
the study of the mechanisms of drug actions and effects - what drugs do to the body


he study of the factors that determine bioavailability = what the body does to the drug

time course

timing of the onset, duration, and termination of a drug's effect


how much of the drug actually reaches the target


pharmacokinetics are relative to the dose, (how much was consumed/administered)


Route of administration - how we take it. main contributor to absorption, speed and intensity of drug effects, reinforcement, abuse potential
Absorption - how it gets into blood stream
Distribution - how it gets around the body and into brain
Metabolism -

Route of Administration types

Oral administration
Mucus membranes/skin
Injection (IV, IP, IM, SC) -fastest to achieve psychoactive drug effect

Oral administration

pros: safe and tasty
cons: slow and complicated, unpredictable
must dissolve in stomach fluid
must survive stomach acid
potential enzymatic degredation
could be delayed by fatty foods
'first pass' at liver


pros: fastest and direct
lung capillaries --> left heart--> brain
cons: drug type
irritation in lungs
dosing can be difficult to control
rapid offset

Mucus membrane

Skin, sublingual, intranasal (snorting or nasal spray), vaginal, rectal
pros:rapid bloodstream absorption
cons: dosing
local effects on membrane (coke)
absorption can vary by molecule


IV: pros: rapid, accurate dosing
strong/fast effects
cons: most dangerous for same reason
blood vessels collapse after repeated use
infections from needles (hepatitis/HIV)

Absorption depends on

Route of administration
� Dose
� Dosage form (pill/powder/liquid)
� Drug lipid solubility
- Passive diffusion across lipid membranes- More lipid soluble more rapid absoption - Concentration gradient!!

Distribution affected by:

The body's membranes:
� Stomach lining
� Capillary walls
� Cell membranes
� Placental barrier
� Depot binding
� Brain distribution: Blood Brain Barrier

Depot Binding

Depot = temporary inert binding site within body, like circulating proteins/fat/muscle
-reduces concentration in blood
-delays onset/peak
Released when drug concentration is lower/other drugs compete
-delay metabolism/elimination
-cause drug interaction

Blood Brain Barrier

Internal barrier between blood and brain. Regular capillaries have porous walls, but brain capillaries don't. tight junctions and covered by astrocyte glial cells.

Transmembrane diffusion

drugs, to get past BBB, must pass through capillary wall and glial sheath. Rate of passage determined by
-size of drug molecule
-lipid solubility


Some drugs get excreted as is in breath/sweat (think breathalyzer)
Most drugs too lipid-soluble to be excreted naturally in urine. So drugs undergo enzyme-catalyzed chemical changes/breakdown
- "Biotransformation"
- Stop drug action

Phase 1 metabolism

Typically in liver.
o Phase 1: drug meets enzyme, which beaks it into metabolites, which are typically inactive (sometimes active), less lipid soluble components. Ex of active: caffeine to theobromine. Codeine to morphine

Phase 2 metabolism

other compounds bind, typically make inactive.

Factors influencing metabolism

Individual differences (eg age).
Genetic variation
Drug/enzyme competition:
Enzyme inhibition
Enzymatic induction
Metabolic cross-tolerance
Complex effects - alcohol and Tylenol both metabolized by CYP 2E1 so both have more lasting effects if taken at the

What's an example of drug/enzyme competition?

Alcohol and valium (CYP2E1)

What's enzymatic inhibition and what's an example?

one drug has psychoactive effect on brain, and also has inhibitive effect on certain enzymes. Ex MAOI (MAO, P450). MAOI -> inhibit MAO -> Tyramine not metabolized -> toxicity

What's enzymatic induction and what's an example?

- process by which a particular drug might lead to an increase in the enzyme which breaks it down. "metabolic tolerance"
� Ex: cigarettes (CYP-1A2)
� Ex: alcohol (CYP-2E1, ADH)

Examples of metabolic cross-tolerance?

� cigarettes and coffee
� Cigarettes and birth control
� Cigarretts ans SSRIs (anti-depressants)

Cytochrome P450

The general name for a large class of enzymes that play a significant role in drug metabolism and drug interactions. (90-95%)

Grapefruit effect

grapefruit juice can
break down enzymes in the GI tract
? leads to less metabolism, more drug absorbed

Half life

The amount of time required for removal of 50% of the drug from the blood stream
constant RATE.

Examples of half lives

� Coke - 0.5 to 1.5 hours
� THC - 20-30 hours
� Nicotine - 2 hours
� Morphine - 0.5-1.5 hours

full" elimination occurs after

6 lives rule" = 98.4%

drug effects

The physiologic reactions of the body to a drug

Specific drug effects

resulting from its biochemical interaction with tissue
-acute vs chronic
-primary vs secondary
-therpeutic/intended vs side effects

Primary effects , example?

Direct NT system of drug action
Ex: Alcohol-> GABA system

Secondary effects

high, craving, abuse potential

Non-specific drug effects

not based on chemical action, but rather on unique characteristics of a particular person (previous drug experience, present mood, environment, expectations, attitudes)

Placebo effect

pharmacologically inert compound leads to physiological/psychological changes
belief, or expectation of help leads to actual help

Double Blind Experiment

Two groups, identity unknown to anyone- Compare relative difference between "drug" and "placebo"
�Placebo effect = non specific drug effect
�Drug effect-Placebo = specific drug effect

Drug Action

specific, acute, primary drug effects
Drugs modulate NT systems that are already there: No unique effects
1. Increase/Decrease effect of NT
2. Increase/Decrease effect at a receptor


relative to NT - increases effect of NT
relative to receptor - binds and activates like NT


relative to NT - decreases effect of NT
relative to receptor - binds and blocks/decreases effect at receptor

Selective, example

specific to single receptor.
Alcohol is a selective GABAa agonist
Ketamine is selective NMDA antagonist


Affinity: Ease/strength of fit of a ligand to a receptor
- NTs have high affinity to their own receptors - Selective drugs have SELECTIVE AFFINITY
- High affinity is associated with stronger drug effects per dose (potency)

Competitive, example?

refers to the location on the receptor. Competitive = same as NT, non-competitive = different location.
Alcohol doesn't bind at same spot as GABA on GABAa receptor, so is non-competitive
Ketamine binds at different spot than Glu on NMDA receptor, so is no

efficacy, example?

ability to initiate action at receptor.
ex: NT's = 100% efficacy
antagonists = 0% efficacy
so ketamine = high affinity, 0 efficacy bc antagonist

Full/partial agonist, example?

refers to efficacy
full agonist = fully activates the receptor = fully mimics NT action at receptor = maximal efficacy
� Partial = only partly effective� EXAMPLE: LSD is an (almost) full receptor agonist

full/partial antagonist

degree of blockade

how would you describe NTs at their own receptors?

full non-selective agonist with high affinity

Dose-response curve

describes relationship between doses of a drug and effect on an individual or population

Max response

is maximum drug effect on individual/population. top of y axis


concentration that must be surpassed before any effect is seen

lethal dose

min dose that causes death

Effective dose

ED50 = dose that generates effect in 50% of population

Therapeutic index


Margin of safety

LD1/ED99, >1 safe for humans


y axis of dose-response curve


x axis of dose-response curve

Receptor downregulation

Decrease in number. Process?
Agonists-> more NT action or more receptor activation -> receptors are internalized

Receptor upregulation

Increase in number. Process?
Antagonist --> Reduce NT action
-->More receptors are added

Receptor desensitization

Decrease in efficiency. Process?
Agonist-->more NT action or receptor activation-->
reduced receptor response

Receptor sensitization

Increase in efficiency. Process?
- Increased NT/agonist-> enhanced response

Drug sensitization

An increase in a specific response to a dose drug following administration
� Need lower doses to get original effect
Ex: teeth chattering in methamphetamine
pushes dose-response curve left

Drug tolerance

A decrease in specific response to a dose of drug following administration.
� Need higher doses for the original effect

3 kinds of drug tolerance?

metabolic tolerance - increase enzymes
behavioral tolerance - increased learned behavior (alcohol)
pharmacodynamic tolerance - decrease in specific response from receptor desensitization/downregulation

Hebb's Law

neurons that fire together wire together
neural basis of change, "synaptic plasticity


Long term changes in synaptic sensitivity/excitability ("wiring") following stimulation ("firing")

LTP Mechansim

glu released, binds to AMPA which enables influx of Na+ which depolarizes postsynaptic membrane. after enough, the Mg+ moves out of NMDA receptor allowing Ca+ to come in. Early --> AMPA sensitization
Late--> AMPA upregulation-->increased A/N ratio -->more

coincidence detector


Drug Induced LTP

Light before banana...LTP on DA producing neuron makes A/N ratio increase so more firing automatically when exposed to light


thus cue-->DA-->craving and drug seeking
more DA in Ventral Striatum = more seeking