Geography South Asia Chapter 12

What name is sometimes given to the region of South Asia?

The subcontinent

What is the longest river in South Asia?


Where do the Himalayan Mountains lie, relative to the region of South Asia?

North of South Asia

What is the most serious natural hazard in Bangladesh?


Almost all of India's rapidly growing electricity demand is being met by what source?


What climatic factor dominates South Asia?


What physical feature is needed for orographic precipitation to occur?

A mountain

What makes the Himalayan Mountains of South Asia distinctive?

They are home to the world's tallest peaks.

How were the Himalayas formed?

By the collision of the Indian Subcontinent with the Eurasian Plate

Which region of India is considered to be its breadbasket (that is, its area of greatest agricultural productivity)?


What is the main crop in the Ganges Valley of South Asia?


Which country of south Asia has the largest population in the region?


South Asia could soon surpass which other region as the worlds most populous region?

East Asia

Where do most people in South Asia live?

In compact rural villages

Which group is at the top of the Hindu caste (versa) system?


What is the name for India's secluded untouchable class?


What religion dominates India?


What religion dominates Pakistan and Bangladesh?


Which religion is a blend of Hinduism and Islam?


Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was born into..

A wealthy family in northern india

The most widely spoken language in south asia is NOT Tamil


Who brought Islam to South Asia?

Turkish speaking Muslims from Central Asia

With which religion was the Mughal Empire of South Asia identified?


Which of the following is true of Hinduism?

Hinduism lacks a standard system of beliefs

Which is NOT an area where Muslims are concentrated in India?

The Deccan Plateau

Which two countries in South Asia have nuclear weapons?

India and Pakistan

After the partitioning of India in the late 1940s and the subsequent formation of Bangladesh in 1971, what was Pakistan's policy toward the Pashtun tribes in the country?

To retain the British policy and allow them to maintain nearly full autonomy

What factor was the basis for the creation of states within India?


Bangladesh was once part of


Who is the father-figure of Indian independence?

Mohandas Gandhi

In what year did the British withdraw from India?


Why did the Bengalis in the former East Pakistan fight for independence?

They felt they were treated as second-class citizens.

What territory in South Asia is claimed by both India and Pakistan?


Jainism emphasizes

nonviolence over all other values

After the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, the Pakistan government

reluctantly agreed to aid the United States in its fight against the Taliban

During the period of British colonialism in South Asia, why did the British allow the tribal Pashtun-speaking areas of what is now northwest Pakistan to retain their independence?

This region would serve as a secondary buffer against the Russians to the North.

Why is Bangladesh internationally competitive in textile and clothing manufacture?

Its wages are low

Which of these countries is an island?

Sri Lanka

Which is one of the most densely populated countries?


KaraKoram and Himalayan mountain ranges are

The tallest in the world

Which country has the highest mountains?


Which islands will disappear with sea level rise?

Maldive Islands

What is India's climate like?

Rain in the summer and dry in the winter

Where are the most densely settled areas in South Asia?

Near fertile soil and water

What is the largest city in South Asia?

Mumbai (14 million people)

What is the largest city in Pakistan?

Karachi (13 million people)

What does the Green Revolution accomplish?

increased agricultural activity

Why does India have a skewed sex ratio?

There is a traditional preference for boys

What is the main belief in Hinduism?

The belief that multiple deities worship all manifestations of a single divine entity

What happened to most lower class Hindus?

They converted to Islam

Which country takes control of south Asia in the mid 1800's?


In 1947, which country was established as muslim forcing 15 million people to move?


India has 160 million Muslims meaning

It is the largest minority in the world

Why is Kashmir strategically important?

It controls the headwaters of major rivers

What did the British establish in 1893

The Durand Line

What did Malala win in 2014 for promoting the right for all children to education?

Nobel Peace Prize

What do people in most countries oppose?

United States drone assassinations

Most people in Pakistan see the U.S. as an
