Geography Exam



The word spatial refers to

the nature and character of physical space

Relative to the 5 fundamental themes of geography, latitude ans longitude refer to


Relative to the 5 fundamental themes of geography, the Taj mahal in India and Ayers rock in Australia are best described within which of the 5 themes


what type of feedback maintains stability in a system, what type of feedback keeps a system functioning properly


The increase in meltponds in Arctic regions is an example of

positive feedback, because the meltponds absorb more solar energy than ice did

if the human population keeps growing rapidly there could be a rapid shift from there being enough food to large scale food shortages and starvation. The point at which this changes is


which of the following statements is true about earth

the equatorial diameter is 42km greater than the polar diameter

the key idea of the scientific method

the testing of ideas through controlled observations and experiments

The basis for defining the length of a day is the fact that

Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours, it rotates 15 degrees of longitude per hour

which of the following is NOT true of scientific theories

they are absolute truths and can never be proven wrong

a magnetic disturbance on the Sun's surface is called

a sunspot

the meridian opposite of earths prime meridian is called

the international dateline

If city A is located west of City B, the time at city A is ________ than that at City B because earth rotates from ________ when viewed from the north pole.

Earlier, west to east (counterclockwise)

the oblateness of earth occurs at the


which of the following is true regarding earth's axis

the axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from a perpendicular to the plane of ecliptic

the dominant wavelength of energy emitted by the sun is

shorter than that emitted by Earth

if a clock on a ship indicates that it is 2:00PM in its home port while another clock on the ship indicates that it is 12:00 noon at ships present location, what is the difference in longitude between the ship's position and it's home port?

the ship is 30 degrees west of its home port

life is possible on earths primarily because

the ozonosphere and ionosphere shield the surface from harmful radiation

if you began a trip at 60 degrees west, 20 degrees north and traveled 120 degrees farther west and 50 degrees south,your new position would be

The international dateline at 30 degrees south latitude

which of the following is a consequence of acid rain

damage to aquatic ecosystems, changes in soil chemistry, dying of forests, all of these

if it is 10pm on july 3rd at 30 degrees west what date and time is it at 15 degrees east?

july 4th, 1AM

these criteria used for classification of the atmosphere explained in the text are

composition, temp,and function

the term "net radiation" refers to

the difference in amount of incoming and outgoing radiation

the tropopause occurs at ______ elevation above the tropics than above the poles because

higher, the troposphere is hotter in the tropics and this causes the air to rise to greater heights

the average insolation received by the thermopause when the earth is at its average distance from the sun is known as the

solar constant

the most extreme northern and southern parallels to experience perpendicular rays of the sun at local noon are located at

23.5 north and south

the equinox

has 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night for all locations

the suns declination migrates through

47 degrees

on june 21st the suns declination is at

the tropic of cancer

the outermost region of the atmosphere based on compostion


the heterosphere is the layer of the atmosphere in which the gases are ____ because of _____

poorly mixed, the influence of gravity which causes gases of different weight to separate into layers

An angular distance measured east or west of a prime meridian from the center of the Earth is termed


The clean air act (CAA)

has cost $523 billion to implement
In 2010 a report on the CAA stated that $110 billion was saved including some 23,000
direct economic benefits $5.6 to $49.4 trillion- average $22.2 trillion

On the northern hemisphere summer solstice, the north polar region recieves _____ daily insolation than areas nearer the equator BC ______

More, the Sun does not set

the ozonosphere is critical to life because it

absorbs most ultraviolet wavelengths

which of the following is true regarding the depletion of ozonesphere

It results from chemical reactions with chlorine derived from CFCs

Sources of natural variable pollutants and materials include all of the following except

Industrial activity

Photochemical smog developed with the advent of


despite its high temps why would the thermosphere feel cold to humans

the number of molecules is not high enough to transfer heat to human's skin

the ______ emits mainly _____ which is also called

earth, long wave radiation, infrared

the sun's altitude refers to

The angular height of the sun above the horizon

the highest temps in the atmoshpere occur in the _______ because ______

Thermosphere, it is in direct contact with high energy solar radiation

Temps within the stratosphere

Increase with altitude because of the absorption of ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following combinations of NET R terms would be associated with a hot, dry climate (LE= latent heat of evaporation, H= Sensible heat, G= ground heating and cooling)

LE small, H large, G large

Which of the following is NOT true of the freezing point of water

There is a single freezing point, 0 degrees C (32 degrees F)

_____ is the general term for the outdoor temp as it is percieved by humans

Apparent Temperature

Official Temps are measured using thermometer placed in shelters that are

Placed a few feet above the ground in louvered white boxes

Land Surface temperature is (LST)

A measure of the heating of the land surface and is distinct from air temperature

The principal controls and influences of temperature patterns include

Latitude, altitude, land-water heating differences, cloud cover, ocean currents, and surface conditions,

Imagine two hypothetical cities both located at 12 degrees N latitude. However on is located near sea level, while the other at an elevation of 4,000 m (13,123ft) above sea level. Which of the following is likely true?

Though both cities are within the tropics, the city at the higher elevation has average monthly and annual temps lower than the city near sea level.

The temperature control that indicates the heat capacity of a substance is

Specific Heat

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the differences in the heating of land and water

Soil has a higher specific heat than water

During the day clouds _____ insolation, lowering daily maximum temps, at night clouds ______ longwave energy, thereby raising minimum nighttime temps

Reflect, Absorb

which of the following is true regarding the specific heat of land and water

Water can hold more heat energy than a comparable volume of rock

The specific heat of land is _______ than water, and therefore land heats more ______ than water.

lower, quickly

As a result of the characteristics of water cities located near a coast should experience a temp range that is _____those of cities located in the interior at the same latitude.

Smaller than

During the summer cities located near the coast are_____ than those in the interior at the same latitude, while in the winter they are

Cooler, Warmer

The Gulf Stream

Moves northward in the western atlantic, moderating temps in Iceland

In July the thermal equator

Trends poleward over continents and equatorward over the oceans

Both City A and City B are located at the same latitude and the same amount of cloud coverage. City A has a mean annual temp of 27 degrees C and temp range of 22 degrees C. City B has a mean annual temp of 26 degrees C and a temp range of 14 degrees C whi

City A

Salvador, Brazil is located at 13 Degrees South based on its latitudinal position, which of the following likely best describes the temp

The temp is consistently high throughout the year

An increase in air pressure will cause the mercury in a barometer to


Which of the following describes the pressure gradient force

It drives air from areas of higher to lower barometric pressure

An isoline of equal pressure plotted on a weather map is known as

An isobar

On a weather map of air pressure, what can you infer from a closer spacing of isobars.

a steep pressure gradient creating a faster flow of air

The deflection produced by the Coriolis Force is cause by

The Earth's rotation on its axis

If Santa flew from the North Pole due South along the 100 degrees meridian and did not correct his course he would land

West of the 100 meridian

Which is true of air flowing into low pressure center at the surface

Air converges and ascends

In the Northern Hemispheres winds spiraling clockwise out of a high pressure area are


In the absence of friction the combined effect of the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient force produces

Geostrophic winds at altitude above the ground

Which of the following matches is correct relative to air circulation

Cyclone= clockwise circulation in the southern hemipshere

Which of the following primary pressure areas are produces by thermal factors rather than dynamic factors

equatorial low and polar high

If you were between 40 degrees and 50 degrees north latitude and you wanted to stand with the average winds blowing in your face you would stand facing


Which of the following is not true with the Asian monsoon pattern

Summer low pressure zones over the ocean and high pressure zone over land

During the day along the coast the wind tends to blow toward the _____ because

land, land heats more rapidly than water

In the Northern Hemisphere ocean currents move ______ about high pressure cells in the southern hemisphere ocean currents move ______ about high pressure cells

Clockwise, counterclockwise

Which of the following is true of thermohaline circulation

they are deep currents caused by differences in temp and salinity

The El Nino- southern oscillation

is a periodic shift of high and low pressure zones over the western and eastern pacific, respectively, usually occurring every 2 to 12 years

The hydrogen bonding in water creates ________, a cohesive force that enables one to slightly
overfill a glass with water or allows denser objects, such as a lengthwise steel needle, to float
on water.

surface tension

Water molecules bind tightly to one another. This is a result of

hydrogen bonding.

Which of the following phase changes of water is incorrectly matched?

Evaporation�energy released

The term deposition refers to

water vapor freezing to ice.

What is the heat energy involved in the change of state, or phase, in water?

latent heat

When water freezes, its density


Which of the following phase changes decreases the temperature of the air?

ice to water

Below a temperature of 4�C (39�F), water ________ and its density ________

expands; decreases

When water condenses, it ________ heat energy and ________ the surrounding air.

releases; heats

When water evaporates, it ________ heat energy and ________ the surrounding air.

absorbs; cools

If the amount of water vapor in the air remained constant, but the air temperature increased
throughout the day, the relative humidity would


As temperature increases, the amount of energy available for evaporation


A mass of air always becomes saturated when it reaches the

dew-point temperature.

A humidity measure that remains constant as temperature and pressure change, and which is
expressed as a mass of water vapor per mass (g/kg) of air, is

specific humidity.

Assuming the amount of water vapor remains constant, a temperature increase will ________
the specific humidity.

have no effect on

The greater the difference in temperature between the wet bulb and dry bulb on a sling
psychrometer, the ________ the air is and the ________ the relative humidity

drier; lower

The point where saturation begins in a rising air parcel is

the lifting condensation level

An air parcel is considered unstable when it

continues to rise until it reaches an altitude at which the surrounding air has
a similar temperature.

Assume a warm air parcel, at sea level, has a temperature of 16�C and begins to rise upward.
Assume it becomes saturated at 1000 m altitude, and continues to rise to 2000 m altitude.
What would the approximate temperature of the parcel be at an elevation


The wet adiabatic rate is ________ than the dry adiabatic rate because ________.

less; condensation heats the air

What type of cloud that has a thin wispy appearance, consists of ice crystals, and often
precedes a warm front?


A stratus cloud that produces precipitation is known as


Clouds that have vertical development and produce thunderstorms are called


When water freezes, its volume


Air masses which develop over Canada are examples of ___________________________ air


Air flowing from different directions to an area of low pressure, coming together, and being
displaced upward is an example of ________ lifting


Air rising as a result of being stimulated by local surface heating is an example of ________
lifting (e.g. fields being plowed in the spring).


Air that is forcibly lifted upslope when it meets a topographic barrier such as a mountain is an
example of ________ lifting.


The dry leeward side of a mountain is often termed a (n)

rain shadow.

Summer afternoon thundershowers in the southeastern United States are more than likely a
result of (e.g. the state of Florida)

convectional and convergent lifting

The term "rain shadow" refers to

dry regions on the leeward side of mountain ranges.

The wetter, intercepting slope of a mountain is termed the ________ slope, whereas the drier,
downwind slope is termed the ________ slope.

windward; leeward

Cyclonic storm tracks across the United States and Canada generally

shift to the south in winter, and toward the north in summer.

Which of the following is true of the occluded stage of a midlatitude cyclone?

It occurs when the cold front overruns the slower moving warm front

When a cold front approaches, air pressure will initially ________ due to the displacement and
uplift of ________ air.

decrease; warm

After a cold front passes, the temperature ________ and the pressure ________ (relative to
the conditions that existed prior to the passage of the front).

decreases; increases

After a warm front passes, the temperature ________ and the pressure ________ (relative to
the conditions that existed prior to the passage of the front).

increases; decreases

The severity of storm activity along a warm front is ________ than that along most cold fronts
because the rate of uplift is ________ along a warm front.

less; slower

Which of the following is true of migrating centers of low pressure in the Northern

These pressure systems are characterized by converging, ascending air that
spirals inward in a counterclockwise fashion.

Variations of wind speed and direction with altitude is known as

wind shear

Hail forms

from repeated circulation of raindrops above and below the freezing level
in a cloud.

Derechos are

straight-line winds associated with thunderstorms.


are associated with mesocyclones.

Which of the following cloud types is associated with tornado development?


Tornadoes are ranked in terms of wind speed and related property damage using the ________

Enhanced Fujita

Hurricanes derive their energy from

the latent heat of condensation.

Easterly waves travel from ________ in the ________ belt.

east to west; trade wind

Hurricanes die when they move over land because

evaporation and subsequent condensation are no longer sufficient to
sustain them

Which of the following "ingredients" is not associated with thunderstorm formation?

strong high pressure cell

Which of the following is incorrect?

The most severe weather in a hurricane occurs in the spiral bands.

the key idea of the scientific method


the key idea of the scientific method


the key idea of the scientific method
