DHO - Chapter 5 Key Terms


any care that results in physical harm or pain, or mental anguish

advance directives

a legal document designed to indicate a person's wishes regarding care in case of a terminal illness or during the dying process


someone who has the power or authority to act as a representative of another

assault and battery

assault includes a threat or attempt to injure, and battery includes the unlawful touching of another person without consent

civil law

law that focuses on the legal relationships between people and the protection of a person's rights


information about a patient that must remain private and can only be shared only with other members of the patient's health care team


an agreement between two or more parties

criminal law

focuses on behavior known as crime: deals with wrongs against a person, property, or society


when false statements either cause a person to be ridiculed or damage the person's reputation

Designation of Health Care Surrogate

also called a durable power of attorney for health care, is a document that permits an individual to appoint another person to make decisions regarding health care

Durable Power of Attorney

is a document that permits an individual to appoint another person to make decisions regarding health care


set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong

expressed contracts

stated in distinct and clear language, either orally or in writing

false imprisonment

refers to restraining an individual or restricting an individual's freedom without authorization

health care records

also considered privileged communications; contain information about the care provided to the patient

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

standards to protect health information; provides federal protection for privacy of health information in all states

implied contracts

obligations that are understood without verbally expressed terms

informed consent

permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and aware of all factors involved

invasion of privacy

revealing personal information abut an individual without his or her consent


authorized or based on law

legal disability

a condition in which a person does not have legal capacity and is therefore unable to enter into a legal agreement


false written statements that causes a person ridicule or contempt or causes damage to the persons reputation

living wills

a legal document stating a persons desires on what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when his or her condition is terminal


providing improper or unprofessional treatment or care that results in injury to another person


failure to give care that is normally expected, resulting in injury to another person

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

federal law that regulates the education and testing of nursing assistants

Patient Self-Determination Act

a federal law that mandates that every individual has the right to make decisions regarding medical care, including the right to refuse treatment and the right-to-die

Patient's Bill of Rights

a list of rights that every patient can expect to receive while under the care of health care providers

patient's rights

factors of care that all patients can expect to recieve

privileged communications

all personal information given to health personnel by a patient; must be kept confidential

Resident's Bill of Rights

free choice regarding physician, treatment, care, and participation in research
freedom from abuse and chemical or physical restraints
privacy and confidentiality of personal and clinical records
accommodation of needs and choice regarding activities, sch


spoken comment that causes a person ridicule or contempt or damages the persons reputation


a wrongful or illegal act of civil law not involving a contract