Philosophy Final Exam

The argument for God's existence advocated by Anslem was called what?


The argument for God's existence advocated by Kant was called what?


The argument for God's existence advocated by Paley was called what?


The argument for God's existence advocated by Hume was called what?

-He rejected all arguments for God's existence

The argument for God's existence advocated by Hartshorne was called what?


The philosopher who argued that the existence of evil is a serious problem for theism was who?


The philosopher who said that evil is a privation was who?


The philosopher who said that evil, God's power, and God's goodness can't all be true was who?


The philosopher who argued that God had created the best of all possible worlds was who?


The philosopher who said that God can do anything logically possible was who?


The idea that God knows what you will choose and that you will choose freely is from whom?


The idea that God makes all the choices and that you have no free will came from whom?


The philosopher who favored freedom over divine sovereignty was who?


The philosopher who argued that God knows only actual occasions was who?


The idea that God is all-powerful is called what?


The idea that God is all-knowing is called what?


The idea that God is everywhere at once is called what?


The idea that God is all good with no mixture of evil is called what?


One who believes in a god is called a what?


One who believes there is no god is called a what?


One who worships Satan is a what?


One who maintains that knowledge of a god is impossible is called what?


The view of surviving death that stresses the resurrection of the body is the view of whom?


The view of surviving death that stresses the immortality of the soul is the view of whom?


The view of surviving death that stresses reaching Nirvana is the view of whom?


The view of surviving death that stresses reaching Moksha is the view of whom?


The idea that the body is more durable than the soul is from whom?


The idea that the survival of the mind is tied to the structure and function of the brain is from whom?


The idea that at death God gives the soul a new body is from the writings of whom?


What writer opposed the ontological argument?


What writer enumerated the Five Ways?


What writer argued that the world can be compared to a watch found in a field?


Utilitarianism was advocated by whom?


Deontological ethics were advocated by whom?


Divine command theory ethics were advocated by whom?


Hedonism was advocated by whom?


Ethics based on personal pleasure was advocated by whom?


Ethics based on duty was advocated by whom?


Ethics based on the greatest good for the greatest number can be linked to whom?


Ethics based on God's will can be linked to whom?


The author of the categorical imperative was who?


The idea that there are moral rules that generally should be followed but can be overridden is what theory?


The philosopher who said that the fetus is a person from the moment of conception was who?


The thinker who shared a general ethical theory with Jeremy Bentham was who?


What writer argued that your actions should be universalizable?


What writer argued that you should seek pleasure in your ethics?


What ethical theory is based on the greatest good for the greatest number?


What writer's theory soon was corrupted into a theory of "eat, drink, and be merry?


The philosopher who compared pregnancy to being connected to a violinist was whom?


Which writer argued that the quality of good is to be disired over quantity?


Which writer said, "better to be a man dissatisfied than a pig satisfied?


Which writer said, "do what is right just because it is right?


Which writer advocated the principle of utility?


The philosopher who advocated using the Golden Rule in deciding the abortion issue was who?


The writer who said that abortion deprives a fetus of a future like ours was who?


The idea that everything is already decided is called what?


The philosopher who listed five characteristics of a person was who?


The idea that "existence precedes essence" is from which philosophy?


The verification principle is the brain child of whom?


Predestination is a version of what philosophical stance?


For guidance in making ethical decisions, Kant used what?


For guidance in making ethical decisions, Augustine used what?


Who opposed euthanasia on the basis of the possibility of wrong diagnosis?


Who said it is cruel to refuse to let a suffering person die?


Who said it is okay to let someone die, but not to actively kill them?


Who said that there is no difference between active and passive euthanasia?


Who said suicide is unnatural and immoral, since it destroys God's gift to mankind?


Who said life is absurd?


Who argued against Aquinas' position on suicide?


Who said that suicide is allowable if it enhances the dignity of the person?


Who favored the retributivist view of capital punishment?


Who said there are two occasions in which capital punishment should be used?


Who advocated long imprisonment, saying that capital punishment is unnecessary force?


Who said that capital punishment restores justice to the universe?


Who said that capital punishment violates the eighth amendment?


Who said that capital punishment recognizes the dignity of the criminal, and is not immoral?


Who said that even if the fetus is a person, abortion is sometimes moral?


Who said that, since the fetus is not self-aware, it is not a person?


Who said that you should not have an abortion after the 3rd month without good reason?


Who said you have no moral obligation to stay connected to a fetus?


The writer who suggested a "Core Morality" was who?


The branch of philosophy that considers right and wrong actions is called what?


Argue comprehensively for God's existence, using all the arguments from class and your reading.


Discuss the problem of evil as it relates to God's existence.


Design a good society using all the philosophers we have discussed.


Be able to argue for and against the ethical issues we discussed.


Discuss the various views of what happens when a person dies regarding the afterlife, etc.