Stem cells


1. Embryonic stem are derive from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst but are not inner cell mass cells
2. They are not identical to the inner cell mass there are genetic and pigenetic state


embryonic stems cell are derive from cells in th embryo


ES cell can be grown indefinitely in the undifferentiated state under specific condition


Embryonic stem cell can be made from the hole blastocyst or few pluripotent condition


1. ES can differentiate into any cell of the body depend on the factor use for differentiation


1. all the cell in the adult body is pluripotent


There are 200 cell type in the adult body


ES cell are pluripotent because they can't give rise to the extraembryonic layer because they are derive from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst so there were already differentiation


A blastocyst is a preimplantation embryo

What are stem cells

Stem cells are specialized cells that continually self-divide and generate progeny cells for organ formation and maintenance


The trophoblast would make placenta cells

Where are stem cells are found and what stage of life

1. they are found in many different tissues all stages of life, before birth and after birth.

What are two form of stem cells

1. embryonic stem cells
2. Adult stem cells

what stage and life you would found embryonic stem cells

1.This would be found in very early embryos
2. Embryos

what stage and life you would found adult stem cells

1. children and adults
2.within tissues of

What are totiptent stem cell

They are stem cell that can give rise to any and all cell of the human body.
They can give rise to a intire organism.
They cells are found on the first round of replication when the sperm and egg unite or at the very earliest stage of developement++.

What is plurippotent stem cell

1.These are stem cell in the body that have the poteintial to differentiate into any cells of the body.
2. However they can't give rise to a actual organism.
3.They are found on the fourth day of development
4.They are the the inner cell mass of the embry

Mechanism of cell division

1. The sperm and the egg fuse
2. The egg is fetilize
3. At this ealy stage of development all the cells are equaly capable of giving rise to intire organism. This know as Totipotent.
4. After a few around of cell division the cells begin to loose this tot

Where pluripotent stem cells are derive from

1. They are derive from early ebryo the blastocyst

Is embryonic stem stem cells are plurippotent or totipotent and why

1. Pluippotent
2. They only can give rise to any cell of the actual embryo or the organism bu not the extraembryonic layer like the chorion or the placenta

What are so special of adult stem cells or multipotent

1. They lived in tissue of organism

What is the different bettween adult stem cell in embryonic stem cells

1. Adult stem cells live and are found int the tissue of the organism.
2. embryonic stem cell do not live or found in the embryol, they are derive from a ealry embryo in the blastocyst stage

Where does a Embryonic Stem Cells(ESC) live

1. They lived in a petri dish outside the organism

What cell in the Embryonic Stem Cells(ESC) are drive from.

1. Inner cell mast

What stage of Blastocyst due you take Embryonic Stem Cells(ESC) and how many day is that

1. Pre implantation stage
2. 4 days

What so special about Embryonic Stem Cells(ESC) in their undifferentiated state

1. They can differentiate indefintely into all cells of the adult body.

What does the term pluripotency means

1. The ability of differentiate indefinitely into all cells of the adult body.

what is the basic mechanism of ebryonic stem cell extract

1. the egge is fertilize
2. devide into two
3. devide into 4
4. devide into 8 round of cell
5. devide into the blastocyst
6. The inner cell mast of the blastocyst is remove and culture with substance that will prevent them from differentiate and futher de

What is the important step when culturing a Embryonic Stem Cells(ESC) in the pe-tri dish

1. Must inhibit the cell from differentiating

What is the structure of the Blastocyst

1. It shape of a ball of cell
2. in the inner part of the ball the cell are the inner cell mast that give rise the organism
2. In the inner part of the ball that is empty no cells is the blastocyst cavity
3. Surrounding the ball is the Trophoblast which g

What is the the ethical concern of Embryonic Stem Cells(ESC) research and give example why

1. Embryonic Stem Cells(ESCs) is derive from cell from one or two embryol
2. If the blastocyst is implanted back into the mother for pregnancy it could develop into a fetus then a new born baby


The ethical concern have a gray area because after IVF the cell can be throw away or be use for research base if the couple want it


1. Fertilize egg develop into morula
2. blastocyst
3. The inner cell mass is taking
4. Put cell into a agar, most will die few live

What is the only stem cell that is capable of producing all every cell type of the body or the three germ layer depend on cocktail use?

Embryonic Stem Cells(ESCs)

Is embryonic stem cell method is efficient

1. No, it is inefficient

Out of 150 embryol how many blastocyst one can obtain from 12 mice and how many ESCs with normal karyotypes

1. 97 blastocyst
2. 3 ESCs with norma karyotype

What cells in the body can ESCs can be induce to differentiate into the easiest and why.

1. Ectodermal
2. This the first germ layer to form during embryo-genesis

What is the second cells in the body which ESCs can be induce to differentiate which dont require a lot of step and why.

1. Mesodermal cells
2. They are the second germ layer to form during embryo genesis
ex: Muscle, blood, cardiomyocyte.

Where are the cell cell in the body from which are very difficult for ESCs to differentiate into and why

1. Endoderm
2. They are the last germ layer form during embryo genesis
example: islet cell

Wha In Vitro Fertilization(IVF) used for

1. People that have difficult pregnacy

What is the problem of human embryonic stem cells(ESCs) In Vitro Fertilization(IVF)

1. Not all eggs will fertilize and develop properly into a blastocysts.

In In Vitro Fertilization(IVF) what happen to the blastocyst that are not implanted

1. they are frozen for another pregnacy
2. They are discard

What happen to the discard blastocyst

1. They are used to derive embryonic stem cell in the lab with the approval of the donor

What commitees aprove using human embroyonic stem cell for research

1. IRH
2. Ethic commitees

What are the step in In Vitro Fertilization(IVF)

1. The fusing the egg and the sperm
2. Fertilization
3. Morula
4. Blastocyst
5. derive the inner cell mass cells
6. Let the cell devide
7. let the cell differentiate into the cell you want
8. Maybe Implant into host


Two type of pluripotent stem cell embryonic stem cells and induce pluripotent stem cells which they can make any cell of the body

Why is Embryonic stem cells research is so important for therapy

1. The cell are very plastic they have the potential to differentiate into all functional cell type of the embryo including organs depending on cocktail.
2. They can form the three germ layers

What are the problem using embryonic stem cells(ESCs) for research and therapy

1. Not every efficient during derivation
2. Contamination with other cells can induce factors or differentiation
3. Scaling
4. The cell might dedifferentiated because they are not fully mature which can cause teratoma formation

What is the problem with scaling in ESCs research

1. Most of the studies are done on mice or rodent that have very small organs so it is very difficult to scale it to human size in the petri dish because it can alter the experince.
2. Scaling and amplification of cell is a big issue

What is Teratoma

1. It is a benign tumor that is form when a differentiated stem cell de-differentiate to pluripotent .

What drug discovery can ESCs can help found in research?

1. Factors necessary for regeneration and repair of tissue

What is the problem when it come to maturity of differentiated stem cells

1. They are not mature


Can grow a entire heart or kidney form ES

What tect use to make differentiated stem cells into kidney or other organ

1. Three dimensional Matrix (polymers Matrix)

What are two type of pluripotent stem cells

1. Embryonic stem cells(ESCs)
2. Induce Pluripotent stem cell(IPSc)

How are Embryonic stem cells(ESCs) and Induce Pluripotent stem cell(IPSc) are alike

1. They are very similar but not identical

What are adult stem cells

1. They are stem cells that are found within tissue of children and adults or different part of the body


The most popular adult stem cell is the hematopoietic stem cells which is from the bone marrow

What are example of Adult stem cells

1. Neural stem cells(SV) zone of the brain
2. Cardiac stem cells
3. Mesenchymal stem cell
4. Hematopoietic


1. There is a potential of regeneration of the brain because it have adult stem cells but it occur very slow

Where are adult stem cells are derive from

1. Brain(SV) zone
2. Bone marrow
3. Adipocyte
4. Hematopoietic

How adult stem cells are differ from ESCs

1. They have different properties
2. They have limited cell types related to the tissue that the stem cells originate from


1. Hemattopoetic cell can only differentiate into limited amount of cells

Where is Hemaopeitic stem cell(HSCs) derive from

1. Bone Marrow

What form of cell can the Hematopoeitic can form

1. All the blood cells
2. White or red

What does the body required or use Hematopoeitic stem cells for

1. Daily turnover of blood
2. Fighting infections

What tect use to obtain Hematopoeitc stem cells(HSCs)

1. Bone marrow aspiration
2. this tect one would use cytokines (G-CSF) to move them into the peripheral blood stream so that they can be obtain

What is the first stem was used successfully in therapy

1. Hematopoietic stem cell(HSCs) like blood cancer and luekeimia


A adult stem cell is multipotent


The stem cell from the morula is the only cells that are totipotent


HSCs can self devide

What are the to 2 progenitor Hematopoeitic stem cells(HSCs) first give rise to

1. Lympnoid progenitor
2. Myeloid progenitor

What are the two stem cells Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to.

1. two progenitor
2. The HS

What are the cell that Lymp noid progenitor differentiate to

1. T- Lymphocyte
2. B- Lymphocyte
3. NK cells

What are the cell that Myeloid progenitor differentiate to

1. monocyte/ macrophage
2. granulocyte
4. erythrocytes

What is the problem with growing Hematopoetic stem cells in the petri dish

1. They dont live long
2. They are subject to mutation because of the different environment.

What cancer can HSCs can be use for to treat patient and how

1. Leukemia
2. Eradicate the patient stem cell
3. Multiple Hematopoietic stem in the petri dish
4. Transplant into the patient
5. take over patient bone marrow system
6. If there a match
7. The HSCs will populate within the right niche


1. Mesenchymal stem cells are another adult stem cells found in the bone marrow

What is Mesenchymal stem cells

1. They are multipotent mesodermal cell that give rise to osteoblast, chondrocyte and adipocyte

Where is Mescenchyamal stem cells derive from

1. Bone marrow

What are the cells Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into

1. Fat cells
2. cartilage, bone, ligament a nd tendon
3. muscle cells
4. Dermis skin cells
5. Nerve cells
6. Very flexible

how quantities mesenchymal stem cells can be obtain compare to other stem cells(SCs)

1. Large quantities

How are Mesenchymal stem cells differ from other stem cell when growing in culture of petri dish

1. They can be maintain and cultured for a long periods of time

How can Mescenchymal stem cells genetic information can be useful compare to other adult stem cells

1. They can be genetically manipulated
2. Incorporation of DNA sequences from patient and if there is a mutation can be fix

What can occur if Mescenchymal stem cells are not culture properly

1. They can form tumors
2. This can occur because they like to grow sparse from each other if they start clumping tumor might form

Are Mescenchymal cell being use for clinical

1. yes

Does adult stem cells have any ethical issue

1. No

What is a another name for Mescenchymal stem cells

1. Stromal stem cells


Mesenchymal stem cell and hematopoietic stem cell can be obtain from exporation of the bone marrow


Mesenchymal stem cell and hematopoietic stem cells can be separated by adhesion properties

Since Hematopoetic stem cells and Mescenchymal stem cells are both found in the bone marrow how to differentiate them from a bone marrow extraction

1. When you put bone marrow in a petri dish you will have two popluation of cells with different physical properties
2. One cell will stick to the bottom of the petridish and the other will be in supenstion
3. The cell that stick to the bottom of the dish


The significant why hematopoietic stem cell don't attach in a petri dish is they don't like attachment they like to circulate.


The other way to separate hematopoietic stem cell and myschema stem is using antibody

When extract bone marrow into a petridish how you know the stem cell is Hematopoetic stem cells Vs Mescenchymal stem cells

1. Hematopoetic stem cells give rise to cell that are suspended so you would look for the cell that remain suspended in the petri dish

When extract bone marrow into a petridish how you know the stem cell is Mescenchymal stem cell Vs Hematopoetic stem cells

1. Mescenchymal stem cells give rise to cells that stick to things so you would look for the cell that stick to the bottom of the petri dish

What are neonatal stem cells

1. They are stem cells found in the Umbilical cord

Why are Umbilical cord stem cells are known as the in between stem cells

1. They are collected immediately after birth
2. They have more properties than adult stem cells

What kind of stem cells are Umbilical cord are rich source of

1. Hematopietic stem cells

How mature are Umbilical cord stem cells

1. They are more mature than embryonic stem cells but less mature than adult stem cells

What is the special in the procedure of obtaining Umbilical cord stem cells

1. can be obtain non invasive
2. can get alot

What cancer can Umbilical cord stem cells can be use to study

1. Leukemia and other blood disorder


1. The reason why the immaturity of the neonatal stem cells are good because they don't have the antigen that would cause reaction in a different person
2. The are bad because they are not as mature as adults hematopoietic stem cell where some properties

How umbilical cord stem cells are differ from adult stem cells in therapy as far a host rejection and why

1. They don't have a strong graft-versus- host disease because they did not develop histocompatibility antigens
2. Because they are immature

what is graft-versus- host diesease

1. When the cell or the graft does not recognize it environment and attack it.


Neural stem cell and cardiac stem cell there differentiate capability depend on the age of the subject
2. They generate very slow

What is the different between adult stem cell and ESCs

1. Adult stem cell live and are derive from the organism
2. Embryonic stem are derive from the embryol but live in a petri dish

What does adult stem cell mature to

1. Specialized organ specific cells

What is Asymmetric division in adult stem cell undergo

1. One of the daughter cell retain the stem cell characteristics the others cell are destine for limited number of future division and will produce the more organ-specific cells

How are adult SCs self renewability in the niche vs the petri dish

1. Adult SCs live and can renew indefinitely in their niche
2. In the petri dish HSCs they can not renew in culture without much success unless one use cocktail of growth factors

How are grow in the petri dish differ in Adult stem cells vs ESCs

1. Embryonic stem cell renew themselves indefinitely in the dish, while adult stem cell do not

How to create a patient specific stem cell using mesenchymal stem cell

1. Mesenchymal stem cell can be manipulated genetically and fix the mutation and make the stem cell that is needed


Patient specific work well because it is from the patient


The best way to make patient specific embryonic stem cell is using somatic cell

What is somatic cell nuclear transfer

1. It is when a patient somatic cell nucleus is remove and place in a egg where it's nucleus was removed to obtain embryonic stem cell with the patient genetic information

Why Somatic cell nuclear transfer or theraputic cloning is important

1. This allow culture patient specific embryonic stem cells, matching the patient immunological profile
2. To avoid rejection

What is the mechanism of Somatic cell nuclear transfer or theraputic cloning

1. The nucleus of a unfertilize egg cell is remove
2. The nucleus of a patient somatic cell is put inside the egg
3. in a culture dish, the unfertilize egg is coaxd or persuade into developing as if it been fertilize.
4. Morula
(4-5) days
5. Blastocyst (n

Have SCNT tect been successful in human

1. Yes


1. Now patient specific embryonic stem cells can be made using SCNT

What are the problem and ethical concern in SCNT

1. Donor don't can't funded for using their eggs
2. Teratom potential
3.Not enough egg


1. Embryonic stem cell have a lot problem for research especially for the scientific aspect

Why one cant use a animal egg for SCNT because of the limited supply of eggs

1. Because the MIT DNA com from the mother

Is patient specific SCNT hESCs possible yet

1. Yes

What is Induce pluripotent stem cells(IPS cells)

1. This a method to de-differentiate adult fibroblast cell to the pluripotent stage using yamanaka factor

Are IPS and ESCs are identical

1. They are similar but not embryonic stem cell

What are the 4 transcription factor that make up the Yamanaka factors

1. Oct 3/4,
2. Sox2
3. C-myc
4. Klf4


1. The reason why induce pluripotent are not call embryonic stem cell because they are not derive from the embryol but a adult fibroblast

What are the Yamanaka factors that induce pluripotent stage in fibroblast cell

1. They are 4 transcription factor that is use to de-differentiate adult cell


1. IPS have been made in mice human and other species


1. IPS cell must create teratomas for the three germ layers for pluripotent

How did Jaenisch prove that he can fix a mix from sickle cell disease using IPS cells

1. He took a blood cell from the mice (patient sepicific)
2. He differentiate it back to it pluripotency stage
3. fix those cells and grow them in a petri dish
4. he differentiate them into blood cells
5. Eradicated the mouse bone marrow
6. replace the ne


1. Now there is human IPS cells, Human ES cell and human ES cell from scnt


IPs cell are use for many dissiease

What must used to find out if IPS cell is at their pluripotency stage

1. Rigorous essay

What are dissease you can fix in the petri dish using IPS cells tect

1. Long QT syndrome using cardiac myocytes
2. ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig disease, with neurons

Comparing I.p.s cells to embryonic stem cell what so speciall about IPS cells for therapy

1. Patient specific IPS cell can be made for therapy
2. ESCs can't make patient specific
3. Can cure disease in the petri dish


1. They use to use retrovirus for IPS tect

Why the old method of making IPS cell were more like to form tumor

1. One of the Yamanaka factor or transcription factors is a oncogene C-myc, result in oncogenic sequence
2. That been fix

How does the old method of de-differential factor use to affect the genome

1. Integration of dedifferentiation factor into the genome
2. One is a retrovirus sequence(that have been fix)

What is the efficiency of IPSc

1. The efficiency is very low but getting better

How does differential potential vary from cells

1. Cell can only differentiate into it future cell
2. It take a lot of tect to differentiate a cell from something it was not


1. Big issue of ips cells is teratoma and epigenetic memory

What is the problem as far a using a single cell

1. They may have many mutations

How are the level of maturity once the IPSc differentiate

1. They are very imature they look like neonatal cells


1. IPS cell will tend differentiate to the cell they came from because they still retain some epigenetic memory


1. Cell that differentiate from pluripotent stem cell also including embryonic stem cells are alway immature

What other factor can be use to to form reprogram cell to Pluripotency or create IPSc to limited all the technical issue

1. Replacing the factor with small molecules
2. Modified RNA
3. Proteins
4. micro RNA


1. IPS cell can be made from blood, urine and also fibroblast.

How is IPS cell tect differ from transdifferentiation

1. Transdifferentiation cell do not pass the pluripotent stage
2. Transdifferentiation do not cause teratoma formation


IPS cell come from an adult fibroblast cell to a pluripotent state then to another adult stem cell

What tect use to differentiate pancreatic exocrine cells(melton) to pancreatic beta cell(insulin-secreting)


What is the process of transdifferentiate

1. This is a alternative IPSc tect used to differentiate a adult cell to another adult cell without going through pluripotent state


Since IPS go through pluripotent it may cause teratoma


In the process of trandiffiration one must use transcription factor that results specific cells


The efficiency of transdifferentiation is very low

What tect use to differentiate cardiac fibroblast cells to cardiac myocytes


What tect use to differentiate fibroblast cells to Hematopoiec progenitors


What tect use to differentiate fibroblast cells to Motor neurons without going through pluripotent stage
