Heredity & Society Exam 1

Find an INCORRECT statement about the nature of scientific knowledge

Well-established scientific knowledge, such as Newton's Laws, is and will be always true

Dr.Lee showed several cases of actual/hypothetical experiments; which of the following has the correct answers to the questions i) and ii)

i) the metal ball and the feather fall at the same time, space, ripping the rope
ii) anchor will fly away into the outer

T/F: Scientific knowledge is invalidated if the majority of the citizens vote against it in a democratic voting


T/F: Scientific knowledge can be invalidated only by another piece of scientifically validated knowledge if the new knowledge explains more phenomena and/or with other precision


T/F: The top row and low-most column of Punnet square represent all the possible sex cell (gamete) genotypes. whereas the inner squares represent all the possible somatic cell genotypes of the following generation


What is the probability of having a baby with Albino between a carrier male and a normal female?


What is the probability of having a baby with Albino between a carrier male and a carrier female?


Who is the 19th century monk who founded the concept of genetics from his careful experiments of inheritance using pea plants?

Gregor Mendel

What is the term that describes the phenomenon that genes dont get mixed and segregate from each other during gamete formation?

Law of segregation

What is the single most significant risk factor for having a baby with Down syndrome?

Age of the pregnant woman

What is the term describing the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the gene pools of the human species?


T/F: In human, autosomal monosomy is fatal with miscarriage early in pregnancy


T/F: In human, autosomal trisomy mostly result in healthy babies who survive into their adulthood


Cell theory

the theory that states that all living things on Earth are made of cells

What is the cellular structure that acts as a barrier between cell contents and the environment?

Plasma Membrane


Contains chromosomal DNA


Generates energy


Cellular disposal place

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Large network of membranous sacs, on which ribosomes are attached

Golgi complex

Protein sorting


A fertilized egg

What is the "cognitive tool" that is widely used in mathematics to prove the logical validity of a given statement, by first assuming the logical OPPOSITE of the statement and following a series of entirely true statements, which leads to the falsehood?

Proof of contradiction

T/F: All different types of cells in the human body contains completely different DNA content and different types of chromosomes


Explain how the same sets of hereditary materials in different types of cells give rise to various types of cells

Different types of cells use genetic information of different regions of the chromosomes

T/F: All single celled organisms are prokaryotes


T/F: Since prokaryotes do not have the nucleus, they do not have DNA as genetic materials


What is the full name if DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

What is the full name of RNA?

Ribonucleic acid

Give names of the four bases used in DNA and their one letter symbol

Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), Thymine (T)

T/F: 3 billion is the number of base pairs for all 46 human chromosomes found in a single human somatic cell


What is the term that describes the 22 paired human chromosomes found both in males and females ?


What is the term that describes the two chromosomes that determines the sex in humans?

Sex chromosomes

Name 3 stages of sex differentiation in human in correct developmental order that is observed

Chromosomal, gonadal, phenotypic sex

Which of the 3 stages of sex is determined at the moment of fertilization?

Chromosomal sex

Which of the 3 stages of sex is most profoundly affected in Maria Patino, in regards to her social life?

Phenotypic sex

What is the name of the gene on the Y chromosome, which is critical for the male phenotype development?

SRY (sex determining region of Y)

What is the scientific term widely accepted today to describe medical conditions where a person's sex is ambiguous?


T/F: All living things share the same chromosomal mechanisms for sex determination


T/F: In a rare case, a person can develop as a male in phenotype, even when his karotype shows no Y chromosome


Large tangled thread-like structures observed under microscope during cell division in the nucleus that carry genetic information


What is the controversial bill that was passed in the North Carolina in 2016, which is also known to be "the bathroom bill"?


What part of the NC's HB2 was particularly controversial, which was related to the public bathroom access?

Public bathrooms should be designated for use by a single gender based on what's listed on a person's birth certificate