Zoology Lecture Exam

Inheritance of acquired characteristics

What mechanism of evolution was proposed by Lamarck?

asexual reproduction

Give a notable circumstance about the biology of some animals that renders reproductive compatibility an unworkable scheme for distinguishing species

Directional selection

This type of selection involves a change in the environment so that a different phenotype level is more favored now than it was before the change

Punctual equilibrium

Contrary to gradualism, this evolutionary process involves long periods of constancy in a species that are broken by periods of rapid evolutionary change


This is a tentative explanation for the underlying nature of a phenomenon, and this explanation requires verification through vigorous experimentation
A) Paradigm
B) Hypothesis
C) Theory
D) Law


This mechanism of evolution depends on chance events (or sampling error) to produce changes in allele abundances (genetic makeup) in a population
A) Natural selection
B) Sexual selection
C) Genetic drift
D) A & B


Allopatric speciation needs this event for populations to diverge from one another
A) A geographic barrier
B) A genetic accident
C) Disruptive selection
D) B & C


This term means that a population contains two or more alleles for a particular gene
A) Polyandry
B) Heterotropism
C) Polymorphism
D) Hetereoploidy


The Principle of Uniformitarianism was first applied to this area of study by Lyell
A) Math
B) Religion
C) Genetics
D) Geology


Which biologist is credited with the idea of punctuated equilibrium?
A) Darwin
B) Malthus
C) Gould
D) Lamarck


In natural selection, an organism's ability to survive and reproduce is tied to this property
A) Its phenotype
B) Its appeal to mates
C) Luck at avoiding disaster

Keystone species

This term is given to a member of a community when its presence is so essential to a community that its absence drastically changes the entire community


This concept considers the ways an animal uses its environment and its interactions in that environment
A) Deme
B) Guild
C) Niche
D) Productivity


This amount of food energy is used to support growth and reproduction within a trophic level
A) 50 %
B) 30 %
C) 20 %
D) 10 %


This term is given to parasites that occupy the body surface
A) Protoparasites
B) Mesoparasites
C) Ectoparasites
D) Epiparasites


This ecological unit joins a community with its physical environment
A) Deme
B) Ecosystem
C) Biosphere
D) None of these


This phenomenon involves an animal bearing a potent defense also having special warning colors to deter predators
A) Aposomatic coloration
B) Character displacement
C) Crypsis
D) None of these


Which type of population growth leads to rapid ever increasing numbers in a population?
A) Logistic
B) Exponential
C) Quadratic
D) Inferential


Which survivorship curve shows very high mortality among young individuals vs mature individuals?
A) Type C
B) Type E
C) Type III
D) Type II


This term describes organisms that reproduce more than one time during their lifetimes
A) Homeoparity
B) Iteroparity
C) Heteroparity
D) Semelparity


Many echinoderms can evert this organ during feeding


Which feature existed early in echinoderm evolution but is no longer seen in their adult forms?
A) Bilateral symmetry
B) Notochord
C) Mouth
D) All are true


Which is a function of the water vascular system in Asteroidea?
A) Locomotion
B) Respiration
C) Excretion
D) All are true


Gnathostomes are named because they have evolved this anatomical feature


The endostyle gives rise to this gland


Which chordate feature is retained in the body plan of adult sea squirts? (Ascidians)
A) Pharyngeal slits
B) Notochord
C) Postanal tail
D) None of these


What job is done by the ampullae of Lorenzini?
A) Vision
B) Olfaction
C) Electroreception
D) A&B


This is the bony covering over the gill chamber of fish in the Actinopterygii
A) Ventricle
B) Operculum
C) Atrium
D) Bladder

Pulmonary circulation

This name is given to the route of circulation that takes blood to the lungs

Pectoralis muscle

This muscle is the main depressor (downstroke) of bird wings


Name the largest order of birds


This heart chamber type pumps blood out of the heart into the major vessel circuits
A) Ventricle
B) Atrium
C) Pelvis
D) Sinus


What special alteration is seen with the bones of birds?
A) Silicon based
B) Pneumatized
C) All cartilage makeup
D) None of these


Which skull type was found in the bird ancestors (it is less apparent in modern birds)?
A) Anapsid
B) Synapsid
C) Diapsid
D) Polyapsid


What bones have fused in birds to give the furcula?
A) Vertebrae
B) Clavicles
C) Ribs
D) Phalanges


This feature is universally present in extant bird species
A) Endothermy
B) Feathers
C) Four chambered hearts
D) All of these


This letter ending is given to the bird order names
A) -zontida
B) -oidea
C) -formes
D) None of these


Which material forms (and hardens) bird beaks?
A) Bone
B) Cartilage
C) Keratin
D) Silicon


Which relationship is true in birds?
A) Large birds have faster heart rates
B) Small birds have faster heart rates
C) Size does not affect heart rates


Which class of sponge has the most species?


This name is given to the special stinging organelle of Cnidaria

Gastrovascular cavity

What name is given to the internal cavity system in the bodies of Cnidaria?


This is a special dormancy structure that is used by some sponges to endure harsh conditions
A) Parenchymula
B) Gemmule
C) Spongocoel
D) None of these


Which composition type is seen with the spicules of many sponges?
A) Silicon based
B) Iron based
C) Copper based
D) Zinc based


This complex body plan is characteristic of large bodied sponges
A) Asconoid
B) Syconoid
C) Leuconoid
D) Policonoid


What name is given to the umbrella shaped body form seen in cnidarians
A) Planula
B) Polyp
C) Medusa
D) Morula


How many principal tissue types are seen in the embryos of cnidarians?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4


What name is given to the middle gelatinous layer of cnidarians?
A) Mesoglea
B) Mesoderm
C) Mesohyl
D) Morula


Portugese man of war belongs to this cnidarian class
A) Scyphozoa
B) Hydrozoa
C) Anthozoa
D) Cubozoa


Cnidaria is given its name because its members possess this key feature
A) They are monoecious
B) They have a special cell type
C) A unique embryo type
D) None of these


What special cells are used by members of ctenophora to capture prey?

red algae

What symbiotic organisms are lost by coral when they experience bleaching?


Tapeworms are paced in this class of Platyhelminthes


Which classes in Platyhelminthes have a standard cellular epidermis?
A) Turbellaria
B) Trematoda
C) Cestoda
D) A & B


Which classes in Platyhelminthes have digestive tract in their bodies?
A) Turbellaria
B) Trematoda
C) Cestoda
D) A & B


This class in Cnidaria has no members that are known to display the medusa stage
A) Hydrozoa
B) Scyphozoa
C) Cubozoa
D) Anthozoa


How many primary germ layers are found in the Platyhelminthes?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4


Flame cells are part of this body system in Platyhelminthes
A) Excretion/Osmoregulation
B) Circulatory
C) Digestive
D) Nervous


Members of this class in Platyhelminthes are rarely parasites
A) Turbellaria
B) Trematoda
C) Cestoda
D) A & B


This term is used to describe parasites that live inside the bodies of animals
A) Epiparasites
B) Ectoparasites
C) Hypoparasites
D) None of these


Coral reef bleaching is principally tied to this environmental change
A) Changes in temperature
B) Changes in salinity
C) Changes in oxygen


This small phylum of marine worms has body fluids containing hemerythrin


This species of nematoda parasite (common name) has larvae living in the soil and burrowing through the skin of unsuspecting hosts in order to enter the blood flow and go to the lungs


What organelle feature is missing from the spermatozoa of nematodes that all other animal spermatozoa possess?


What is the main job of hemerythrin?
A) Defense against predators
B) Molting hormone
C) Parasitize nervous system
D) None of these


Which life history attribute is seen with the juveniles of the Nematomorpha (horsehair worms)?
A) Free-living
B) Parasitize digestive organs
C) Parasitize nervous system
D) None of these


Which organ is the normal site of residence for adult Ascaris lumbricodes?
A) Liver
B) Stomach
C) Intestine
D) Lung


This feature is missing from the body composition of nearly all leeches
A) Digestive system
B) Clitellum
C) Setae
D) Body segments


What is the primary function of the clitellum
A) Reproduction
B) Locomotion
C) Blood flow
D) Nutrient Processing


Chloragogen tissue is associated with this body system in the Oligochaeta
A) Nervous
B) Circulatory
C) Integmuent
D) Digestive


This movement dynamic is used by oligochaetes as they move through the environment
A) Saltation
B) Peristalsis
C) Diuresis
D) Plasmolysis

Inheritance of acquired characteristics

What mechanism of evolution was proposed by Lamarck?

asexual reproduction

Give a notable circumstance about the biology of some animals that renders reproductive compatibility an unworkable scheme for distinguishing species

Directional selection

This type of selection involves a change in the environment so that a different phenotype level is more favored now than it was before the change

Punctual equilibrium

Contrary to gradualism, this evolutionary process involves long periods of constancy in a species that are broken by periods of rapid evolutionary change


This is a tentative explanation for the underlying nature of a phenomenon, and this explanation requires verification through vigorous experimentation
A) Paradigm
B) Hypothesis
C) Theory
D) Law


This mechanism of evolution depends on chance events (or sampling error) to produce changes in allele abundances (genetic makeup) in a population
A) Natural selection
B) Sexual selection
C) Genetic drift
D) A & B


Allopatric speciation needs this event for populations to diverge from one another
A) A geographic barrier
B) A genetic accident
C) Disruptive selection
D) B & C


This term means that a population contains two or more alleles for a particular gene
A) Polyandry
B) Heterotropism
C) Polymorphism
D) Hetereoploidy


The Principle of Uniformitarianism was first applied to this area of study by Lyell
A) Math
B) Religion
C) Genetics
D) Geology


Which biologist is credited with the idea of punctuated equilibrium?
A) Darwin
B) Malthus
C) Gould
D) Lamarck


In natural selection, an organism's ability to survive and reproduce is tied to this property
A) Its phenotype
B) Its appeal to mates
C) Luck at avoiding disaster

Keystone species

This term is given to a member of a community when its presence is so essential to a community that its absence drastically changes the entire community


This concept considers the ways an animal uses its environment and its interactions in that environment
A) Deme
B) Guild
C) Niche
D) Productivity


This amount of food energy is used to support growth and reproduction within a trophic level
A) 50 %
B) 30 %
C) 20 %
D) 10 %


This term is given to parasites that occupy the body surface
A) Protoparasites
B) Mesoparasites
C) Ectoparasites
D) Epiparasites


This ecological unit joins a community with its physical environment
A) Deme
B) Ecosystem
C) Biosphere
D) None of these


This phenomenon involves an animal bearing a potent defense also having special warning colors to deter predators
A) Aposomatic coloration
B) Character displacement
C) Crypsis
D) None of these


Which type of population growth leads to rapid ever increasing numbers in a population?
A) Logistic
B) Exponential
C) Quadratic
D) Inferential


Which survivorship curve shows very high mortality among young individuals vs mature individuals?
A) Type C
B) Type E
C) Type III
D) Type II


This term describes organisms that reproduce more than one time during their lifetimes
A) Homeoparity
B) Iteroparity
C) Heteroparity
D) Semelparity


Many echinoderms can evert this organ during feeding


Which feature existed early in echinoderm evolution but is no longer seen in their adult forms?
A) Bilateral symmetry
B) Notochord
C) Mouth
D) All are true


Which is a function of the water vascular system in Asteroidea?
A) Locomotion
B) Respiration
C) Excretion
D) All are true


Gnathostomes are named because they have evolved this anatomical feature


The endostyle gives rise to this gland


Which chordate feature is retained in the body plan of adult sea squirts? (Ascidians)
A) Pharyngeal slits
B) Notochord
C) Postanal tail
D) None of these


What job is done by the ampullae of Lorenzini?
A) Vision
B) Olfaction
C) Electroreception
D) A&B


This is the bony covering over the gill chamber of fish in the Actinopterygii
A) Ventricle
B) Operculum
C) Atrium
D) Bladder

Pulmonary circulation

This name is given to the route of circulation that takes blood to the lungs

Pectoralis muscle

This muscle is the main depressor (downstroke) of bird wings


Name the largest order of birds


This heart chamber type pumps blood out of the heart into the major vessel circuits
A) Ventricle
B) Atrium
C) Pelvis
D) Sinus


What special alteration is seen with the bones of birds?
A) Silicon based
B) Pneumatized
C) All cartilage makeup
D) None of these


Which skull type was found in the bird ancestors (it is less apparent in modern birds)?
A) Anapsid
B) Synapsid
C) Diapsid
D) Polyapsid


What bones have fused in birds to give the furcula?
A) Vertebrae
B) Clavicles
C) Ribs
D) Phalanges


This feature is universally present in extant bird species
A) Endothermy
B) Feathers
C) Four chambered hearts
D) All of these


This letter ending is given to the bird order names
A) -zontida
B) -oidea
C) -formes
D) None of these


Which material forms (and hardens) bird beaks?
A) Bone
B) Cartilage
C) Keratin
D) Silicon


Which relationship is true in birds?
A) Large birds have faster heart rates
B) Small birds have faster heart rates
C) Size does not affect heart rates


Which class of sponge has the most species?


This name is given to the special stinging organelle of Cnidaria

Gastrovascular cavity

What name is given to the internal cavity system in the bodies of Cnidaria?


This is a special dormancy structure that is used by some sponges to endure harsh conditions
A) Parenchymula
B) Gemmule
C) Spongocoel
D) None of these


Which composition type is seen with the spicules of many sponges?
A) Silicon based
B) Iron based
C) Copper based
D) Zinc based


This complex body plan is characteristic of large bodied sponges
A) Asconoid
B) Syconoid
C) Leuconoid
D) Policonoid


What name is given to the umbrella shaped body form seen in cnidarians
A) Planula
B) Polyp
C) Medusa
D) Morula


How many principal tissue types are seen in the embryos of cnidarians?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4


What name is given to the middle gelatinous layer of cnidarians?
A) Mesoglea
B) Mesoderm
C) Mesohyl
D) Morula


Portugese man of war belongs to this cnidarian class
A) Scyphozoa
B) Hydrozoa
C) Anthozoa
D) Cubozoa


Cnidaria is given its name because its members possess this key feature
A) They are monoecious
B) They have a special cell type
C) A unique embryo type
D) None of these


What special cells are used by members of ctenophora to capture prey?

red algae

What symbiotic organisms are lost by coral when they experience bleaching?


Tapeworms are paced in this class of Platyhelminthes


Which classes in Platyhelminthes have a standard cellular epidermis?
A) Turbellaria
B) Trematoda
C) Cestoda
D) A & B


Which classes in Platyhelminthes have digestive tract in their bodies?
A) Turbellaria
B) Trematoda
C) Cestoda
D) A & B


This class in Cnidaria has no members that are known to display the medusa stage
A) Hydrozoa
B) Scyphozoa
C) Cubozoa
D) Anthozoa


How many primary germ layers are found in the Platyhelminthes?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4


Flame cells are part of this body system in Platyhelminthes
A) Excretion/Osmoregulation
B) Circulatory
C) Digestive
D) Nervous


Members of this class in Platyhelminthes are rarely parasites
A) Turbellaria
B) Trematoda
C) Cestoda
D) A & B


This term is used to describe parasites that live inside the bodies of animals
A) Epiparasites
B) Ectoparasites
C) Hypoparasites
D) None of these


Coral reef bleaching is principally tied to this environmental change
A) Changes in temperature
B) Changes in salinity
C) Changes in oxygen


This small phylum of marine worms has body fluids containing hemerythrin


This species of nematoda parasite (common name) has larvae living in the soil and burrowing through the skin of unsuspecting hosts in order to enter the blood flow and go to the lungs


What organelle feature is missing from the spermatozoa of nematodes that all other animal spermatozoa possess?


What is the main job of hemerythrin?
A) Defense against predators
B) Molting hormone
C) Parasitize nervous system
D) None of these


Which life history attribute is seen with the juveniles of the Nematomorpha (horsehair worms)?
A) Free-living
B) Parasitize digestive organs
C) Parasitize nervous system
D) None of these


Which organ is the normal site of residence for adult Ascaris lumbricodes?
A) Liver
B) Stomach
C) Intestine
D) Lung


This feature is missing from the body composition of nearly all leeches
A) Digestive system
B) Clitellum
C) Setae
D) Body segments


What is the primary function of the clitellum
A) Reproduction
B) Locomotion
C) Blood flow
D) Nutrient Processing


Chloragogen tissue is associated with this body system in the Oligochaeta
A) Nervous
B) Circulatory
C) Integmuent
D) Digestive


This movement dynamic is used by oligochaetes as they move through the environment
A) Saltation
B) Peristalsis
C) Diuresis
D) Plasmolysis