Chapter 4 Geography

Light surfaces

Reflect sunlight and remain cooler (snow and ice covered surfaces natural reflects - 80-95% reflection of the solar energy received), high albedo

Darker surfaces

Absorb sunlight and heat up (ocean reflects only about 10% of insolation), low albedo

Percentage of reflection

Albedo, the reflective value of a surface

What decreases albedo?

Particulates from the atmosphere (black carbon accumulation)

What accounts for Earth's seasonal rhythms?

Driven by the concentrations of solar energy on Earth's surface, which vary with latitude

What drives ocean currents and heats Earth's surface?

Solar energy

Energy budget

overall balance between shortwave solar radiation to Earth and shortwave and long wave radiation to space (for Earth, income = insolation and expenditure = radiation to space), not the same at every location on Earth's surface because of latitude and seas


the uninterrupted passage of shortwave and long wave energy through either atmosphere or water

Shortwave radiation inputs

(UV light, visible light, near-infrared wavelengths)

Longwave radiation outputs

(Thermal infrared wavelengths)


Capacity to do work, or move matter


Mass that assumes a physical shape and occupies space

Kinetic energy

Energy of motion produced by the vibrational energy of molecules that we measure as temperature

Potential energy

stored energy (stored either due to composition or position) that has the capacity to do work under the right conditions (ex. petroleum)

Both kinetic and potential energy produce what?

Work, in which matter is moved into a new position or location


the flow of kinetic energy between molecules and from one body or substance to another resulting from a temperature difference between them, flows from high temp to low temp, stops when the temperatures (amounts of kinetic energy) become equal

Two types of heat energy

Sensible heat - can be "sensed" by humans as temperature, comes from kinetic energy of molecular motion
Latent heat - "hidden heat", energy gained or lost when a substance changes from one state to another (ex. water to ice)

Sensible heat flux

Back and forth transfer between air and surface in turbulent eddies through convection and conduction where T is the land surface temp and Tair is the air temperature
- T > Tair, H increases
- T = Tair, H = 0
- T< Tair, H decreases

Ground heat flux

Energy that flows into or out of the ground surface by conduction where T is the land surface temperature and Td is the deep soil temperature
- T>Td, G decreases
If T = Td, G = 0
If T <Td, G increases

Latent heat flux

Energy that is stored in water vapor as water evaporates
- water absorbs large quantities of this latent heat as it changes state to water vapor, thus removing this heat energy from the surface

Latent heat difference from sensible heat

As long as a physical change in state is taking place, the substance itself does not change temperature


Transfer of heat in electromagnetic waves, such as from Sun to Earth (temp of the object determines the wavelength of radiation it emits), waves do not need to travel through a medium in order to transfer heat

Heat and wavelengths

The hotter an object, the shorter the wavelengths that are emitted


Molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat energy as it diffuses through a substance (heat flow transfers energy through matter at varying rates, depending on the conductivity of the material- Earth's land surface better conductor than air, moist air better co


Transfer of heat by mixing or circulation (warmer masses in ocean tend to rise and cooler sink, establishing patterns of convection involving a strong vertical motion)


Horizontal transfer of heat by mixing or circulation

Radiation and conduction

Pertain to surface energy budgets, temperature differences between land and water and dark and light, and temperature variations in Earth materials

Convection and advection

Atmospheric and oceanic circulation, air mass movements, weather systems, internal motions deep within Earth, movements in Earth's crust; advection: winds from land to sea and sea to land, fog, air mass movements


Incoming solar radiation, single energy input driving the Earth-atmosphere system; not equal at all surfaces
- decreases toward the poles
- great insolation occurs in low-latitude deserts because of cloudless skies


Accounts for a percentage of insolation that does not reach Earth's surface but is reflected back to space (atmospheric gases and molecules interact with insolation to redirect radiation, changing the direction of the light's movement without altering its

Diffuse radiation

Incoming energy that reaches Earth's surface after scattering; weaker, dispersed radiation composed of waves traveling in different directions, shadowless light on the ground

Direct radiation

Travels in a straight line to Earth's surface without being scattered

Rayleigh scattering

Applies to radiation scattered by small gas molecules and relates amount of scattering in atmosphere to wavelengths of light - shorter wavelengths are scattered more, longer scattered less
- why sunrises are red and sky is blue
- does not apply to atmosph

Altitude of the Sun

determines the thickness of the atmosphere through which its rays must pass to reach an observer
- direct rays pass through less atmosphere and experience less scattering than low oblique-angle rays


Traditions that subject insolation to a change of speed, which also shifts its direction
- creates a rainbow
- add approximately 8 minutes of daylight
- change in speed and direction of light as light passes from one medium to another


Example of refraction, an image that appears near the horizon when light waves are refracted by layers of air at different temperatures


A portion of arriving energy bounces directly back into space without being absorbed or performing any work


The reflective quality, or intrinsic brightness, of a surface
- important control over the amount of insolation that reaches Earth
- smooth surfaces increase albedo over rough
- lower angles produce more reflection than higher
-albedo of water surface var

What percentage of albedo do Earth and its atmosphere reflect?

- glow of Earth's albedo is called earthshine


the assimilation of radiation by molecules of matter, converting the radiation from one form of energy to another
- raises temperatures of surfaces
- Earth's surface absorbs more radiation than atmosphere
- CO2 and water vapor absorb solar radiation and l

Greenhouse effect

Longwave radiation trapped by an insulating cloud layer creating a warming of Earth's atmosphere
- longwave radiation absorbed by CO2, water vapor, CFCs (greenhouse gases) and emitted back (reradiated toward Earth)
- a real greenhouse traps heat inside

Global dimming

Describes the pollution-related decline in insolation to Earth's surface; can be causing warming in Earth's lower atmosphere

Cloud-albedo forcing

Refers to an increase in albedo caused by low-thick stratus clouds (reflect about 90% of insolation)

Cloud-greenhouse forcing

Causes warming of Earth's climate
- caused by cirrus clouds acting as insulation (50% reflection) trapping long wave radiation and raising temperatures

Jet contrails

Condensation trails; produce high cirrus clouds stimulated by aircraft exhaust - false cirrus clouds
- cool and warm the atmosphere

Average annual energy distribution

Positive for Earth's surface and negative for the atmosphere as it radiates energy to space
- atmosphere radiates 58% of the absorbed energy back to space

Energy surplus

Between the tropics, the angle of incoming insolation is high and daylength is consistent, with little seasonal variation, so more energy is gained than lost

Energy deficits

In polar regions, Sun is low in the sky, surfaces are light and reflective, and up to 6 months no insolation is received, so more energy lost than gained
- at around 36 latitude, a balance exists between energy gains and losses for the Earth-atmosphere sy

When do maximum heights for insolation curves occur?

Summer solstice (June 21 in North hemisphere and December 21 in the Southern hemisphere)
- Air temperature generally peaks between 3 and 4 PM ad dips to lowest point at sunrise
- lag between insolation curve and air temperature: warmest time of day occurs

Boundary layer

Where energy and moisture are continually exchanged with the lower atmosphere at Earth's surface
- height not constant over time or space


science of physical conditions, including radiation, heat, and moisture, in the boundary layer at or near Earth's surface
- microclimates: local climate conditions over a relatively small area (such as park)

How the surface in any given location receives and loses shortwave and long wave energy

+SW (down) - SW (up) + LW (down)- LW (up) = NET R

Net radiation (NET R)

the sum of all radiation gains and losses at any defined location on Earth's surface
- varies with daylight, seasons, cloudiness, latitude
- NET R positive during daylight, peaks after noon, negative at night
- zero value is a perfect balance - rarely occ

Outgoing shortwave

Albedo x insolation

Incoming shortwave

(1-albedo) x insolation

Average annual net radiation

Positive over most of Earth's surface
- negative values occur over ice-covered surfaces at 70 latitude in both hemispheres
- highest net radiation, 185 W/m occurs north of the equator in Arabian Sea
- positive net radiation loses heat for balance from lat

Steady state equilibrium

Input = insolation
Output = reflect shortwave + outgoing longwave
if input = output, then storage change = 0

Earth-Atmosphere energy system

Open system
Energy conservation law: input - output = storage change

Urban Environments

- 6 degrees C hotter than surrounding suburban and rural areas

Urban heat island

both maximum and minimum temperatures higher than nearby rural settings
- planting of vegetation in parks, open space, rooftop gardens, high-albedo roots, and lighter colored pavements can mitigate the effects of UHIs

Dust dome

- airborne pollution trapped by certain characteristics of air circulation in urban heat islands
- collect with a dec. in wind speed in urban centers, then rise as surface heats and remain in air above city