Cell Bio Exam 1

____ uses a light microscope with an optical component to take advantage of the different refractive indexes of light passing through different regions of the cell.

phase contrast

______ employs a light microscope and requires that samples be fixed and stained in order to reveal cellular details.

bright field

____ requires the use of two sets of filters. The first filter narrows the wavelength range that reaches the specimen and the second blocks out all wavelengths that pass back up to the eyepiece except for those emitted by the dye in the sample.


____ scans the specimen with a focused laser beam to obtain a series of two-dimensional optical sections, which can be used to reconstruct an image of the specimen in three-dimensions. The laser excites a fluorescent dye molecule, and the emitted light fr


____ has the ability to resolve cellular components a small as 2 nm.

transmission electron

____ requires coating the sample with a thin layer of a heavy metal to produce three-dimensional images of the surface of a sample.

scanning electron

Cell size is generally within the ___________ size range


__________ are fairly small organelles that provide a safe place within the cell to carry out certain biochemical reactions that generate harmful, highly reactive oxygen species. These chemicals are both generated and broken down in the same location.


What unit of length would you generally use to measure a typical human cell?


An ionic bond between two atoms is a transient bond formed as a result of electron transfer. What processes in the cell are modulated by the length and strength of these non-covalent bonds?

3d structure and interactions between macromolecules

Chemical reactions carried out by living systems depend on the ability of some organisms to capture and use atoms from nonliving sources in the environment. The specific subset of these reactions that breakdown nutrients in food can be described as ______


The nerve cell (______) has branching processes to communicate with 100,000 other neurons.


Paramecium ______ common in pond scum studied for its ability to move using its _____

protozoan, cilia

Bacteria uses its _____ to propel itself


Transmission electron microscopy can resolve down to ____ molecules.


_____: catalyses the production of translation; they "they make all the new proteins needed to keep the city working


____: most diverse of all cells, domains are Bacteria & Archaea. Can adapt to metabolize any material.


_____: cells that have a nucleus, membrane bound organelles, Yeast is the most simple out of these.


____: the power plant; generating the energy needed for the cell to grow and divide. the most abundant organelle in the cell. Theu oxidate food molecules to generate ATP (cellular energy currency) "cellular respiration". Contain their own DNA and reproduc


______: highway of the cell. forms an array of interconnected tracts which are involved in moving proteins around the cell, remember proteins are the functional units the "people" that do all the work

endoplasmic reticulum

____: involved in packaging and modifying proteins in the cells that are destined to be secreted "sent out" of the cell or sent to different locations in the cell.

golgi body

____: waste disposal system. break down food and release back to cell, and break down waste for recycling or excretion.


____: the site of most of the chemical reactions in the cells .


Three types of cytoskeleton:
a) ____: (____)
b) ____: (____)
c) ____: (____)

actin, thin, microtubules, thicker hollow tubes, intermediate filaments, cross hatch

Cytoskeleton is involved in:

the cells 3d structure, cell division and the correct division of chromosomes

_____: ER coated with ribosomes making proteins that need to be secreted.
_____: involved in lipid synthesis.

rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum

___: Genetic instructions are contained in a single, circular, double-stranded molecule of DNA, about 4.6 million nucelotides long and makes 4300 different kinds of proteins.

E. Coli

Saccharomyces cerevisiae: _______.

model eukaryote. single cell fungus.

Common wall cress: ______.

Produces thousands of offspring in 8-10 weeks, complete DNA sequence is known.

______: more than any other organism, has shown us how to trace the chain of cause and effect from genetic instructions encoded in the DNA to the structure of the adult multicellular organism.


____: transparent for the first two weeks of its life.

zebra fish

____ are the functional units of cellular life


During a condensation reaction: _____ is ____ as bonds ____

water expelled form

During a hydrolysis reaction: ____ is ____ as bonds ____.

water absorbed break

Fatty acids have a long ______ that is unreactive and ______. But they also have a _____ that is chemically reactive and _____. Fatty acids are considered _____.

hydrocarbon chain, hydrophillic, carboxyl group, hydrophobic, Amphipathic

Fatty acids make ____ and these make up _____.

lipids, membranes

Lipids are comprised of a hydrophilic head that contains: ____ ____ ___, and a hydrophobic tail that contains ___ ___ ___ ___.

polar group, phosphate, glycerol, two fatty acid tails

_____ molecules contain three fatty acids joined by a glycerol molecule. They have 6 x the energy in glucose. The two types of these are ____ (no double bonds- ex- meats and dairy) and ____ (contain at least one double bond- ex- olive oil, corn oil).

Triacylglycerol, saturated, unsaturated

Proteins: polymers of ____ ____.

amino acids

_____: covalent linkage between adjacent amino acids in protein chain

peptide bond

The structural polarity of the polypeptide chain goes from _____ (_____) to _____ (_____).

n-terminus, amino, c-terminus, carboxyl

The second law of thermodynamics states that: Universe, or any isolated system, the degree of disorder can only ____. Movement toward disorder is ____ and requires effort to _____ it

increase, spontaneous, reverse

____: measure of a systems disorder. ____ is energy in its most disordered form.

entropy, heat

_____ determine how atoms interact.


Atomic weight: _______ also known as ______.

number of protons and neutrons, molecular weight

Glycolysis makes: ___, ___, ___.
The reverse of this process is called _____.

2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, 2 ATP, gluconeogenesis,

1 mole of a substance will contain _____ molecules of that particular substance.

6 x 10^23

Which four elements make up 96.5% of living organisms weight?

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen

A positive charge concentrated toward one end of the molecule and negative charge toward the other end: _____.

polar covalent bond

Hydrogen bonds are weaker than ___ bonds and last a very short time.


Bond strength determind by bond: ___, ___, ___.

length, angles, energies

____: joining by chemical bonds


Chloroplasts resemble mitochondrian with these cell parts:

inner membrane, outer membrane, intermembrane space, DNA, ribosomes


nitrogen containing aromatic ring


linkage between the sugar and the base


sugar unit linked to a base


sugar linked to a base and a phosphate


five carbon sugar found in DNA

phosphoester bond:

the linkage between the five prime sugar hydroxyl and a phosphate group


five carbon sugar found in RNA

phosphodiester bond:

the linkage between two nucleotides

the site of the core genome


site of protein synthesis ready for cellular distribution

rough endoplasmic reticulum

modification of packing and proteins for secretion

golgi apparatus

recycling of intracellular materials


oxidative phosphorylation


carbon fixation


containment of toxic reactions


site of protein synthesis that contains the majority of metabolic pathways


All amino acids contain ____ and ____.

nh2, COOH

On a diet consisting of nothing but protein, what is the likely outcome?

excretion of more nitrogenous wastes

The link between bond-forming reactions and membrane transport processes in the mitochondria is called: ______.

chemiosmotic coupling

Two organelles that likely evolved from an ancient symbiotic relationship between eukaryotes and bacteria are:

chloroplasts, mitochondria

Viruses cannot replicate without a ____.
