GEO 102 Final Part 8

Air flows___ a surface high pressure area because the density of the air in the high pressure zone is____ than that of the surrounding air.

Out of; more dense.

If Earth did not rotate, air would flow

Perpendicular to the isobars, i.e. straight across the isobars.

Which of the following is true of high pressure areas?

Air descends and diverges within high pressure systems.

On a weather map of air pressure, what can you infer from a closer spacing of isobars?

A steep pressure gradient creating a faster flow of air.

Which of the following describes the Coriolis force?

It causes the apparent deflection of winds from a straight path.

The deflection produced by the Coriolis force is caused by

The fact that Earth's rotation decreases in speed toward the poles.

In the absence of friction, the combined effect of the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient force produces

Geostrophic winds at high altitudes above the ground.

The inter tropical convergence zone is characterized by

Convergence and uplift of warm surface air.

Between 20 degrees to 35 degrees north latitude and 20 to 35 degrees south latitude are

The world's arid and semi-arid desert regions.

Winds that blow predominantly from the northeast and the southeast are the

Trade winds.

The dominant surface winds from the subtropics to high latitudes are the


If you were between 40 and 50 degrees north latitude and you wanted to stand with the average winds blowing in your face, you would stand facing


Air flow in a northern hemisphere high pressure zone is

Downward, outward, and clockwise.

Within the upper-air westerly wind flow are great waving undulations

Known as Rossby waves that involve contact between cooler and warmer air masses.

The jet streams help control

The movement of high and low pressure systems. The movement of storms. The boundary between cold polar air to the north and warm air to the south.

Land-sea breezes are caused by

Onshore (toward the land) air flows that develop in the afternoon as the land heats faster than neighboring water surfaces.

Mountain-valley breezes are caused by

Warm air rising upslope during the day and cooler air descending the slopes at night.

The winds that blow off the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are

Called katabatic winds.

Monsoonal winds are

Regional wind systems that seasonally vary.

Ocean currents are produced by

Friction, Coriolis force, and water density differences only.

Which of the following is true of upwelling zones?

They are nutrient-rich. They occur along the west coasts of continents. They are most common above deep basins.

Weather is

The short-term condition of the atmosphere.

Over the last two decades, costs for weather-related destruction has, on an annual basis,

Increased five-fold.

Earth is properly characterized as

The water planet.

Water covers some____ of Earth's surface.


Water has a density of

1 g/cm.

When water freezes, its density


Which of the following is true of the distribution of land and water on Earth?

The Southern Hemisphere is dominated by water.

The largest portion of fresh water today is located in

Ice caps and glaciers.

Other than ice sheets and glaciers, the largest repository of fresh water is located in


Water molecules bind tightly to one another. This is a result of

Hydrogen bonding.

Water is a good solvent because

It has an asymmetrical charge distribution (one end is positive and the other is negative).

Surface tension and capillarity are the result of

Hydrogen bonding between water molecules.

The term "deposition" refers to

Water vapor freezing to ice.

What is the heat energy involved in the change of state, or phase, in water?

Latent heat.

Which of the following phase changes involves the greatest number of calories?


Which of the following is correctly matched?

C to A: Sublimation.

Which of the following is correctly matched?

A to B: 540 calories released by water.

When water condenses, it____ heat energy and____ the surrounding air.

Releases; heats.

When frost forms, it

Warms the air by releasing 680 calories of heat energy to the air per gram of water.

When water evaporates, it____ heat energy and____ the surrounding air.

Absorbs; cools.

In winter, freezing water can break pipes and even crack engine blocks. Why does this happen?

Water expands in volume as it freezes in response to hydrogen bonding.

Water vapor in the atmosphere is called


Relative humidity is

The amount of water vapor in the air at a given temperature expressed as a percentage of the moisture capacity of the air.

The capacity of the air to hold water vapor is basically a function of

The temperature of both the water vapor and the air.

A mass of air always becomes saturated when it reaches the

Dew-point temperature.

A humidity measure that remains constant as temperature and pressure change, and which is expressed as a mass of water vapor per mass (g/kg) of air is

Specific humidity.

As temperature increases during the day, relative humidity usually


The elevation at which the bottoms of clouds begin to form represents the elevation at which

Dew point occurs. Relative humidity reaches 100%.

The general term that refers to the tendency of a parcel of air to either remain in place or change its initial position is_____.
