Geography - Chapter 11 East Asia

The term "China Proper" refers to

The populist eastern half of China

What is the most mountainous region of china?



Has mild winters

East Asia is located in roughly the same latitudinal zone as which of the following world regions?

North America

Which environmental hazard is the most serious in Japan?

Earthquakes and tsunami's

Korea is located on which type of landform?


Where would you find the mildest climate of East Asia?

South-Western China

How much of China's total energy supply comes from burning coal?


Problems associated with the construction of the three gorges dam included all the following, except

The diversion of two other major rivers to fill the three Gorges reservoir

The three gorges dam was constructed on which river in China?

Yangtze River

Japan has a policy of self-sufficiency in which product?


In which part of East Asia would we find one of the most thoroughly anthropogenic landscapes in the world?

The North China plain

What writing system forms the basis for the writing throughout east Asia?


Confucianism stresses all of the following ideals, except

The need for the aristocracy to serve in the bureaucracy

In which country of East Asia has Confucian Philosophy had the least influence?


All of the following statements about Mahayana Buddhism are true, except

It is strongest in southeast asia

The Shinto religion is most closely associated with which country of East Asia?


About how many Chinese citizens are Muslims?

20-60 Million

Who are the Ainu?

An ethnic minority in Japan

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Han people?

They all speak the same language and dialect

During what era did the Chinese Empire reach its height?

1700s/18th century

After the Manchu Dynasty of China was toppled in 1911, which of the following developments did NOT occur?

Local military leaders (warlords) grabbed power for themselves

Which of the following countries did NOT have a sphere of influence in China in the 19th century?


Which country in East Asia does mainland China still claim as an integral part of the Chinese nation?


What is the main reason that several countries in East Asia claim the islands northwest of Taiwan?

These islands may hold petroleum reserves

Which country of East Asia recently acquired nuclear weapons?

North Korea

China's "Great Leap Forward

Led to a major fan and as the government melted down peasants farm tools

China's late 20th century a economic reform

Led to growth rates exceeding 10% per year

Which Chinese region has experienced the greatest recent economic expansion?

The providences along the coast

What has been the consequence of China's "one child" policy?

Average total fertility rate has dropped to 1.6, but the number of baby boys far exceeds the number of baby girls because of gender selective abortion and abandonment of healthy baby girls at birth