EXAM 2 Geography

The 1-5 scale rating of hurricane intensity is the ________ scale.


The average hurricane exists, on the average, for about ________.

One week

Tropical cyclones tend to cause the greatest loss of life on the ________

Bay of Bengal.

The month most likely for a hurricane to occur in the Northern Hemisphere is ________.


In and near eastern Asia, the place of origin for tropical cyclones is ________.

East of the Philippines

In the Northern Hemisphere, a midlatitude cyclone has winds that circulate ________.

counterclockwise while converging

Stable anticyclones act as a ________ to moving cyclones.


Most midlatitude cyclones have ________ .

paths determined by the upper flow

Which of the following best represents the length of the life cycle of a typical midlatitude cyclone?

1 Week

The movement (track along the ground) of middle latitude cyclones is determined by ________.

The Jet Stream

As a middle latitude cyclone goes through its life cycle, the warm sector ________

gets smalller

Which of the following can be said to be the "death" of a midlatitude cyclone?


The beginning of a middle latitude cyclone is known as ________.


Cyclogenesis occurs along the________.

polar front

In a midlatitude anticyclone, where are the strongest winds usually found?

near the eastern edge

The correct designation for a hurricane is as a(n) ________.

tropical cyclone

The part of the hurricane characterized by scattered high clouds and light winds is known as the ________.


In order to be classified as a hurricane, sustained wind velocity must exceed ________ kilometers per hour (mph).

119 (74)

The energy source of hurricanes is ________.

warm seawater

The "eye" of the hurricane is a zone characterized by ________.

sinking air

Calm, fair weather is most likely to result from a(n) ________.

midlatitude anticyclone

A midlatitude anticyclone ________.

associated with sunny, dry weather

An average air mass is on the order of ________ kilometers in diameter


The warmest air can be found in the ________ air mass


Which of the following is NOT NECESSARILY a property of an air mass?

It must have a warm front at its leading edge.

Which of the following rarely affects North America?


Which of the following occurs least over North America?

Maritime Polar air from the North Atlantic

Of the air masses below, the coldest, driest ones are termed ________.

continental polar

When neither air mass displaces the adjacent one, their boundary is called a(n)


Fronts are located ________.

at the edges of air masses

________ have the most dynamic and changeable day-to-day weather on Earth.

Latitudes affected by fronts

It can be said that along all the fronts in a middle latitude cyclone, ________.

air rises

On the average, ________ fronts move the fastest of all fronts.


On a weather map, a symbol consisting of triangles arranged along one side of a line indicates a(n) ________ front.


Which of the following probably is least indicative of a cold frontal passage two hours ago?

an increase of temperature

Which type of front typically produces the fastest rise of air?


Which type of front causes many hours of steady rain BEFORE that front passes a location?


The global westerly wind zone most heavily impacts the ________ latitudes.


Midlatitude cyclones and anticyclones function as migratory features in the ________.


Upper air divergence is most closely associated with surface ________.


In the atmosphere, liquid water collects around minute particles called ________

condensation nuclei

In order for atmospheric condensation to take place, ________.

plenty of "surfaces" need to be present in the atmosphere

The rising and subsequent cooling of air at the rate of 10�C per 1,000 meters is called ________.

the dry adiabatic lapse rate

In degrees Celsius, how much GREATER is the dry adiabatic lapse rate than the saturated adiabatic lapse rate over 1,000 meters?

averages around 4

The altitude at which rising air reaches the dew point temperature is the ________

lifting condensation level

Clouds form if air is ________.

cooled to dew point

Among cloud types, those that occur at the highest altitudes are the ________.


Clouds of vertical development include the type called ________.


Cold air moving over a warmer lake surface will result in a(n) ________ type of fog


White frost is simply a cold weather form of ________.


Air that resists vertical movement is said to be ________.


Any buoyant parcel of air is said to exhibit ________.


Buoyant air will rise until it ________

reaches the temperature of the sorrounding air

When air is heated enough so that it is warmer than the surrounding air, it is ________.


When or where is air most likely unstable?

during the afternoon

Which of the following is most closely associated with stable air?

descent of air

Global dimming is caused by ________

human release of aerosols

Showery precipitation is most closely associated with ________.

unstable air

________ is the term used in the United States for small raindrops that freeze while falling and reach the ground as small
pellets of ice


Most of the wettest areas around the world are located in the ________.


In a surface cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere, winds spiral ________.

clockwise and inward

In a surface anticyclone in the Southern Hemisphere, winds spiral ________.

counterclockwise and outward

In the Northern Hemisphere, air converging in a counter-clockwise direction, is termed a(n)


Air in an anticyclone always flows ________ in the Northern Hemisphere.


Divergence is most closely associated with ________

surface air in anticyclones

An example of a geostrophic wind is ________

Jet stream

The following is an example of a disadvantage of the use of wind power for generating electricity:

The windiest places are seldom densely populated.

Wind power currently generates close to ________ percent of the world's electricity

3 percent

The "horse latitudes" are zones of minimal winds which are associated with the ________ system.

subtropical high pressure

Where would be the most likely place to find a subtropical high?

over subtropical oceans

The so-called "winds of commerce" are the ________ winds.


The largest Hawaiian Islands are in the far northern tropics, and so are in the ________ portion of the global circulation.

trade winds

The region in which the intertropical convergence can be found is ________.

the equator

The doldrums are most closely associated with _____

the ITCZ

The seasonal shift of the intertropical convergence is greatest ________.

over the continents

Which of the following occurs closest to the Equator?


Which of the following is NOT descriptive of the intertropical convergence zone?

a cloud-free set of places

Surface westerly winds on a global scale exist because of air flow out of the ________ of the general circulation.

subtropical high preasure

The poles are most closely associated with ________.

high pressure

This part of the global circulation is characterized by rising air, widespread cloudiness, precipitation, and migratory storms.

polar front