Final Exam Kevin Krause

% of impact received through content of presentation


people love to ______ they hate being _______

buy, sold


to make clear by examples or pictures. This helps advocate

Person who needs to solve the problem


Discovery Agreement component or retail clothing store


Relating helps solve which win-win problem?

no trust

Win as______

Win as much as you can

Task agenda revolves around 2 key issues:

1. Operationally
2. Financially

3 types of listening


Tension we hope drops over time

Relationship tension

Two types of questions in win-win discovery

Feeling-Finding, Asking this like "how do you feel about this"? fact-find?ing find out facts like "who operates this?

2 kinds of problems faced in win-win selling

Task and relationship

What do you like best and least about your current situation are this type of questioning...

Testing the extremes

Back Tire of the bike

Product Knowledge

4 obstacles a win-win sales person needs to overcome

No Trust (used to dealing with someone else, I don't know you)
No Help ("I dont see how your product or service will help me" How it solves the problem, how it benefits, how the product works)
No Satisfaction
No Need (prospect doesn't have the need, doesn

referring to a person that had a similar problem

3rd person story

Doesn't care about the problem, what objection to we have to overcome

No Need

Webster definition of selling includes

Cheat, haggle, steal

When we are advocating a solution we are trying to overcome this...

No Help

An individual does not understand how and does not recognize a deficit

Unconscious Competency

Two ways to communicate empathy

Listening, asking questions

You're right, that is interesting are forms of this..

Being responsive

If a salesperson meets the expectations of propriety, competency, commonality, and intent they will have this with the prospect


The questioning process used in Kevins conversation with his daughter in the ditch

Asking the 5 why's (or more)

When done at the end of sales presentation

Asking for business

Making a person aware they are missing a skill

conscious incompetency

two ways a prospect can behave defensively

Fight or flight

Item that you were to "visualize" in class


Suggesting another viewpoint or converting a question


You should begin your sales presentation with..

Discovery Agreement

Ben Duffy showed sales people need to understand this...

Understanding the buyers needs or wants

Tension that we want to increase

Task tension

Purpose, process, and payoff help show this positive behavior


Open statement and our purpose sales goal/quota


The gap between prospect feeling satisfaction or dissatisfaction

Zone of indifference

3 Key Elements in advocating prospect

Solution, advantage, benefit

____is not selling

Telling is not selling

People don't buy our products, they buy its____


Objections are less threatening when we turn them into


4 Stages of Skill Learning (were illustrated by these 4 characters, cavemen)

1. Unconscious incompetence (No knowledge or skill in the area, but we don't know of skill)
2. Conscious incompetence (making a person aware they're missing a skill)
3. Consciously competent (know you have a skill, but it isn't mastered)
4. Unconsciously

balance sheet, mini maps, cost analysis are methods of this

Assumptive close

Discovery process attempts to uncover this objection

No Need

Plumber wearing a tux represents this credibility..

Propriety (has to be appropriate, meet expectations)

Details the wants, the haves and the gap

Discovery Agreement


Listen-try to lower the tension, let them talk and see what they have to say
Share- share your thoughts in a way that will benefit both parties
Clarify- repeat the objection back, this could be in a question or different viewpoint
Problem solve-once an ag

4 pillars of support

4 Pillars of support
1. supporting the buying decision (keep customer feeling good about the purchase)
2. managing the implementation (list of steps to complete)
3. handling dissatisfaction (LSCPA)
4. enhancing relationship (ways to make it strengthen)

4 parts of credibility

Propriety- behaving the right way to meet their expectations
Competency- Be an expert, telling is not selling...Be knowledgeable
Commonality-point out areas of common interests show how
you relate to them
Intent- Help solve the problems, learn what you ca

4 personal needs

Power- like to have control, result oriented
Recognition-risk takers, willing to be the trendsetters
Approval- Will just go with what is accepted, don't like criticism
Respect- smart, technical, experts. Need to have justification/be right