Physical Geography 101

The word geography comes from the Greek, meaning

Earth Description

Geography is what kind of science

a combination of physical and social sciences

The solid, inorganic portion of the Earth system is known as the


Which of the following subsystems includes all living things on Earth?


Know Careers you can have with a degree in geography

Urban planner, educator, demographer

Know the 5 spacial themes of geography

Location, place, movement, region & human and earth relationships

The size of the Universe is the best described as

beyond human comprehension

Earth's diameter is


The response to Earth's rotation is

Polar flattening, giving an oblate shape

The best description of the actual shape of Earth is

Oblate Spheroid

What is the deepest spot in the ocean?

Mariana Trench

A cross section of Earth cut from pole to pole would reveal what shape?

An Elipse

The earth rotates about its


The Greenwich Meridian is also known as the

Prime Meridian

Know the 7 parallels

Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, North Pole, South Pole

An example of perceived obsolescence would be


Planned obsolescence is

designed for the dump

What is not defined by latitute


The "natural" baseline which serves as the baseline to measure longitude

Prime Meridian

If you are in the southern hemisphere on July 2nd, what season would YOU be experiencing?


The speed of earths rotation is fastest at the


If you are at 70 degrees north latitude during the June solstice, what would you most likely be experiencing


the most important physical aspect of the Earths rotation is

day & night

What date marks the beginning of the Northern hemisphere's Vernal Equinox (Spring)

March 20th

What is the angular inclination of earths axis

23.5 degress

the perihelion is during the month of


The Antarctic circle will see its first sunset on which date?

Jule 21st

The north end of the Earths axis points towards

the north star polaris

Know the causes of earths seasons

tilt, polarity,revolution, rotation, shape TPRRS

What is the dirtiest city on earth?


Know the elements of weather and climate

temperature, moisture, pressure, wind TMPW

Know the atmospheric layers and their order

Troposphere , Stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, Exosphere TSMTHE

The non gaseous particles in the atmosphere are called

particulates and aerosoles

What are examples of atmospheric aerosols and particulates?

dust, smog, volcanic ash