Physical Geography 1114: Chapter 10 Review


collective pattern of weather over time
climatic regions are areas with similar weather statistics
climates influence ecosystems and their locations


The study of climate

Tropical Climate

Tropical latitudes (23.5 degrees N and S)
� Tropical Rainforest- Rain all year, hot and wet
� Some vegetation near ground
� Soil is nutrient poor
� Diurnal temperature > Annual Temperature
� Tropical Monsoon- 6-12 months of rain
� Tropical Savanna- Less t

Mesothermal Climate

Mid latitudes and mild winters
� Humid Subtropical hot-summer climate
� Marine west coast climate- warm to cool summer
� Mediterranean dry summer climate

Microthermal Climate

Mid and high latitudes with cold winters
� Humid Continental hot summer
� Humid continental mild summer
� Subarctic climate (cool summer, very cold winter)

Polar Climate

High latitudes and polar regions
� Tundra climate
� Contains snow cover for 8-10 months
� In warmest month, less than 10 degrees
� Strictly in North hemisphere except for elevated mountain locations
� Ice Cap and Ice Sheet climate (Cold and Dry)
� Dominat

Highland Climate

High elevations at all latitudes, lower temperatures

Dry Climate

Permanent moisture deficit
� Between 15 and 30 degrees N and S
� Subtropical High Pressure cells dominate
� Orographic lifting creates rain shadows along mountain ranges that extend this condition into higher elevations
� Subdivided into deserts and stepp

An area defined by characteristic, long-term weather patterns is called
A.) a biome
B.) an average weather place
C.) an ecosystem
D.) a climatic region

D. A climatic region

As distance from the equator increases, seasonal variation in temperature tends to
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain constant

A. increase

Global circulation patterns of wind and ocean currents, which drive weather systems and ultimately, climate patterns created by
A. the coriolis force
B. frictional force caused by the Earth's spinning on its axis
C. imbalances created by energy surpluses

C. imbalances created by energy surpluses and deficits at the equator and poles, respectively

Which of the following lists the correct, generalized sequence of climates from the equator to the poles?


The wet season of the tropical monsoon climate of SE Asia occurs during the season of ________ Sun due to the presence of the ________ over the continent. (low Sun = "winter" and high Sun = "summer")
A. low; subtropical high
B. low; ITCZ
C.high; subtropic

D. high; ITCZ

Regarding average annual precipitation, which of the following is correct?
A) The highest amounts occur throughout subtropical latitudes.
B) The drier regions are associated with the eastern portions of major landmasses.
C) The precipitation tends to incr

D) The highest average values occur along the equator.

This climograph is characteristic of which climate type? (See review for picture)
A) Mediterranean
B) tropical rain forest
C) tropical savanna
D) marine west coast

B) Tropical rain forest

This climograph is characteristic of which climate type? (See review for picture)
A) Mediterranean
B) tropical monsoon
C) highland
D) humid subtropical winter-dry

B) tropical monsoon

This climograph is characteristic of which climate type? (See review for picture)
A) highland
B) tropical rain forest
C) subtropical humid
D) tropical savanna

D) tropical savanna

This climograph is characteristic of which climate type? (See review for picture)
A) humid subtropical hot-summer
B) tropical rain forest
C) humid subtropical winter-dry
D) humid continental mild-summer

A) humid subtropical hot-summer