Philosophy Chapter 3

Berekely believed that the only truly existent things are the mind and God


John Locke held the view that we know everything from experiences


Hume was a


Descartes' "evil deceiver" is employed to show that

almost anything can be doubted

Descartes applied a philosophical technique of

methodological doubt

Before he introduces the evil deceiver, Descartes' dream argument has show that

One can doubt all of the information of any senses

An idealist is unlikely also to be

a materialist

I think, therefore I am" serves Descartes as

a truth he cannot doubt

According to Descartes, "Does the same wax remain after this change?


Descartes uses the wax argument to prove that

we know mental things with greater clarity and distinctness than material things

Descartes' wax argument illuminates the concept of


Prior to the wax argument, Descartes uses his "dream argument" to show that

almost anything can be doubted

Descartes doubted things in what two ways?

the dream argument and the "evil genius" argument

Relativism is the thesis that there is no single correct view of reality, no single truth


Dialectic is a logic developed by Hegel in which different forms of thought of philosophies are arranged according to increasing scope or sophistication


Kant believed in only one set of rational rule that constitutes our experience, therefore rejecting relativism


Hermeneutics is a method originally applied to improve our understanding of

the Bible and other texts

The driving principle of Richard Rorty's pragmatism is


According to _____ and _____, we will be freed from confusion and suffering if we can escape the constraint of the will

Schopenhauer, the Buddha

Nietzsche famous wrote that "Truth is ___


In Hegel, ______ is the expression of truth as it is manifested in human history


Kant believes that we ______ our experience in the sense that we provide rules and structures according to which we experiences objects

constitute of "set up

Which is NOT one of Kant's critiques?

The Critique of Pure Intuition

Which two disciplines did Kant weave together into a single cohesive philosophy?

rationalism and empiricism

of what can we be certain, according to Kant?

the rules of our own experience

The logical positivists held that any claim that makes no difference to our experience, and therefore cannot be tested, is meaningless.


An inference from one statement to another according to a set of rules of inference is called

a deduction

Hegel had a holistic worldview in which consciousness and the world are integrated


Who thought that Hegel had it backward, viz. that is isn't the case that ideas determine history but rather that history (particular economic details of history) determines ideas?


Hegel said that nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.


Schopenhauer altered Kant's philosophy by invoking the Buddhist conception of the "veil of Maya" with the outcome that our experience of the world is


Both Husserl and Kant use the word transcendental to mean the basic and only rules by wich we constitute the world.


What is the natural human ego being reduced to in phenomenological reduction?

the transcendental ego

husserl thought that the way to do philosophy is to study consciousness


What does Heidegger try to uncover in his hermeneutical phenomenology?

hidden meanings in experience

Hermeneutics may be employed to appreciate cross-cultural and intracultural complexities


what does nagami suggest are the keys to understanding other cultures and other individuals?

openness and listening

Radical feminists acknowledge other people's points of view but deny that they all have equal value.


Perspectivism is the position that validates the context-specific quality of all discourse


Russell assumed that knowledge is inferred, or derived from sense data


which of the following is not one of Russell's points in attempting to discover the nature of truth?

truth and falsehood are dependent on the internal quality of the beliefs and not the relations

What kind of reasoning did Locke advocate as the best method for making generilizations from experience?


Quine argues that observation sentences are

all of the above

Which beliefs did Hume want consigned to the flames?

metaphysical beliefs: God, material substance

Noam Chomsky attributes the similarities in human thinking to an innate capacity for


Hume denied the principle of universal causation, which states that every event has its cause
