PHIL Informal Fallacies

fallacies approach

identifies specific mistakes (fallacies) that an argument could make and if the argument makes any it is a bad argument, if there are none to be found it is a good argument

criterial approach

sets out criteria or standards that all good arguments must satisfy and if the argument satisfies them then its a good argument, if not its a bad argument


any error or weakness that detracts from the soundness of an argument yet somehow manages to disguise itself so as to give the argument the appearance of being better than it really is

affirming the consequent

If it rains, then I will bring an umbrella. I brought an umbrella. Therefore, it is raining." (formal fallacy)

denying the antecedent

If it rains, then I will bring an umbrella. It is not raining. Therefore, I will not bring an umbrella." (formal fallacy)

F; they can also be committed when an argument attempts to prove a conclusion false

Fallacies are only committed when an argument is attempting to prove a conclusion (T/F)

Ad Hominem

Old man Brown claims that he saw a flying saucer in his farm, but he never got beyond the fourth grade in school and can hardly read or write. He is completely ignorant of what scientists have written on the subject, so his report cannot possibly be true.

appeal to emotion

My client is an integral part of this community. If he is sent to prison not only will this city suffer but also he will be most missed by his family. They will be utterly destitute and devastated. Surely you cannot find it in your hearts to reach any oth

red herring or appeal to emotion

Officer, please excuse my going over the speed limit, but my mother is ill and I'm being audited by the IRS, and I don't know how I can meet all my bills.

ad hominem (tu quoque)

But Doctor, surely your advice that I should not drink coffee is not sound advice since you yourself often drink coffee.

ad populum

The present U.S. administration has not yet developed an energy policy. Nonetheless, almost every other developed nation in the world has an energy policy, except us. Therefore, the United States should have a unified energy policy


His house is about half the size of most houses in the neighborhood. Therefore, his doors must all be about 3 � feet high.

appeal to ignorance

No one has ever proved that the human fetus is not a person with rights. Therefore, abortion is morally wrong

ad hominem

In his History of the American Civil War, Jeffry Noland argues that the war had little to do with slavery. However, as a historian from Alabama, Noland could not possibly present such an account. Therefore, his argument should be discounted.

appeal to emotion

It's obvious that animals have rights. Just look at how powerless they are in comparison with modern humans.

appeal to unqualified authority

Duane Richards, CEO of the Western Fuels Association, an organization that supplies coal to electric utilities, says that there is no evidence that burning fossil fuels causes global warming. Therefore, we must conclude that what he says about global warm

no fallacy

Each and every brick in the completely brick-faced Wainright Building has a reddish brown color. Therefore, the Wainright Building has a reddish brown color.

begging the question

We know that induction will provide dependable results in the future because it has always worked in the past. Whatever has consistently worked in the past will continue to work in the future, and we know that this is true because it has been established


What goes up must come down. The price of housing has been going up for years. Therefore, it will surely come down soon.

Red herring

We're all familiar with the complaint that over 40 million Americans are without health insurance. But America's doctors, nurses, and hospitals are among the best in the world. Thousands of people come from abroad every year to be treated here. Clearly th

hasty generalization

The Daily News carried an article this morning about three local teenagers who were arrested on charges of drug possession. Teenagers these days are nothing but a bunch of junkies.

slippery slope

The secretaries have asked us to provide lounge areas where they can spend their coffee breaks. This request will have to be refused. If we give them lounge areas, next they'll be asking for spas and swimming pools.

straw man

Ellen Quinn has argued that logic is not the most important thing in life. Apparently Ellen advocates irrationality. It has taken two million years for the human race to achieve the position it has, and Ellen would throw the whole thing into the garbage.

weak analogy

To prevent dangerous weapons from being carried aboard airliners, those seeking to board must pass through a magnetometer and submit to a possible pat-down search. Therefore, to prevent alcohol and drugs from being carried into rock concerts, those enteri