Pregnancy, Growth, and Development


an increase in size


the continuous process by which an individual changes from life phase to another

prenatal period

begins with fertilization and ends at birth

postnatal period

begins at birth and ends at death

prenatal and postnatal

what are the 2 life phases


the presence of developing offspring in the uterus

3 month periods during pregnancy


pregnancy results from the union of an egg cell and a sperm cell called


the first cell of the future offspring


About 30 hours after forming, the zygote undergoes mitosis, giving rise to 2 new cells called


phase of early rapid cell division


the offspring is termed_____ until the end of the 8th week

an embryo

After the 8th week and until birth, the offspring is called

a fetus

The cells surrounding the embryo, with cells of the endometrium, form a complex vascular structure called

the placenta

a hormone that indicates pregnancy

Human Chorionic Gondatropin

stimulates breast development and prepares the mammary glands for milk secretion

placental lactogen

where all cell organs form from the 3 cell layers

primary germ layers

3 cell layers

ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm

projections that grow out from the trophoblast into the surrounding endometrium

chorionic villa

develops around the embryo during the 2nd week and attaches around the edge of the embryonic disk, and amniotic fluid fills the space between the amnion and embryonic disk


3 blood vessels that transport blood between the embryo and the placenta

2 umbilical arteries and 1 umbilical vein

begins at the end of the 8th week of development and lasts until birth

fetal stage

an opening in the atrial septum called the

foramen ovale

continues for 38 weeks from conception, which is 40 weeks from the womans last period


stimulates powerful contractions


bleeding accompanies the expelled placenta termed

the afterbirth

twins resulting from 2 sperm cells fertilizing 2 egg cell

dizygotic twins

twins resulting from one sperm cell fertilizing one egg cell

monozygotic twins

occuring after birth
