Geography test 2

What is the name for solar energy that is intercepted by Earth?
A) advection.
B) albedo.
C) insolation.
D) transmission energy.

C) insolation

The passage of shortwave and longwave energy through the atmosphere or water is an example of
A) insolation.
B) absorption.
C) refraction.
D) transmission.

D) transmission

Earth's main energy inputs are
A) longwave radiation and ultraviolet light.
B) near infrared and far infrared (i.e., longwave radiation).
C) gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet radiation.
D) ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared radiation.

D) ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared radiation

Net radiation (NET R) refers to
A) the balance of all radiation incoming and outgoing at Earth's surface.
B) the amount of insolation coming into the surface.
C) the net energy expended for ground heating and cooling.
D) the amount of insolation not absor

A) the balance of all radiation incoming and outgoing at Earth's surface

A vertical air current that is generated by temperature-induced density differences is an example of heat transfer by
A) convection.
B) conduction.
C) advection.
D) diffusion.
E) transmission.

A) convection

Which of the following has the highest albedo?
A) fresh snow
C) asphalt
B) dry, light sandy soils
D) forests

A) fresh snow

The relationship between the insolation curve and the air temperature curve on a graph of daily surface energy
A) shows that peak temperatures occur near noon, whereas peak insolation receipt is at 3:00 or 4:00 P.M. B) shows little or no relationship betw

D) exhibits a lag of several hours between the plotted lines.

Conduction refers to
A) strong horizontal movement of air in the atmosphere.
B) the behavior of something.
C) the molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat energy.
D) strong vertical movement of air in the atmosphere.

C) the molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat energy.

Which two gases are primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect because of their ability to absorb infrared energy?
A) nitrogen and oxygen
B) oxygen and hydrogen
C) water vapor and carbon dioxide
D) ozone and dust

C) water vapor and carbon dioxide

Earth's average overall albedo is
A) 31 percent
B) 51 percent
C) 69 percent
D) unknown

A) 31 percent

The sky is blue because
A) gasses in the atmosphere scatter blue light well
B) dust in the atmosphere changes the black color of space to sky blue.
C) light from the Sun is mainly blue.
D) light reflects off of the oceans.

A) gasses in the atmosphere scatter blue light well

An increase in the amount of high altitude, thin clouds would
A) warm the planet in a process called cloud-greenhouse forcing.
B) have no effect on the planet's temperature because insolation is constant.
C) cool the planet in a process called cloud-albed

A) warm the planet in a process called cloud-greenhouse forcing

The reflective quality of a surface is known as its
A) conduction.
B) scattering.
C) absorption.
D) albedo

D) albedo

when water evaporates, the energy that was used to evaporate the water
A) is transferred to the air by advection when the water evaporates.
B) is conducted into the underlying layer of water.
C) is stored as sensible heat in the evaporated water.
D) is st

D) is stored as latent heat in the evaporated water.

Which of the following combinations of NET R terms would be associated with a hot, dry climate? (+ SW = insolation; - SW = albedo; LE = latent heat of evaporation)
A) + SW small; - SW large; LE large
B) + SW large; - SW small; LE large
C) + SW small; - SW

D) + SW large; - SW small; LE small

On the average, which of the following is true regarding the distribution of shortwave and longwave energy at Earth's surface by latitude?
A) The polar regions are areas of net surpluses.
B) More energy is lost than is gained in the equatorial regions.

C) The distribution shows an imbalance of net radiation from equator to poles.

If the surface of Earth were to suddenly turn white, the temperature of the planet would __________ because __________ insolation would be absorbed.
A) increase; less
B) increase; more
C) decrease; less
D) decrease; mo

C) decrease; less

T/F: The coldest time of the year occurs in December at the time of the winter solstice.


T/F: Latent heat of evaporation (LE) is the dominant expenditure of Earth's entire net radiation budget.


T/F: The reflective quality of a surface is called its albedo and is expressed as a percentage.


An isoline that connects all points of highest mean temperature on a world map is called
A) the thermal equator.
B) the highest mean temperature isoline.
C) min/max line.
D) an isobar.
E) the temperature range line.

A) the thermal equator

Kinetic energy refers to
A) the energy an object possesses by virtue of its elevation above a surface.
B) the energy an object possesses in accordance with the law E = mc2.
C) the energy an object possesses by virtue of its motion.
D) the energy an object

C) the energy an object possesses by virtue of its motion

The principal controls and influences of temperature patterns include
A) specific heat only.
B) latitude, altitude, land-water heating differences, cloud cover, ocean currents, and surface conditions.
C) Earth's tilt, rotation, revolution, and sphericity.

B) latitude, altitude, land-water heating differences, cloud cover, ocean currents, and surface conditions

The Gulf Stream
A) creates a warming effect on Japan and the Aleutians.
B) moves northward in the western Atlantic, moderating temperatures in Iceland.
C) moves equatorward, warming the California coast.
D) moves southward and moderates temperatures in ea

B) moves northward in the western Atlantic, moderating temperatures in Iceland

The land-water heating difference that specifically relates to opaqueness is
A) specific heat.
B) altitude.
C) transparency.
D) evaporation

C) transparency

The annual temperature range map in your text shows that the
A) greatest ranges occur in east central Siberia in Russia.
B) greatest ranges occur in the subtropics over the oceans.
C) lowest ranges occur over continental interiors in the Northern Hemisphe

A) greatest ranges occur in east central Siberia in Russia.

The cool ocean currents that flow along the west coasts of continents promote
A) heavy rainfall.
B) thunderstorm development.
C) fog.
D) all of the above.

C) fog

As reported by the National Weather Service, the heat index
A) combines air pressure and temperature in a comfort index.
B) gives you an indication of the effect of wind on the skin. C) is generally reported during critical winter months.
D) relates tempe

D) relates temperature and relative humidity.

If the temperature at the surface of Earth (at sea level) is 100�F, what is the temperature at 2000 feet if the normal lapse rate is 3.5�F/1000 feet?
A) 93�F
B) 96.5�F
C) 107�F
D) 103.5�F

A) 93 degrees F

Which of the following would experience the least continentality?
A) a tropical island
B) 200 kilometers inland from the Gulf of Mexico
C) central Nevada
D) north central Asia

A) a tropical island

-273�C (-459.4�F) is
A) absolute zero
B) the same as 273 Kelvin
C) an average boiling temperature.
D) no possible on any scale

A) absolute zero

Air pressure at 5500 m (18,000 ft.) is __________ (percent) of that at sea level.
A) 0
B) 10
C) 30
D) 50

D) 50

6.4�C/1000 m (3.5�F/1000 ft.) refers to
A) an environmental lapse rate.
B) a latitudinal lapse rate
C) the normal lapse rate.
D) a measure of air pressure

C) the normal lapse rate

The single most important control on temperature is
A) evaporation.
B) distribution of land and water
C) altitude.
D) latitude

D) latitude

Which of the following is true?
A) The Northern and Southern hemispheres are dominated equally by continentality.
B) Southern Hemisphere temperatures are more strongly dominated by continentality than are Northern Hemisphere temperatures.
C) The Northern

D) Northern Hemisphere temperatures are more strongly dominated by continentality than are Southern
Hemisphere temperatures

The temperature on a cloudy night is likely to be __________ the temperature on a clear night-all other factors being equal.
A) warmer than
B) the same as
C) colder than

A) warmer than

Relative to latitude and surface energy receipts, which of the following is true?
A) Insolation intensity decreases with distance from the subsolar point.
B) Daylength decreases with increasing latitude in summer. C) Seasonal effects increase toward the e

A) Insolation intensity decreases with distance from the subsolar point.

Land has a __________ specific heat than water and therefore heats more __________.
A) lower; quickly
B) higher; quickly
C) higher; slowly
D) lower; slowl

A) lower, quickly

Based on information discussed previously in the course, you know that average temperatures in the troposphere __________ with increasing elevation because the atmosphere is heated __________.
A) decrease; from the bottom-up by reflected insolation
B) inc

D) decrease; from the bottom-up by terrestrial infrared energy

Both City A and City B are located at the same latitude and the same amount of cloud cover. City A has a mean annual temperature of 27�C and a temperature range of 22�C. City B has a mean annual temperature of 26�C and a temperature range of 14�C. Which c

A) City A

T/F: Clouds moderate temperatures producing lower daily maximums and higher nightly minimums.


T/F: Maritime influences tend to decrease both daily and monthly temperature ranges.


T/F: There is as yet no scientific consensus concerning the idea that Earth is warming as a result of human activities.


T/F: The highest temperatures on Earth are associated with the intense heating in subtropical deserts.


Air flow is initiated by the
A) pressure gradient force.
B) centrifugal force.
C) Coriolis force.
D) friction force.

A) pressure gradient force

If you were between 40� and 50� north latitude, and you wanted to stand with the average winds blowing in your face you would stand facing
A) north.
B) west.
C) east.
D) south.

B) west

On a weather map of air pressure, what can you infer from a closer spacing of isobars?
A) a weak pressure gradient creating a slower flow of air
B) a steep pressure gradient creating a slower flow of air
C) little without knowing temperature patterns
D) a

D) a steep pressure gradient creating a faster flow of air

Which instrument would you use to measure wind speed? A) an anemometer.
B) the wind chill chart.
C) a wind vane.
D) a barometer.
E) the Beaufort wind scale.

A) an anemometer

The area of conflict between colder and warmer air masses in the subpolar region
A) is referred to as the subtropical contact zone.
B) is termed the polar front.
C) is most distinctive during summer months in each respective hemisphere.
D) is unrelated to

B) is termed the polar front

forceful northward flowing warm currents in the Northern Hemisphere are the
A) California and Peru currents.
B) upwelling and downwelling currents.
C) Gulf Stream and Kuroshio. D) equatorial countercurrents

C) Gulf Stream and Kuroshio

A isoline of equal pressure plotted on a weather map is known as
A) an isotherm.
B) an equilibrium line.
C) the thermal equator.
D) an isobar.

D) an isobar

Which of the following are correctly matched?
A) cyclones low pressure cells
B) high pressure ascending, converging air movements
C) anticyclones subpolar pressure cells
D) high pressure cells cyclonic circulation

A) cyclones low pressure cells

The Coriolis force
A) decreases with height above the surface.
B) drives air from areas of higher to lower barometric pressure.
C) is the only force acting on flows of air in the upper troposphere.
D) causes the apparent deflection of winds from a straigh

D) causes the apparent deflection of winds from a straight path

Normal sea level pressure has a value of
A) 32.01 millibars of mercury. B) 28.50 inches of lead.
C) 500 mb.
D) 1013.2 millibars.

D) 1013.2 millibars

The mercury barometer (consisting of mercury in a tube, sealed at one end and open at the other, and inserted in a vessel of mercury), was invented by
A) Eratosthenes.
B) Sir Isaac Newton
C) Evangelista Torricelli.
D) Galileo.

C) Evangelista Torricelli

Monsoonal winds are
A) katabatic in nature.
B) a form of mountain-valley wind.
C) regional wind systems that seasonally vary.
D) limited to the Indian subcontinent.

C) regional wind systems that seasonally vary

Which of the following primary pressure areas are produced by thermal factors, rather than dynamic factors?
A) equatorial low and Bermuda high
B) subtropical high and subpolar low
C) equatorial low and polar high
D) Aleutian low and icelandic low

C) equatorial low and polar high

The polar jet is closely associated with
B) polar high.
C) polar front
D) subtropical high

C) polar front

The highest surface air pressure ever recorded occurred when the air was
A) very warm.
B) very wet.
C) very high above the surface of Earth.
D) very cold.

D) very cold

Which of the following is associated with these names: Sonora, Kalahari, Namib, Atacama?
A) major agricultural regions
B) subtropical high pressure
C) subpolar lows
D) world's equatorial rain forest

B) subtropical high pressure

The normal range for air pressure at sea level is
A) 1060-2010 mb.
B) 100 to 650 mb.
C) 980-1050 mb.
D) 500 to 1000 m

C) 980-1050 mb.

The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is associated with
A) the horse latitudes.
B) the equatorial low-pressure trough
C) the principal midlatitude circulations.
D) subtropical high-pressure trough

B) the equatorial low-pressure trough

The intertropical convergence zone is characterized by
A) convergence and uplift of warm surface air.
B) convergence and subsidence of cold surface air. C) divergence and subsidence of cold surface air.
D) divergence and uplift of warm surface air.

A) convergence and uplift of warm surface air.

The jet streams help control
A) the movement of high and low pressure systems.
B) the boundary between cold polar air to the north and warm air to the south. C) the movement of storms.
D) all of the above.
E) none of the abovejet streams do not affect sur

D) all of the above

Which is true of air flowing into low pressure center?
A) Air converges and ascends. B) Air converges and descends.
C) Air diverges and ascends.
D) Air diverges and descends.

B) air converges and descends

If Santa flew from the North Pole due south along the 100� meridian and did not correct his course, he would land
A) east of the 100� meridian. B) on the 100� meridian.
C) west of the 100� meridian.

C) west of the 100� meridian.

Which of the following is true of high pressure areas?
A) They generally involve atmospheric pressures lower than 1000 mb.
B) Air descends and diverges within high pressure systems. C) Air converges and ascends within high pressure systems.
D) They are ch

B) Air descends and diverges within high pressure systems.

Particles produced by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo __________ the albedo of the atmosphere, and this __________ Earth.
A) decreased; warmed
B) increased; warmed
C) increased; cooled
D) decreased; cooled

C) increased; cooled

The effect of the Coriolis force is __________ in the upper atmosphere because __________.
A) diminished; there is less friction
B) diminished; the pressure gradient is weaker
C) enhanced; there is more friction
D) enhanced; the pressure gradient is weake

E) enhanced; there is less friction

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the subpolar low-pressure cells?
A) In the Northern Hemisphere, they are generally stronger in summer than in winter.
B) They are known as the Aleutian and Icelandic lows.
C) They are associated with the polar

A) In the Northern Hemisphere, they are generally stronger in summer than in winter.

Land-sea breezes are caused by
A) the fact that warmer air is denser and settles to the surface of the land.
B) cooler air flowing offshore (toward the ocean) in the afternoon.
C) the fact that water heats and cools faster than land surfaces.
D) onshore (

D) onshore (toward the land) air flows that develop in the afternoon.

On Earth between 30� north latitude and the equator, winds flow from the __________ as they flow out of the __________ pressure zone toward the ITCZ.
A) SW; subtropical high
B) NW; subtropical high
C) NE; subtropical high
D) SE; subtropical high
E) NE; po

C) NE; subtropical high

T/F: Winds are named for the direction in which they are blowing.


T/F: Ocean currents play a relatively small role in regulating climate.


T/F: An area of high pressure circulates counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and is called an anticyclone.
