Ch 4 The Spread of Islam


A title that Muslims use for the highest leader of Islam

Why is the spread of Islam important?

Led to the blending of cultures and the growth of cities.

Abu Bakr

first leader of Islam after Muhammad died.

Umayyad family

Many early caliphs came from this group of people.

How did trade affect the spread of Islam?

Trade was important to merchants. Trade brought wealth and knowledge to the Muslim world. Arabic influenced the languages in the trade locations and then people converted to Islam.

Did Muslim tolerance encourage or limit the spread of Islam?

Muslims generally practiced religious tolerance. Some conquered people converted to Islam and adopted Arabic culture. The Arabs adopted some of the customs of the cultures they conquered. Cultural blending led to a religion of many cultures.

Which continents traded with the Arabs?

Africa, India, Asia, southern part of Europe, even Malaysia.


Capital of Islam starting in 762.


Largest city in Europe in early 900's. A center of learning. A center of Muslim learning and also a center of Jewish culture.

Baghdad and Cordoba

Two important cities in the Islamic world.

The Hajj

an annual pilgrimage to Mecca

The five pillars of Islam

1. Faith that there is only one God
2. Prayer
3. Giving part of what you have to the poor
4. Fasting
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca


a place in Saudi Arabia where Muhammad lived and taught

Where do the pilgrims come from?

Africa, Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

Ottoman Empire

covered a large area in eastern Europe

Safavid Empire

blended Persian cultural traditions with Shia Islam.

Mughal Empire

left an impressive cultural heritage in India


slave soldiers that converted to Islam and became fierce fighters

Mehmed II

leader of Ottomans, known as "The Conqueror", in 1451-1481 (thirty years)



Where is Hagia Sophia? What is it?

It is a mosque in Istanbul.


leader of Ottomans


Muslims that believe only members of Muhammad's family could become caliph.


Muslims that believe caliphs must be good Muslims and strong leaders.

Suleyman I

leader of Ottomans known as "The Magnificent" during 1520 to 1566 (46 years)


leader of the Safavids


capital of Safavid empire, considered one of the world's most magnificent cities in the 1600's.

What cultures blended in the Mughal Empire to create a distinct culture?

Muslim (Persian) and Hindu; people wore Persian styles, but wrote in Hindi and Urdu.


founder of the Mughal Empire in northern India


leader of the Mughal Empire in mid 1500s.

In what ways was the ottoman society not tolerant?

Women had to live apart from men in an area of a household called a harem. Members of the ruling class had to practice Islam.


a community within the Ottoman Empire where a smaller community had their own leaders and religious laws.


where the women in the household lived


people can find God's love by having a personal relationship with God.

Omar Khayyam

A famous Muslim scholar and astronomer. Best known for "The Rubaiyat" which was a collection of 4 line poems.

The Thousand and One Nights

short stories about heroes and characters, including many stories from parts of the world that Muslim had spread to


sponsors of art and architecture


narrow tower from which Muslims are called to prayer


Muslim mathematician that invented algebra (al-jabr) by combining Indian number system with Greek mathematics. Started Arabic numbers.

Where was the first Muslim public hospital?



a doctor in Baghdad that discovered how to diagnose and treat smallpox

Ibn-Sina (Avicenna)

a doctor that wrote a famous medical encyclopedia

Where is the Blue Mosque?


What did Muslim architects build?

mosques, palaces, marketplaces, and libraries with complicated domes and arches, colored bricks, and decorated tiles.

What two architectural elements were usually part of a mosque?

domes and minarets


most sacred part of a mosque, the niche that points the way to Mecca

Ibn Battutah

traveled to Africa, India, China, Spain in the 1320s. Contributed to maps and geography and calculation of distances


wrote a geography book, made more accurate maps


instrument to figure out location, direction, and time of day. Greeks invented it, but Muslim scholars improved it.


study of stars and planet. Muslim scientists built observatories and made advances.


study of maps and places. Better maps led to more travel.


decorative writing made into an art form


study of reason and rational thought

How many lines were the poems of Omar Khayyam?


What region did the Muslims first unify and who was the caliph who led this unification?

The Muslims first unified Arabia. The Caliph who led this unification was Abu Bakr.

How were the Muslims able to conquer both the Persians and the Byzantine empires?

Muslim armies were to strong. The Persian and Byzantine armies were weak after years of fighting.

Why do you think the Umayyad caliphs moved the capital from Medina to Damascus?

They had a better position from which to spread Muslim rule. They had a more central lovation with in a growing empire. They had better access to Mediterranean sea and trade.

What feauture of Arabia gave Muslim merchants access to many parts of the world?

Arabias crossroads location gave Muslim merchants easy access to South Asia, Europe, and Africa.

How did Arab merchants spread Islam.

They shared Islamic customs and beliefs while on trading missions.

What did Muslims gain through trade?

They gained wealth, new products, new knowledge and ideas. They also gained the opportunity to spread their religion to new regions.

What two religious groups shared some beliefs with Muslims?

Christians and Jews.

What is religious tolerance and how did Muslims practice it?

It's acceptance of other religions. They let conquered people continue to practice their faith.

How was the spread of the Arabic language important to the spread of Islam?

It enabled other cultures to read sacred texts of Islam. It also allowed others to communicate better with the Arabs.

How did Muslim culture change as Islam spread?

It blended with other cultures by adopting som of their customs.

Why was Baghdad an important city?

The center of the Islamic Empire in the late 700's.

Why was Baghdad's location important?

The city was an important trading center. There were also new available land and water trade routes.

How did Muslims in Cordoba influence Europe?

The University drew students from across Europe. It enabled Europeans to study science and letrature from the Muslim world.

What two important Muslim holy cities came under Ottoman rule?

Mecca and Medina.

How was Mehmed 2 able to conquer Constantinople?

He used huge cannons.

How did the conquest of Constantinople help the Ottoman Empire expand?

The city was a major trading center. Its location made expanding into Europe much easier.

How were government and society organized in the Ottoman Empire?

As a ruler the Sultan made all major decisions. Below the Sultan society was organized into two classes- a ruling class and all others. Non muslims were organized into religious communities called millets that had their own leaders and religous laws.

Why do you think that members of the ruling class had to practice Islam and follow Ottoman customs?

The ruling class was restricted to people who showed religious views and way of life with the Sultan. The were also more likely to be loyal.

What two cultural traditions did the Safavid Empire blend?

Persian and Muslim traditions.

How do the Sunnis and Shia differ?

The Shia believed caliphs had to be members of Muhammads family. The Sunnis didn't belive the calphs to be related to Muhammad.

In what ways were the religious beliefs of the Safavid and Ottoman empires similar and different?

Bothe empires were muslim. The Safavid were Shia. The Ottomans were Sunnis.

Where did the Mughals come from?

Central Asia.

How did Akbar's policies help to unify the Mughal Empire?

Policy of tolerance helped unite the empire and make it peaceful.

How did peace and unity in the Mughal Empire lead to a rich culture?

There were various groups such as Muslims and Hindus that lived together and over time their cultures blended.

After Muhammads death, ---- became the next leader of Islam.

Abu Bakr

Generally Muslims practiced -------, or acceptance of the people they conquered.


The ------ is the title given to the higets leader of Islam.


------ became the capital of the Islamic Empire in 762 and was seen as a center of culture and learning.


The Muslim city of ------ was the capital of what is now Spain, and was the largest and mos advanced city in Europe.


The -----, the native population of North Africa, converted to Islam and joined the Arabs in their efforts to spread their religion.


Muslims in Spain were called the -------.


The womens section of the Ottoman household was called a ------.


An Ottoman ruler is called a -----.


After the split of Islam into two groups, the ----- were the Safavid leaders.


The slave soldiers conquered by the Ottomans and converted to Islam were called ------.


------ led the Ottoman forces to capture Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire.

Mehmed 2

During the rule of ---------- the Ottomans took control of the Mediterranean and pushed farther into Europe.

Suleyman 1

The Ottomans were -------- when Islam split into two groups.


The -------- were Turkish Muslims from Central Asia.


The ------ is a dazzling palace built in the 1600s by emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife.

Taj Mahal

Whats a minaret?

A narrow tower from which Muslims pray.

What's calligraphy.

Decorative writing.

What are patrons?


---- was one of the most famous Sufi poets, who hid his deep thoughts about God and life and instead wrote poems that described lovely, happy scenes.

Omar Khayyam

A Muslim explorer named ------- traveled to Africa, India, China, and Spain.

Ibn Battutah

---- was a new style of Islam that focused on having a personal relationship with God.



A man who calls Muslims to prayer from the minaret of a mosque


Safavid Language


Ottoman language

Hindu and Urdu

Mughal language