands
3' to 5'

In the last step of splicing, introns are converted to ___________ ________ and digested by _____________ in the exosome (from ___ __ ___)

RNA editing

alters the sequence of pre-mRNA so that the sequence of amino acids differs from that in the genome


RNA editing is common in ____________ and _______ , but rare in _____________

nuclear envelope
nuclear pores

To transport to the cytosol, the mRNA must cross the __________ _________ through __________ ______

Nucleoporin proteins

forms nuclear pores

molecular cloud

___ nucleoporins extend into the pore and form a ______________ ________ that blocks movement through the pore

mRNP complex
nuclear exporters

____ __________ (mature mRNA + hnRNPs) associates with ________ _______ (NXF1/NXT1) (hydrophobic regions bind transiently to F6 domains)

nuclear exporters

dissociates in cytoplasm and return to nucleus

5' cap
cytoplasmic poly a

Translation initiation factor binds to ___ ______ and nuclear poly A binding protein PABPII is replaced with ____________ _____ ___ binding protein PABPI


Cytoplasmic gene control: ________ (~22 nucleotides) hybridize to the mRNA (at ___ region) to ___________ translation


Cytoplasmic gene control: ________ signal for the mRNA to be ___________


hybridizes perfectly with mRNA which leads to cleaving and degradation


Cytoplasmic gene control: ___________ can bind to 3' or 5' end of mRNA (binding to mRNA inhibits assembly of translation initiation complex)

mRNA degradation

Decapping pathway
Deadenylation-dependent pathway
Endonucleolytic pathway (cleavage)