Physical Geography Ch 2

Because energy is stored as ___ heat, the temperature of water does not change as it melts or boils.


The coldest object has the ___ wavelengths.


The hottest object has the ___ wavelengths.


The electromagnetic spectrum is ordered by ___.


The ___ shields us from harmful high-energy rays form space, is the source of our weather and climate, and contains the gases life depends on.


The relatively thin layer of gas that surrounds earth's surface is called the atmosphere.


If one object warms another, then the object that is warming up is gaining energy and the object doing the warming is ___.

losing energy

The consistent amount of energy earth receives from the sun is called the ___ ___. It is measured in watts per square meter.

solar constant


energy is able to pass through the matter


energy bounces off the surface of an object


an object retains some of the energy that strikes it


energy is dispersed in various directions


heat transfer by direct contact


energy transmission by means of electrical and magnetic fields


the vertical heat transfer by the vertical movement of a material


the horizontal heat transfer by the horizontal movement of a material

The interaction between earth's atmosphere and surface determines the ___, ___, and habitability of an area.

weather; climate

___ radiation is the fundamental force of nature that transmits energy to us from the sun and is fundamental in determining our weather and climate.


If an object is to warm up or cool down, what must happen?

energy must be transferred from one object to the next

The atmosphere is held in place both by a buoyancy force directed upward and ___, which is directed downward.


What is heat flow?

the thermal energy transfer from high- to low-temperature objects

direction of wave propagation

the direction the wave is moving


the distance between the same point on successive waves


the distance between the top and bottom of a wave


the number of waves per second passing a point

The temperatures that represent the freezing point of water at sea level.

32�F; 273K; 0�C

The approximate 11-year solar cycle is defined by the number of ___ observed on the sun.


All matter contains ___, which is the capability of an object to do work.


The main process by which the sun generates electromagnetic radiation is ___. It is the joining of two smaller particles to create a larger one.


The incoming energy transmitted from the sun to earth is called ___.


The dark areas on the surface of the sun that are cooler than the rest of the sun are called ___.


In addition to the changes associated with charged particles, how can electromagnetic energy be generated?

by the fusion of particles
by changes in the energy level of electrons

If there is a net transfer of energy from one object to another, then it is possible for ___.

one to warm and one to cool

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Temperature is a measure of an object's internal kinetic energy and heat is the energy transferred from one object to another.

Convection and advection transfer heat by vertically and horizontally moving material, respectively; whereas ___ transfers heat by direct contact, and ___ transfers heat by way of electrical and magnetic fields.

conduction; radiation

Greater motion at the atomic level results in the faster moving molecules having ___.

more energy

How does the surface temperature of an object relate to the electromagnetic radiation it emits?

The higher the surface temperature of an object, the more EMR it produces.
High temperature produce greater levels of EMR. This relationship is described by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law.

The huge ejections of solar mass into space are called solar ___.


All the scenarios for water that will warm the surrounding air.

vapor changing to liquid
vapor changing to ice
liquid changing to ice

Where can energy be stored in an atomic or molecular structure?

Within the structure itself.

The visible spectrum ranges from violet (_ micrometers) to red (_ micrometers)


What is sensible heat?

The heat that changes the temperature of two objects via the exchange of heat between them.

What is the difference between high- and low-energy states?

high-energy states require more energy to form.

latent heat of fusion

melting, freezing

latent heat of vaporization

condensation, evaporation

latent heat of sublimation


The date of earth's closest approach to the sun is called the ___ and the farthest approach is called the ___.

perihelion; aphelion

Heat needs to be released or absorbed by water in order for it to ___.

change phase

All the phases changes for water in which latent heat is stored in the water molecules.

Melting; evaporation

As the physical spacing of the distance between water molecules changes, the ___ of the water may change too.


What is the result of the effect of gravity on earth's atmosphere?

Atmosphere molecules are more closely spaced near the ground and thin out with distance away from earth's surface

The type of energy related to motion is called ___ energy, whereas stored energy is called ___ energy.

kinetic; potential

How are the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic field oriented with respect to each other?

They travel in two mutually perpendicular planes.

The combined output of energy from the sun is called the ___.

Total Solar Irradiance (TSI)

Why do objects emit electromagnetic radiation in a range of wavelengths?

Mot all molecules in an object vibrate or move at the same speed.

Why are atmospheric temperatures affected by the phase changes of water?

Heat is being taken in and stored as latent heat or latent heat is being released into the environment.

The type of heat transfer: conduction

the top layer of soil heating the layer of soil below it via the surface between them

the type of heat transfer: radiation

the top layer of soil heating up because of the energy gained via rays from the sun

the type of heat transfer: convection

warm air rising higher into the atmosphere

the type of heat transfer:advection

warmer air over the ocean blowing horizontally over the beach at night

What is the latent energy?

It is the energy released or stored when matter changes states.

What causes the gases near earth's surface to be more closely packed together than gases farther away from earth's surface?

The compressive weight of the overliding gases is greater the lower the position in the atmosphere.

What does the Stefan-Botlzmann Law describe?

It relates the amount of energy emitted by an object, which absorbs all energy, to its surface temperature.

What is the correlation between the number of sunspots and the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI)?

The greater the number of sunspots, the greater the TSI.

One of the coldest periods in the last 1000 years occurred during a time of few or no sunspots for many years in a row. The modern period of warming has occurred during a period of ___.

numerous sunspots

What prevents conduction, convection, and advection from transferring energy generated in the sun to the earth?

All require a medium for transferring energy and there is no medium in the vacuum of space.

About the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere

ozone concentrations rise in the lower troposphere because it is a by-product of sunlight striking hydrocarbons in the air
beneficial ozone layer is located in the stratosphere and blocks harmful ultraviolet light

Located at 23.5�N latitude is the Tropic of ___ and at 23.5�S latitude is the Tropic of ___.

Cancer; Capricorn

How does the amount of incoming radiation to earth compare to the amount of outgoing radiation?

The amount of outgoing radiation equals the amount of incoming radiation.

sensible heat flux

the upward transmission of energy, mostly by convection, of warm air near the surface to greater altitudes

latent heat flux

the energy transfer that takes place as processes like melting, evaporation, and transpiration from plants occur

longwave energy flux

the transfer of radiation that takes place back and forth between the atmosphere and ground in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

At any one time, half of earth's surface is lit in sunlight and half of earth is subjected to darkness. A line drawn around earth at the intersection between the two halves is called the circle of ___.


The atmospheric gas ___ absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere, shielding life from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation.


The angle between the direction of the energy and the surface it is striking is called the angle of ___.


The plane in which earth revolves around the sun is called the ___ plane.


___ gases strongly absorb outgoing longwave radiation and re-emit it again as heat. This keeps the atmosphere warmer than it otherwise would be.


The angle made by the line connceting an observer to the sun and one drawn vertically with respect to the observer is called the ___ angle.


In what general direction does energy flow in the atmosphere?

towards the poles

water vapor

an abundant and the most important greenhouse gas. it absorbs a wide range of OLR

carbon dioxide

it is a trace gas. it strongly absorbs wavelengths just greater than those in the atmosphere window


importantly to life, it absorbs incoming ultraviolet radiation

nitrous oxide

it is a by-product of many industrial chemical processes. it absorbs some of the OLR at wavelengths in the thermal infrared.

The amount of insolation received by each hemisphere of earth is equal at the March and September ___ and is most different at the December and June ___.

Equinoxes; Solstices

The photodissociation of oxygen molecules in the atmosphere can result in the formation of ___ as the liberated oxygen atoms join with existing oxygen molecules.


Earth is tilted to ___ from vertical relative to its orbital plane of the sun.


Because different ___ of electromagnetic energy are absorbed, scattered, and reflected at different rates in the atmosphere, the spectrum of sunlight received at sea level is different and less than the spectrum of sunlight received at the top of the atmo


Why does the amount of insolation reaching earth's surface vary on a global scale?

the amount of daylight varies across the earth
the amount and type of cloud cover varies spatially
zenith angles vary with latitude

Shortwave radiation that reaches the earth's surface can be converted to ___.

sensible heat
latent heat
longwave radiation

The transfer of energy towards the poles occurs because energy flows from ___.

areas of surplus to deficit

When measuring the amount of heat needed to increase an object's temperature, the heat ___ depends on the type of material and the amount of material, whereas the ___ heat capacity depends only on the type of material since the amount of the material is a

capacity; specific