Physical Science Ch. 8

Thomson was convinced that he had discovered a subatomic particle, the electron, from the evidence that

the charge to mass ratio was the same for all materials

the existence of a tiny, massive, and positively charged nucleus was deduced from the observation that

some radioactive particles were deflected by a magnetic foil

according to Rutherford's calculations, the volume of an atom is mostly,

empty space

Milikan measured the charge on oil droplets and found that all the droplets had

the same or multiples of the same charge

Rutherford's estimate of the radius of an atomic nucleus was based on

measurements of radioactive particle deflections from gold foil

the atomic number is the number of


all neutral atoms of an element have the same

atomic number, number of electrons and number of protons

the main problem with a solar system model of the atom is that

the electron should lose energy since they are accelerating

atoms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons are


the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is the

mass number

atomic weight is determined by

a weighted average of the masses of isotopes of an element based on abundance

this isotope provides the standard to which the masses of all other isotopes are compared

carbon- 12

in 1910, Max PLanck introduced the idea that matter emits and absorbs energy in

discrete units called quanta

energy of the electron is expressed in units of

electron volts

the major success of the Bohr theory was in explaining

the colors in the hydrogen line spectrum

light from an incandescent gas is dispersed into narrow lines of colors with no light between the lines. this is called

line spectrum

the lowest energy state or level of an atom is

ground state

the basis of the quantum mechanics theory of the atom is

the wave of electrons

an electron moving from an excited state to the ground state

emits a photon

the existence of matter waves proposed by

de Broglie

any moving particle hasa wavelength that is associated with it's mass and velocity. This is a statement that proposed the existence of

matter waves

the arrangement of electrons in orbitals is called

electron configuration

Group IIA elements are called

alkaline earth metals

the elements in A groups are called

representative elements

the element chlorine belongs to which groups?


The gain or loss of electrons from an atom results in the formation of a


elements that have properties of both the metals and nonmetals are


transition metals

are metal, belong to the B group, have variable charges

the energy of a photon

is directly proportional to the frequency

a photon of which of the following has the most energy? red light, orange light, green light, blue light

blue light

the lines of colors in a line spectrum from a given element

are always the same, with a regular spacing pattern

hydrogen, with it's one electron, produces a line spectrum in the visible light range with

four color lines

according to the Bohr model, an electron gains or loses energy only by

jumping from one allowed orbit to another

according to the bohr model, when an electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit farther from the nucleus to an orbit closer to the nucleus, it

emits a single photon with energy equal to the energy difference of the two orbits

the Bohr model of the atom

explained the color lines in the hydrogen spectrum, coud not explain the line spectrum of atoms larger than hydrogen, had some made-up rules without explanation

The Bohr model of the atom described the energy state of electrons with one quantum number. The quantum mechanics model uses how many quantum number to describe the energy state of an electron?


an electron in the second main energy level and second sublevel is described by the symbols


the space in which it is probable that an electron will be found is described by a


two different isotopes of the same element have

the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons

the isotopes of a given element always have

different masses and the same chemical behavior

If you want to know the number of protons in an atom of a given element. you look up

atomic number

if you want to know the number of neutrons in an atom of a given element, you

subtract the atomic number from the mass number

which of the following is always a whole number

mass number of a isotope

the quantum mechanics and Bohr models of the atom both agree on

how electrons are able to emit light

hydrogen with its one electron, can produce a line spectrum with four visible colors because

there are multiple energy levels that an electron can occupy

a photon is emitted from the electron structure of an atom when an electron

jumps from higher to a lower energy