Pearson Science 2 Cells


Powerhouses of the cell which release energy from food


Microscopic factories that produce the proteins used by the body for growth and repair


Garbage disposal units that get rid of waste from the cell

Endoplasmic reticulum

Form pathways that allow materials to move quickly and easily through the cell


Control centre of the cell, controls chemical reactions, how the cell develops and reproduces

Cell membrane

The skin that holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out


Watery, jelly-like mixture containing many smaller parts where the work of the cell takes place


May be several in an animal cell containing wastes or chemicals that are being moved around the cell. In a plant cell they are large and occupy most of the cell. They store water, waste and nutrients.

Cell wall

Plants have this outside the cell membrane, helps support the plant and give it shape


Contain a green substance called chlorophyll and are the site of photosynthesis


The process by which plants manufacture their food

What would happen if the membrane of a cell burst?

All the contents of the cell would leak out and the cell would die

What would happen if the nucleus was removed from a cell?

There would be nothing to control what happened in the cell

What would happen if plant cells had no chlorophyll?

Plants would not be able to manufacture any food and would die

Which organelles would be present in large numbers in cells that require a lot of energy?


Which organelles would be present in large numbers in cells that manufacture proteins?


Which organelles would be present in large numbers in cells that carry out photosynthesis?


Identify this cell: it is rigid, no green structures seen under high powered microscope?

Fungal cell

Identify this cell: the picture produced by an electron microscope showed channels that criss-crossed the cell

Endoplasmic reticulum

Identify this cell: chemical tests revealed that energy was released in large quantities


Identify this cell: there was a rigid outer layer surrounding a watery jelly with distinct green areas

Plant cell

Compare plant and animal cells

Both plant and animal cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, a nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic, mitochondria and vacuoles. Plant cells have single large vacuole, animal cells have many. Only plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts.

Contrast plant and fungal cells

Fungal cells do not have chloroplasts like plant cells, plant and fungal cells have cell walls but they are made of different chemicals.

List 3 specialised cells found in plants

Guard cells, photosynthetic cells, conducting cells, structural cells or root hairs

List 3 specialised cells found in animals

Voluntary muscles, involuntary muscles, nerve cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, white fat cells, or brown fat cells

What does the prefix 'uni' mean as in 'unicellular'


What does the prefix 'multi' mean as in 'multicellular'?


Name a leaf cell where the plant's food is made?

Photosynthetic cells

Name animal cells that send electrical messages around the body?

Nerve cells

Name animal cells which help fight infection?

White blood cells

Name cells that control the gases going into and out of a leaf?

Guard cells

What is a specialised cell?

Cells that have a special job to do in the body and has a structure that makes them better able to do their job

Voluntary or involuntary: muscles of upper leg?


Voluntary or involuntary: tongue?


Voluntary or involuntary: muscles in the oesophagus?


Name 4 different organs in the body?

Skin, kidney, heart, liver

List 3 systems in the human body?

Digestive, respiratory, excretory, nervous, reproductive

Name the type of cell division that makes new cells in your body?


What is meant by term organ system?

Several organs that work together to complete a task

Why is skin an organ rather than a tissue?

Skin contains many different types of cells organised into tissue layers. Skin is an organ because it is made up of many different tissues.

The contraction of muscle tissue can cause your arm to bend whereas the contraction of a single muscle cell would have no effect. Why?

Cells are tiny so contraction only has microscopic effect. Millions of cells working together has a much more amplified effect.

Contrast a cell and a tissue.

A tissue is composed of many cells of the same type. A cell is a small part of s tissue.

Contrast an organ and a system.

Organs are made up of a number of tissues and complete part of a task, eg. The small intestine performs the absorption part of digestion.
Systems are made up of a number of organs and complete all aspects of a task eg. The digestive system performs all as