GEO 220 Final (Chapter 6-10 quizzes, practice exam Q's)


Almost 90 percent of the world's fossil fuels are supplied by North Africa/Southwest Asia. T/F


Of the Gulf States, the two with the most ambitious policies with regard to social services are Yemen and Qatar. T/F


The article of clothing used by Muslim women to create private space, even in public, is the:

The state is theoretically neutral in matters of religion.

All secular countries exhibit which of the following characteristics?

In most parts of North Africa/Southwest Asia, a much larger percentage of boys than girls go to school.

Which statement is NOT true regarding the lives of children in North Africa/Southwest Asia?


The Aswan Dams are located in ______________.

the Ottoman Turks

Who conquered the Byzantine Empire?


The formation of OPEC in 1971 precipitated a sharp decline in the price of oil on world markets. T/F

It is a common modern practice.

Which of the following is NOT true of polygamy in Islamic society?

The settled society uses much more water than the nomadic society did.

Which of the following happens when nomadic people take up settled ranching?


Which of the following terms does NOT represent one aspect of the traditional family structure in North Africa and Southwest Asia?


Until the twentieth century, agriculture in North Africa/Southwest Asia was confined mostly to coastal zones, upland zones, and river valleys. T/F


Across North Africa/Southwest Asia, women make up only about ____ percent of national legislatures.

agricultural production

The vast majority of water use in North Africa/Southwest Asia is for:

the large number of male guest workers.

The unusually large number of males in Qatar over the age of 15 is the result of:

the increase in air travel brought about by a recovering economy

Which of the following factors is NOT likely to spur the oil-producing nations of North Africa/Southwest Asia to find other ways to generate income?


Desertification is primarily the result of human activities. T/F


Women in Oman have the right to vote. T/F

one that favors the establishment of a state based on Islam

Which of the following is an accurate description of an Islamist movement?


During medieval times in Europe, without the flow of trade and ideas from that region, North Africa and Southwest Asia stagnated intellectually and economically. T/F


Which of the following is NOT a waterborne disease common in sub-Saharan Africa?


The term used to refer to the shared language, cultural traditions, and political and economic institutions of a group is:

It resembles a raised platform edged by narrow coastlines.

Which of the following is the most accurate general description of the geomorphology of the African continent?

national borders

Among the following, which is the most obvious European legacy at the root of many armed conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa?

South Africa

Changes in which one of the following countries demonstrate that it is possible to achieve stable and democratic rule in sub-Saharan Africa?


In sub-Saharan Africa, almost all of the agricultural work is done by men. T/F

Remittances are a less stable source of income than foreign direct investments.

Which of the following does NOT describe the role of African professionals in changing Africa's economy?


Sub-Saharan Africa's population is growing faster than any other on Earth. T/F

China operated multiple colonial operations to obtain African minerals.

Which of the following statements does NOT describe Africa before European contact?


When Africans convert from animism to Christianity or Islam, they tend to retain aspects of their indigenous religious heritage. T/F


According to the textbook, which of the following shared characteristics is NOT encompassed in the definition of the term ethnicity?

Adequate vaccinations for most diseases are now widely available.

Which of the following does NOT explain why birth rates in sub-Saharan Africa remain high?

Road systems are the most developed in the continental interior.

Which of the following is NOT true of transportation within Africa?


In the video shown on Thursday, the economist George Aiyttey asserts that ______________ have long dominated markets in Africa.


The anopheles mosquito is the main carrier and transmitter of the parasite that causes malaria.


The Masai Mara game reserve, known for the annual migration of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles, is located in:

About equal numbers of male slaves and female slaves were sent to the Americas.

Which statement is NOT true of the African slave trade between 1600 and 1865?

Its coastline is home to many natural harbors.

Which is NOT true of the physical geography of the African continent?


What was the adult life expectancy in Africa as of 2012?

clearing and turning the soil for cultivation

According to the long-standing division of labor in sub-Saharan Africa, which one of the following tasks is typically NOT the responsibility of women?


India's diversion of the Ganga River's flow to Kolkata has had a significant impact on farmers and fishermen in:

New Delhi

India's national government is based in:

the eastern foothills of the Himalaya

Precipitation from the summer monsoon is particularly intense in which of the following areas of South Asia?


The Indian city that holds the world record for annual rainfall is:


The Indian pilgrimage town that millions of Hindus visit to die and be cremated in is:

Bay of Bengal

The body of water to which the Ganga flows is the:

the Western Ghats

The first area reached by the summer monsoons of South Asia are

Sri Lanka

The large island off the southern coast of India is:


The monsoon that brings plentiful rain to South Asia occurs during which season?

Management of forest resources should be given to local communities.

What is the foundational argument of the so-called "social forestry movement" in South Asia?

increase ecological awareness

What is the main purpose of the "Chipko movement" in India?


Which is the world's highest mountain range?


Which mountain range shields the Indian subcontinent from cold airflows from the north?

to replace the names given to those cities during British colonial rule

Why has India renamed several of its large cities, with Calcutta becoming Kolkata and Bombay becoming Mumbai?


A water conflict exists between India and Bangladesh, two countries that share the Ganga River T/F


For people in developing regions, an improved standard of living usually requires more water and energy. T/F


It is fair to say that the Sardar Sarovar Dam project has created more problems than it has solved. T/F


Many Hindus believe that the Ganga River is a goddess who purifies all that she touches. T/F


Most of India's sewer systems were built by the British in the twentieth century. T/F


According to Dr. Applegate, India lags behind China in development and will probably never equal China in its economic power. T/F

to control river flooding and produce electricity

Why did China build the Three Gorges Dam?

because of China's rapid increases in carbon emissions

Why has East Asia come to occupy a central position in climate change debates?


Which of the following words is a synonym for superconurbation?


The Shinto religion is most closely associated with which country of East Asia?


During what era did the Chinese Empire reach its height?

North America

East Asia is located in roughly the same latitudinal zone as which of the following world regions?

North Korea

Over the last three decades, which country of East Asia has had the slowest economic growth?


Which environmental hazard is the most serious in Japan?


Korea is located on which type of landform?


How much of China's total energy supply comes from burning coal?


In what Southeast Asian country is transmigration most common, and a policy of the national government?


What country of Southeast Asia has the region's lowest total Fertility Rat--a rate so low (below replacement level) that without immigration, its population will begin to decline?

volcanic activity

What geological feature is associated with the islands of Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sunda Islands?


What country in Southeast Asia is a city-state?

deforestation's effect on greenhouse gases in the region

What factor causes Southeast Asia's role in climate change to be larger than it appears at first glance?

straddles the equator.

Island Southeast Asia...


What country is the world's most populous Muslim country?

now often focuses on specialty crops like pineapples, palm oil, or rubber.

Plantation agriculture in Southeast Asia...


Which country in Southeast Asia contains the largest number of islands?


Which country of Southeast Asia lies both on the mainland and in the islands of the region?


After a history of violence, Cambodia today has a democratically elected government. T/F


The vast majority of African migrants move within the continent of Africa T/F

While microcredit has been somewhat successful, more than half the loans are not

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the microcredit system in South

allow the land to reforest after 3 years

Which of the following is among the strategies used by cultivators in the wet tropics to
maintain soil fertility?

dry interior west and wet (monsoon) east

Which terms best describe East Asia's two climate zones?


The country with the lowest rate of natural increase in East Asia is:


The modern country of Pakistan was once the location of West Pakistan. T/F

A single party came to monopolize power

Which of the following was an outcome of independence in most countries of subSaharan


Saudi women view restrictive Saudi Arabian laws regarding women's rights as a kind
of apartheid. T/F


During the past three decades of rather assertive economic reform in China,
economic decision making has been centralized. T/F


Islam is a polytheistic religion. T/F


Which Japanese city was NOT destroyed in World War II?

Dutch immigrant farmers who were among the first Europeans to settle in South

Which of the following statements describes the people known as the Boers?


The "iron rice bowl" policy of East Asian communist countries following World War
II was based on preventing rice from being exported to countries east of the Iron Curtain. T/F


The volcanoes of the Philippines are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. T/F

salts being left behind in the soil as water evaporates

The term salinization represents which of the following processes?

agricultural production

The vast majority of water use in North Africa/Southwest Asia is for:


In which Southeast Asian country do the people practice a mix of Taoist, Buddhist,
and Confucian beliefs?

prevent attacks from Mongolian horsemen

The Great Wall of China was built to:


Political and economic cooperation in North Africa/Southwest Asia today is being
aided by the common backgrounds and religions of the region's people. T/F

Japanese cultural domination of China.

All of the following were negative effects of Mao's leadership, EXCEPT:

a rural, higher-caste Muslim woman

Which of the following women would typically have the least individual freedom?

Small farms were combined into large cooperative farms.

What policy did the Chinese Communist government initiate a few years after
coming to power in order to expand food production to satisfy the growing numbers
of industrial workers?


The soils in Southeast Asia are exceptionally fertile when compared with the soils of
other tropical areas. T/F


No other region in the world is as pervasively dry as North Africa and Southwest
Asia. T/F


For people in developing regions, an improved standard of living usually requires
more water and energy. T/F


Commercial agriculture tends to lead to the permanent clearing of fields, which leads
to declined soil fertility. T/F


In sub-Saharan Africa, almost all of the agricultural work is done by men. T/F


The practice of veiling women from the public eye is known as shari'a. T/F


The leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa is:


Which ethnic group did Al Qaeda in Mali fight for control of northern Mali?


In the theocratic states of North Africa/Southwest Asia, Islam is the official religion
and political leaders must be observant Muslims. T/F

Bay of Bengal

The body of water to which the Ganga flows is the:

They are women

What characteristic is true of between 80 and 90 percent of the labor in most Chinese
export processing zones (EPZs)?

the deregulation of the financial sector

The economic crisis that swept through Southeast Asia in the late 1990s was primarily caused by:


In general, Southeast Asia is expanding its links to the global economy. T/F

Crustal plates that underlie the African continent are spreading apart.

What process is creating a series of rift features along the eastern flank of the African


Today, Sunni Muslims, as opposed to Shi'ite Muslims, account for around 85 percent
of the world Islamic community. T/F

They did not sufficiently invest in basic human resources.

What is the main reason that the countries that experienced huge gains in oil wealth
during the 1970s were not able to generate an industrial revolution in their domestic


In rural Islamic societies, prepubescent girls are more likely to have greater spatial
freedom than females who have undergone puberty. T/F


The partition of India can be viewed as part of the British divide-and-conquer
colonial philosophy. T/F

the government has instituted policies to ensure a large population of agricultural

Population growth is high in South Asia for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:

Hindu nationalist

India's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) can best be described as:

Advanced service production has increased in coastal urban areas

Which of the following has been a result of modern regional specialization policies in


The group of Jews who began purchasing land in Palestine in the late nineteenth
century, with the hope of creating a Jewish state, were known as:

South Africa

Changes in which one of the following countries demonstrate that it is possible to
achieve stable and democratic rule in sub-Saharan Africa?


Most of the space in the Southeast Asian region is composed of:

Tropical climates lead to higher fertility rates.

Which of the following is NOT a valid explanation for high birth rates in subSaharan


The plateau that rose up behind the Himalayas as a result of strong tectonic forces is:


China is nearly self-sufficient for basic necessities.