Physical Geography 101

What is 14 centimeters in inches?

5.516 inches or 5.5 inches

What is 29 meters in feet?

95.149 feet or 95.1 inches

What is 175 kilometers in miles?

108.675 miles or 108.7 miles

What is 42 liters in quarts?

44 quarts or 44.4 quarts

What is 57 grams in ounces?

1.995 ounces or 2.0 ounces

What is 65 kilograms in pounds?

143.325 pounds or 143.3 pounds

What is 37 degrees celsius in farenheit?

98.6 degrees farenheit

What is 3 inches in centimeters?

7.614 centimeters or 7.6 centimeters.

What is 4.3 feet in meters?

1.311 meters or 1.3 meters

What is 18 yards in meters?

16.452 meters or 16.5 meters

What is 73 miles in kilometers?

Its 117.5 kilometers

What is 6.2 quarts in liters?

5.86 liters or 5.9

What is 10 gallons in liters?

37.85 liters or 37.9

What is 114 ounces in grams?

400 grams

What is 155 pounds in kilograms?

70.3 kilograms or 70.4

What is 47 degrees F in C?

8.3333 or 8.3 degrees C

What is 72 cm in inches?

28.368 inches or 28.4

What is 24 meters in feet?

78.744 feet or 78.7

What is 1,300 kilometers in miles?

807.3 miles

What is 4.5 liters in quarts?

4.7565 quarts or 4.8

What is 144 grams in ounces?

5.04 ounces or 5.0

What is 228 kilograms in pounds?

502.74 or 502.7 pounds

What is 12 degrees C in F?


What is 55 inches in centimeters?

139.7 centimeters

What is 1,774 feet in meters?

541.07 meters or 541.1

What is 220 yards in meters?

201.08 meters or 201.1

What is 23,900 miles in kilometers?

38,455.1 kilometers

What is 24 quarts in liters?

22.704 liters or 22.7

What is 300 gallons in liters?

1,135.5 liters

What is 26 ounces in grams?

737.1 grams

What is 4,500 pounds in kilograms?

2043 kg

What is 88 degrees F in C?


If you start at the equator and travel 10 degrees NORTH latitude, approximately how many kilometers or miles north of the equator will you be? Take the circumference of the Earth o be 40,000 km (24,900 miles). Show your calculations.

24, 900/360=69.2 miles
40,000/360=111.1 km/degree=1111 km

If you travel west through 10 degrees of longitude along the equator, the distance traveled will be very different from the distance traveled through 10 degrees of longtitude at 60 degrees N latitude. Why?

Meridians converge toward the poles. And so are closer together at 60 degrees North than at 0 degrees.

If it is 10:00 AM Monday in Denver, what time and day is it in New York City?

Monday 12:00 PM

If its 11:00 AM Thursday in Seattle, what time and day is it in Seoul, South Korea

Friday 3:00PM

A satellite image of the United States was taken at 0900Z What was the local standard time in Chicago?


If its Friday at 3:00AM, daylight saving time in Kansas City, what is the day and time in Quito, Ecuador where daylight savings time is not being observed?

Same time as Kansas City because both cities are located in the same time zone.

Your plane leaves Boston at 7am on Saturday and is bound for Los Angeles. the flight takes 5 hours. what time and day is it when you arrive in Los angeles?

Saturday 9:00am

Your connecting flight to Taipei leaves LA at 1pm on that same day. the flight takes 11 hours what is the time and day when you arrive in Taipei?

next day at 4pm

For a given latitude, if the stated time of sunset is 6:45pm at 90 degrees west, what is the time of sunset at 91 degrees west?


Are all of the lines of latitude parallel to each other on both the globe and the Mercator projection?

Yes they are parallel to each other.

Do all parallels and meridians cross each other at right angles on both the globe and the Mercator?


On a globe, the meridians converge toward the poles. Describe the pattern of meridians on the Mercator.

They are all parallel to each other.

Is north always straight toward the top of the Mercator projection?


How would the North pole be represented of the Mercator projection?

A top edge or straight top.

Could a single graphic scale be used to measure distances on a Mercator projection? Explain.

No, distance scale changes toward the poles.

On an Eckert projection, do all of the parallels and meridians cross each other at right angles?

No, the lines curve.

How does the Eckert maintain equivalence in the high latitudes (what happens to the meridians?)

They curve or you can say meridians converge toward the poles.

What happens to the shape of Greenland on an Eckert projection?

It moves North and part of it looks cut off.

Is north always straight toward the top of the Eckert projection? Explain.

No, need to follow meridians around toward the North Pole.

What is the latitude of the vertical (direct) rays of the Sun?

23.5 degrees

What is the Latitude of the Tangent Rays in the Northern Hemisphere?

66.5 degrees

What is the Latitude of the Tangent Rays in the Southern Hemisphere?


Why is the June solstice associated with the Southern Hemisphere winter?

Because the sun is the lowest in the sky in the Southern Hemisphere.

Why does the equator receive equal day and night?

Because the circle of Illumination is bisecting all parallels which means that all latitudes are expecting 12 hours of day and night.

What happens to the length of day (the number of hours of daylight) as you move north of the equator?

the number of hours of daylight get longer.

Within which range of latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere is 24 hours of daylight experienced?

In the Arctic Circle area up North. or you can say 66.5 degrees north to north pole.

Where is the North Pole?

On top of the world

Where is the South Pole?

On the bottom of the world

Where is the Equator line?

In the middle of the world

Where is the Tropic of Cancer line?

North of the Equator

Where is The Tropic of Capricorn line?

South of the Equator

Where is the Antarctic Circle?

In the bottom of the world.

Where is the Arctic circle?

On top of the world.

Where do tangent rays, vertical rays come from?

The sun.

During a year, which of the 3 latitudes experiences the least variation in average daily insolation at the top of the atmosphere?

0 degrees

When the two maximums occur?


When do two minimums occur?


Explain the reasons for two maximum occurrences and two minimum occurrences.

Sun's vertical rays strike equator on equinoxes.

Where do surface ranges usually range from?

960.0 mb to 1050.0 mb

What is 14 centimeters in inches?

5.516 inches or 5.5 inches

What is 29 meters in feet?

95.149 feet or 95.1 inches

What is 175 kilometers in miles?

108.675 miles or 108.7 miles

What is 42 liters in quarts?

44 quarts or 44.4 quarts

What is 57 grams in ounces?

1.995 ounces or 2.0 ounces

What is 65 kilograms in pounds?

143.325 pounds or 143.3 pounds

What is 37 degrees celsius in farenheit?

98.6 degrees farenheit

What is 3 inches in centimeters?

7.614 centimeters or 7.6 centimeters.

What is 4.3 feet in meters?

1.311 meters or 1.3 meters

What is 18 yards in meters?

16.452 meters or 16.5 meters

What is 73 miles in kilometers?

Its 117.5 kilometers

What is 6.2 quarts in liters?

5.86 liters or 5.9

What is 10 gallons in liters?

37.85 liters or 37.9

What is 114 ounces in grams?

400 grams

What is 155 pounds in kilograms?

70.3 kilograms or 70.4

What is 47 degrees F in C?

8.3333 or 8.3 degrees C

What is 72 cm in inches?

28.368 inches or 28.4

What is 24 meters in feet?

78.744 feet or 78.7

What is 1,300 kilometers in miles?

807.3 miles

What is 4.5 liters in quarts?

4.7565 quarts or 4.8

What is 144 grams in ounces?

5.04 ounces or 5.0

What is 228 kilograms in pounds?

502.74 or 502.7 pounds

What is 12 degrees C in F?


What is 55 inches in centimeters?

139.7 centimeters

What is 1,774 feet in meters?

541.07 meters or 541.1

What is 220 yards in meters?

201.08 meters or 201.1

What is 23,900 miles in kilometers?

38,455.1 kilometers

What is 24 quarts in liters?

22.704 liters or 22.7

What is 300 gallons in liters?

1,135.5 liters

What is 26 ounces in grams?

737.1 grams

What is 4,500 pounds in kilograms?

2043 kg

What is 88 degrees F in C?


If you start at the equator and travel 10 degrees NORTH latitude, approximately how many kilometers or miles north of the equator will you be? Take the circumference of the Earth o be 40,000 km (24,900 miles). Show your calculations.

24, 900/360=69.2 miles
40,000/360=111.1 km/degree=1111 km

If you travel west through 10 degrees of longitude along the equator, the distance traveled will be very different from the distance traveled through 10 degrees of longtitude at 60 degrees N latitude. Why?

Meridians converge toward the poles. And so are closer together at 60 degrees North than at 0 degrees.

If it is 10:00 AM Monday in Denver, what time and day is it in New York City?

Monday 12:00 PM

If its 11:00 AM Thursday in Seattle, what time and day is it in Seoul, South Korea

Friday 3:00PM

A satellite image of the United States was taken at 0900Z What was the local standard time in Chicago?


If its Friday at 3:00AM, daylight saving time in Kansas City, what is the day and time in Quito, Ecuador where daylight savings time is not being observed?

Same time as Kansas City because both cities are located in the same time zone.

Your plane leaves Boston at 7am on Saturday and is bound for Los Angeles. the flight takes 5 hours. what time and day is it when you arrive in Los angeles?

Saturday 9:00am

Your connecting flight to Taipei leaves LA at 1pm on that same day. the flight takes 11 hours what is the time and day when you arrive in Taipei?

next day at 4pm

For a given latitude, if the stated time of sunset is 6:45pm at 90 degrees west, what is the time of sunset at 91 degrees west?


Are all of the lines of latitude parallel to each other on both the globe and the Mercator projection?

Yes they are parallel to each other.

Do all parallels and meridians cross each other at right angles on both the globe and the Mercator?


On a globe, the meridians converge toward the poles. Describe the pattern of meridians on the Mercator.

They are all parallel to each other.

Is north always straight toward the top of the Mercator projection?


How would the North pole be represented of the Mercator projection?

A top edge or straight top.

Could a single graphic scale be used to measure distances on a Mercator projection? Explain.

No, distance scale changes toward the poles.

On an Eckert projection, do all of the parallels and meridians cross each other at right angles?

No, the lines curve.

How does the Eckert maintain equivalence in the high latitudes (what happens to the meridians?)

They curve or you can say meridians converge toward the poles.

What happens to the shape of Greenland on an Eckert projection?

It moves North and part of it looks cut off.

Is north always straight toward the top of the Eckert projection? Explain.

No, need to follow meridians around toward the North Pole.

What is the latitude of the vertical (direct) rays of the Sun?

23.5 degrees

What is the Latitude of the Tangent Rays in the Northern Hemisphere?

66.5 degrees

What is the Latitude of the Tangent Rays in the Southern Hemisphere?


Why is the June solstice associated with the Southern Hemisphere winter?

Because the sun is the lowest in the sky in the Southern Hemisphere.

Why does the equator receive equal day and night?

Because the circle of Illumination is bisecting all parallels which means that all latitudes are expecting 12 hours of day and night.

What happens to the length of day (the number of hours of daylight) as you move north of the equator?

the number of hours of daylight get longer.

Within which range of latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere is 24 hours of daylight experienced?

In the Arctic Circle area up North. or you can say 66.5 degrees north to north pole.

Where is the North Pole?

On top of the world

Where is the South Pole?

On the bottom of the world

Where is the Equator line?

In the middle of the world

Where is the Tropic of Cancer line?

North of the Equator

Where is The Tropic of Capricorn line?

South of the Equator

Where is the Antarctic Circle?

In the bottom of the world.

Where is the Arctic circle?

On top of the world.

Where do tangent rays, vertical rays come from?

The sun.

During a year, which of the 3 latitudes experiences the least variation in average daily insolation at the top of the atmosphere?

0 degrees

When the two maximums occur?


When do two minimums occur?


Explain the reasons for two maximum occurrences and two minimum occurrences.

Sun's vertical rays strike equator on equinoxes.

Where do surface ranges usually range from?

960.0 mb to 1050.0 mb