Law and Ethics

1. The legal responsibility for an act or occurrence refers to which of the following?
A. assent
B. due process
C. liability
D. arbitration
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Liability is something one is obligated to do or an obligation required to be fulfilled by law. Assent is agreement by a minor or other person not competent, such as a child or cognitively impaired person, to give legally valid informed consent.

2. The entitlement to fair treatment under the law is known as which of the following?
A. due process
B. ethics
C. morals
D. arbitration
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Due process
Due Process is a constitutional right to fair legal proceedings and Arbitration is the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with morality and Morals are a person's standards of behavior or bel

3. A certified medical assistant must maintain their credentials through which of the following methods?
A. permit
B. licensure
C. continuing education
D. endorsement
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Continuing education
Credentials are most commonly maintained through continuing education. Contact hours needed for certificate maintenance may vary slightly depending on the standards set by your certifying body. Maintaining certification demonstrates c

4. Which of the following tasks is outside the scope of practice of a medical assistant?
A. using an ECG to record the electrical rhythm of the heart
B. performing patient education related to diabetes
C. dispensing medication, such as Glucola, in collabo

Performing quality control functions on all laboratory equipment::::
The quality control on equipment and supplies commonly used in phlebotomy is typically performed by a medical assistant, but major equipment is quality controlled by credentialed laborat

5. Which of the following is likely considered outside the scope of practice for a medical assistant?
A. verify equipment functionality using a control material
B. perform additional tests on different instruments for validation
C. record quality control

Perform CLIA high complexity tests:::
CLIA refers to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment, which specifies personnel requirements for performing laboratory testing based upon their complexity. Moderate and high complexity testing are outside the

6. A patient asks a medical assistant for the results of his last CBC test. Which of the following responses would best demonstrate professional rapport?
A. "I don't know the results."
B. "I'm not allowed to give test results to patients"
C. "You need to

Let me help you find someone who can help."
It is important to maintain professionalism and be supportive of the patient. Using the phrase, "Let me help" indicates a willingness to work with the patient. While "not knowing the results" and "not being all

7. The medical office has experienced a breach of patient information involving 200 patients, including Medicare patients. Which of the following should the medical office notify first regarding the breach?
A. the affected patients
B. Center for Medicare

Affected patients
The affected patients have the right to be notified immediately if a breach has occurred in their information held at a medical office. The potential for a breach in patient confidentiality is one of the most serious issues with a medica

8. Which of the following is an event that must be reported to a government agency?
A. sports injury
B. surgical injury
C. hospital-related injury
D. violence-related injury
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Violence-related injury
A medical professional is legally required to notify a state, federal, or police agency of a criminal act, e.g., domestic violence, or of a disease that poses a menace to public health. Incidents requiring mandatory reporting inclu

9. Which of the following are typically included in an advance directive? (Select the three (3) correct answers.)
A. do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders
B. living-wills
C. health care proxies
D. consent forms
E. life insurance agreement
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Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, living-wills, health care proxies:::
Advance directives typically contain; 1. do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, 2. living-wills and 3. a health care proxy. General consent forms or a life insurance agreement is not part of

10. A tort involving an open threat or attempt to do bodily harm to another is known as which of the following?
A. battery
B. assault
C. slander
D. libel
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Assault is a tort (wrongful act) that involves a threat causing someone to intentionally fear bodily harm. Battery is a tort that involves actual physical contact without consent causing bodily harm. Slander is oral communication of negative, f

11. A standard of behavior impacting the moral concept of right and wrong is known as which of the following?
A. advocacy
B. idealism
C. ethics
D. justice
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Ethics refers to the set of moral concepts that impact our behavior as well as our concept of what is right and wrong. Advocacy is a term referring to the support that healthcare professionals are supposed to show to patients, idealism refers to th

12. The action of making damaging and/or false statements about the name or reputation of another person to a third party is known as which of the following?
A. dereliction of duty
B. termination of the physician-patient relationship
C. defamation of char

Defamation of character:::
Defamation of Character may take the form of slander (speaking damaging words) or libel (publishing damaging words in print, including electronic formats such as email or via social media). Dereliction of duty, termination of th

13. A deliberate physical attack upon a person is which of the following?
A. libel
B. battery
C. slander
D. contributory negligence
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Battery is the deliberate harm a person causes another. Libel is the publishing of an accusation or false statement which can cause harm to a person or ruin their reputation, and slander is when the false accusation or statement that is said about

14. The study of controversial moral issues, questions, and/or problems arising due to medical advances is known as which of the following?
A. bioethics
B. sociology
C. philosophy
D. jurisprudence

Bioethics includes ethical issues relating to end of life care, advance directives and resuscitation orders, euthanasia, abortion, genetic and prenatal testing, birth control, harvesting embryonic stem cells for research, genetic cloning, organ

15. Which term describes the failure to provide care that a prudent and reasonable professional with the same education would provide under similar circumstances?
A. reasonable doubt
B. beneficence
C. negligence
D. defamation

Negligence is the failure to provide adequate care to a patient, which in turn causes harm to that person. Beneficence is the act of doing good, and defamation is when a person's reputation is ruined by either libel or slander.

16. Which of the following components are included in the "4 D's" of negligence?(SELECT 4)
A. denial
B. damages
C. duty
D. direct cause
E. dereliction

Damages, duty, direct cause, dereliction
Damages - award or compensation to be paid. Duty - obligation to provide care in established physician-patient relationship. Direct cause - proof of direct or indirect harm. Dereliction - failure to perform duty.

17. A coworker admitting to taking office drug samples home for personal use without permission violates standards of
A. professional ethics.
B. bioethics.
C. patient confidentiality.
D. beneficence.

Professional ethics.
This is indeed a case of exercising ethics in the professional environment. Professional ethics is a standard of behavior impacting the moral concept of right and wrong. Health care professionals are expected to do the right thing and

18. The statement, "A physician shall respect the law" is a part of which of the following?
A. AAMA Code of Ethics
B. The Patient's Bill of Rights
C. Patient Self-Determination Act
D. AMA Principles of Medical Ethics

AMA Principles of Medical Ethics:::
The American Medical Association adopted standards of conduct that reflect essentials of honorable behavior for the physician. This statement is included in Principal III. - Responsibility to Society. The mission of the

19. Which of the following indicates a medical office is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act?
A. Providing interpreting services for a non-English speaking patient.
B. Providing employees the opportunity to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine.

Providing hand rails in at least one restroom stall.
By providing access and accessibility for individuals with disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act secures each person's right to an independent life. Providing a bi-lingual service would be o

20. A patient is unhappy because the physician refused to prescribe more Percocet. The patient tells other patients the doctor is incompetent and will not provide proper medical care. Which of the following could the patient be charged with if the physici

The patient could be charged with slander: making an untrue statement that can hurt someone's reputation. Libel is very similar to slander, however, the false statement is printed and not just stated. Malpractice is an illegal or negligent act don

21. Negligence by a health care professional is considered which of the following?
A. beneficence
B. non-maleficence
C. malpractice
D. due process

Malpractice occurs when a health care professional is negligent or fails to provide adequate treatment to the patient. Beneficence is the act of doing good, non-maleficence means to do no harm, and due process refers to obligation to protect a

22. Which of the following acts is considered an unintentional tort?
A. assault
B. libel
C. negligence
D. slander

Negligence is considered an unintentional tort, because the harm that occurred wasn't necessarily planned or done on purpose. Assault is the threat to cause harm to another person, slander is when a false accusation or statement is said about s

23. An offense committed in violation of a public law is known as which of the following?
A. tort
B. writ of habeas corpus
C. statute
D. defamation

A tort is a breach of law that prohibits or requires certain behavior. A breach may be a failure to perform a contract (breaking its terms), failure to do one's duty (breach of duty, or breach of trust), the act of failing to perform one's agreement,

24. A medical assistant posts damaging remarks on a social media site about a provider at the clinic where she is employed. She may be legally found guilty of which of the following?
A. assault
B. libel
C. slander
D. battery

This would be an example of libel, which is the publishing of an accusation or false statement which can cause harm to a person or ruin that person's reputation. It is an example of an intentional tort. Slander is when a false accusation or statemen

25. A cardiac surgeon who provides testimony to a court for the purpose of verifying the standard of care was followed for a heart surgery, is referred to as which of the following?
A. arbitrator
B. expert witness
C. litigator
D. guardian ad litem

Expert witness
When a Medical expert is called into court to act as an Expert Witness, it is to testify because of special knowledge or proficiency in a particular field that is relevant to the case. To act as an Arbitrator, is to be an independent person

26. Which of the following refers to an illness or injury occurring unexpectedly, requiring treatment?
A. chronic
B. acute
C. palliative
D. terminal

An acute problem refers to an illness or injury that occurs unexpectedly and requires treatment. A chronic issue is an illness or problem that the patient has had for an extended period of time. Palliative refers to the relief of pain for a person w

27. Permission for treatment based on a full understanding of possible risks of unpreventable results is known as which of the following?
A. contributory negligence
C. informed consent
D. medical malpractice

Informed consent:::::
Informed consent is the permission for treatment granted by a patient after the risks and unpreventable results of said treatment have been explained. Contributory negligence is when the person that was harmed contributed to the inci

28. A 19 year-old patient offers her arm to the medical assistant when she comes in with a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. This is an example of
A. parental consent.
B. implied consent.
C. informed consent.
D. verbal consent.

Implied consent
An implied consent is when a patient offers their arm, for B/P or phlebotomy, therefore, no written consent is necessary. Informed Consent is when the procedure is explained in detail to the patient and they consent to the procedure by sig

29. The document signed by a patient agreeing to have a venipuncture procedure after the phlebotomist explains the method, risks, and consequences is called
A. expressed consent.
B. implied consent.
C. informed consent.
D. verbal consent.

Informed consent.
Informed consent means the patient agrees to and signs a document in regards to a procedure after the provider explains the risks and consequences. Expressed consent is when the patient clearly gives permission to the procedure either ve

30. Prior to performing a venipuncture, the phlebotomist explains the procedure to the patient and obtains their signature on which of the following?
A. informed Consent
B. legal Consent
C. lab requisition
D. verbal Consent

Informed Consent
Informed consent is required for any invasive medical procedure, including venipuncture. Verbal consent would not be available for record keeping. An adult or legal guardian can sign a consent form, making the consent legal. A lab requisi

31. If a medical assistant collects a blood sample from a minor patient without obtaining parental consent, for which of the following crimes would they most likely face charges?
A. Malpractice
B. Assault and Battery
C. Vicarious Liability
D. Negligence

Assault and Battery
Assault involves unjustifiably threatening or attempting to touch another person and battery is the intentional touching of someone without consent. Battery includes assault. A minor patient has not reached the age of consent, so touch

32. Under recommendation of the physician, a patient has opted to undergo an invasive procedure. When serving as a witness to the patient's consent to treatment, the medical office assistant is attesting to the fact that the
A. patient has the ability to

Patient's signature was his/her own:::
If someone serves as a witness to signing a form, that person is solely attesting to the fact that the patient's signature was his/her own. It is not an attestation that the patient has the ability to make the decisi

33. Which of the following regulations set the minimum standards for medical laboratory practice and quality?

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) are laws put in place to ensure quality assurance standards for medical laboratories, and enforced by the Department of Health and Human Services. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountabilit

34. According to the American Hospital Association, if a Spanish-speaking patient requested a translator but was not provided one, it would be considered a violation of
A. protected health information.
B. Patient's Bill of Rights.
C. patient's confidentia

Patient's Bill of Rights.
It is within a patient's bill of rights to be provided a translator if one is available. If a patient requests a translator, that translator becomes a part of the health care team. By requesting a translator, the patient essentia

35. While exiting a patient's room, a phlebotomist is approached by a nurse in the hallway, who asks the phlebotomist if the HIV blood sample was obtained, to which the phlebotomist responds, "Yes." This situation violates the policies of which of the fol

AHA (American Hospital Association)::::
Discussing confidential information about a patient's medical care without maintaining privacy (i.e. in a hallway where the conversation could be overheard by non-medical personnel) violates the following statues of