Networking & Security - Cryptography & Other Topics

False Positive

An incorrect alarm

False Negative

an incorrectly ignored event

True positive

A correct alarm

True negative

a correctly ignored event

IDS tuning

correct tuning must find crossover rate where false positive rate and false negative rate are equal to maximize effectiveness, since FPR and FNR are inversely related.

Responses to malicious activity

ignore, allow, alert administrator, block

Signature vs. Anomaly Detection

Signature detection: the staple of IDS, make a big list of known malicious activities and watch for them - does not know the intent of the activity, and leads to alerts on administrator action. Requires prior knowledge of the attack
Anomaly detection: dev

Symmetric Cryptography

the encryption and decryption keys are the same. Both the sender and receiver know the key

Asymmetric Cryptography

the encryption and decryption keys are different. The sender knows only the encryption key and the recipient knows only the decryption key. Keypair consisting of public key (freely distributed) and private key (kept secret). Only 2n keys required versus n


mathematical algorithms used to encrypt and/or decrypt information. codes are used for either efficiency or secrecy

Substitution cupher

take each letter and change it into a different letter. Example: the Caesar cypher. symmetric

Digital Signatures

assymetric algorithms can leverage their basic properties to provide non-repudation because only key pairs can encrypt/decrypt each other. They also use hash functions to enforce this. Useful for providing the authenticity of email messages, documents, et

Digital certificates

uses asymmetric cryptography to facilitate the secure exchange of public keys
rely upon the use of trusted certificate authorities. usually used for servers, but can be used by individuals. organization proves its identity to the CA and the CA provides a

creating + verifying digital signature

1. generate message digest
2. encrypt with your private key
3. attack it to the message
1. decrypt with senders public key
2. generate a message difest from the original message
compare the two, match = non-repudiation


symmetric: combines substitution, transposition/permutation into a Feistel function (F). Then it uses that function 16 times around, creating a 56 bit key, providing 72 quadrillion options (encodes 64 bit blocks at a time).
Can be broken. Temporary fix is

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

symmetric: uses the Rijindael algorithm with either (18, 192, or 256 bit key)


in the context of encryption, provides evidence that the message was sent by who it claims to be sent by. The four goals of cryptography are confidentiality of the message, integrity of the message, non-repudiation of the message, authentication of the me

Hash functions

one way functions that map a variable-length input to a unique, fixed-length output. it is incredibly difficult to find two messages with the same digest. It is impossible to determine the original message from the digest

Digital Currency


Network Address Translation (NAT)

A mechanism for converting the internal IP addresses found in packet headers into public IP addresses for transmission over the internet. NAT was developed to allow private networks to use any IP address set without causing collisions or conflicts with pu

Domain Naming System (DNS)

Resolves a human-friendly domain name into its IP address equivalent. In other words, it takes a MAC or hardware address from the permanent physical layer and converts it to a "temporary" logical IP address assigned over the MAC address.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Found on application layer, typically on Port 80. This is the protocol used to transmit web page elements from a web server to web browsers

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Found on application layer, typically on ports 20 and 21. This is a network application that supports an exchange of files that requires anonymous or specific authentication. Not smart to use this because people can see the data that you are transferring

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Application layer protocol, typically on Port 25. This is a protocol used to transmit email messages from a client to an email server and from one email server to another.


a network device used to block or filter traffic. Most common perimeter protection device. Creates borders, internal or external. Can be hardware or software. Usually deployed between a private network and a link to the internet. Filter traffic based on a

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Any combination of hardware and software used to monitor a system/network for malicious activity (e.g. car alarm, smoke detector, burglar alarm, camera system

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

similar to detection systems, but provide the ability to drop or stop traffic that is identified as unwanted such as attacks or scans. These devices must be in-line, or must have access to network devices that allow them block or reset traffic (e.g. firew



Default Gateway


OSI vs DoD model


Packet Encapsulation


Proxy Servers

an intermediary server. three types: gateway, forward, and reverse. Important to mask identity of clients (Tor or Onion), allow for content filtering, improve performance, offloading SSL work, Cache content, mask servers

Network ACLs

Access control lists: determines what is authorized traffic to pass into and out of a private network. Can operate one of two ways; either all traffic is block, and a specific rule set allows only preapproved traffic in, or all traffic is allowed, and onl

Stateful vs Stateless

Stateful inspection firewalls (dynamic packet filtering firewalls) evaluate the state or the context of network traffic. This way they are able to grant a broader range of access for authorized users and activities and actively watch for and block unautho


a communications device that covers or modulates between an analog carrier signal and digital information in order to support computer communications of public switched telephone network. Traditional land-line modems have been replaced by digital broad-ba

Denial of Service


Distributed Denial of Service









A protocol stack comprising dozens of individual protocols found in just about every available operating system. Designed for ease of use rather than security, so easy to hack. Can be secured using VPN links. Comprised of UDP and TCP each of which contrai

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

A full duplex connection-oriented protocol operating on layer four of the OSI model. Establishes a 3 way handshake process for data transmission where 1) The client sends a SYN (synchronize) flagged packet to the server 2) The server responds with a SYN/A

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Operates on layer 4 of the OSI model. A connection-less best effort communications protocol which offers no error detection or correction, does not use sequencing, does not use flow control mechanisms, does not use a preestablished session, and is conside

Datagram Fragmentation

only so much data can be sent in a packet. The data is converted to packets and told what order it should be put back together in.

Fragmentation Attacks

messing with the fragments of data that are sent over or between a network so that packets are either overlapping or their is extra space between them and they are uninterpretable to the receiver.

Ping of Death

Sending a packet of data that is larger than the maximum 65,536 bytes that a normal operating system can receive. The receiver cannot accept or resolve the specially constructed oversized packets and crashes

SYN Flooding

when the server receives the first SYN, it makes an entry in its state table reflecting the half-open connection. an attacker may be able to send a bunch of Syn-Ack back to the original sender, and as long as they don't send another ACK back to the server

DNS Poisoning

the injection of false information into an organization's DNS server? For example, you could trick the Notre Dame DNS server into thinking that you are Basically, trick the server into thinking that you are the authoritative source for

False Positive

An incorrect alarm

False Negative

an incorrectly ignored event

True positive

A correct alarm

True negative

a correctly ignored event

IDS tuning

correct tuning must find crossover rate where false positive rate and false negative rate are equal to maximize effectiveness, since FPR and FNR are inversely related.

Responses to malicious activity

ignore, allow, alert administrator, block

Signature vs. Anomaly Detection

Signature detection: the staple of IDS, make a big list of known malicious activities and watch for them - does not know the intent of the activity, and leads to alerts on administrator action. Requires prior knowledge of the attack
Anomaly detection: dev

Symmetric Cryptography

the encryption and decryption keys are the same. Both the sender and receiver know the key

Asymmetric Cryptography

the encryption and decryption keys are different. The sender knows only the encryption key and the recipient knows only the decryption key. Keypair consisting of public key (freely distributed) and private key (kept secret). Only 2n keys required versus n


mathematical algorithms used to encrypt and/or decrypt information. codes are used for either efficiency or secrecy

Substitution cupher

take each letter and change it into a different letter. Example: the Caesar cypher. symmetric

Digital Signatures

assymetric algorithms can leverage their basic properties to provide non-repudation because only key pairs can encrypt/decrypt each other. They also use hash functions to enforce this. Useful for providing the authenticity of email messages, documents, et

Digital certificates

uses asymmetric cryptography to facilitate the secure exchange of public keys
rely upon the use of trusted certificate authorities. usually used for servers, but can be used by individuals. organization proves its identity to the CA and the CA provides a

creating + verifying digital signature

1. generate message digest
2. encrypt with your private key
3. attack it to the message
1. decrypt with senders public key
2. generate a message difest from the original message
compare the two, match = non-repudiation


symmetric: combines substitution, transposition/permutation into a Feistel function (F). Then it uses that function 16 times around, creating a 56 bit key, providing 72 quadrillion options (encodes 64 bit blocks at a time).
Can be broken. Temporary fix is

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

symmetric: uses the Rijindael algorithm with either (18, 192, or 256 bit key)


in the context of encryption, provides evidence that the message was sent by who it claims to be sent by. The four goals of cryptography are confidentiality of the message, integrity of the message, non-repudiation of the message, authentication of the me

Hash functions

one way functions that map a variable-length input to a unique, fixed-length output. it is incredibly difficult to find two messages with the same digest. It is impossible to determine the original message from the digest

Digital Currency


Network Address Translation (NAT)

A mechanism for converting the internal IP addresses found in packet headers into public IP addresses for transmission over the internet. NAT was developed to allow private networks to use any IP address set without causing collisions or conflicts with pu

Domain Naming System (DNS)

Resolves a human-friendly domain name into its IP address equivalent. In other words, it takes a MAC or hardware address from the permanent physical layer and converts it to a "temporary" logical IP address assigned over the MAC address.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Found on application layer, typically on Port 80. This is the protocol used to transmit web page elements from a web server to web browsers

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Found on application layer, typically on ports 20 and 21. This is a network application that supports an exchange of files that requires anonymous or specific authentication. Not smart to use this because people can see the data that you are transferring

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Application layer protocol, typically on Port 25. This is a protocol used to transmit email messages from a client to an email server and from one email server to another.


a network device used to block or filter traffic. Most common perimeter protection device. Creates borders, internal or external. Can be hardware or software. Usually deployed between a private network and a link to the internet. Filter traffic based on a

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Any combination of hardware and software used to monitor a system/network for malicious activity (e.g. car alarm, smoke detector, burglar alarm, camera system

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

similar to detection systems, but provide the ability to drop or stop traffic that is identified as unwanted such as attacks or scans. These devices must be in-line, or must have access to network devices that allow them block or reset traffic (e.g. firew



Default Gateway


OSI vs DoD model


Packet Encapsulation


Proxy Servers

an intermediary server. three types: gateway, forward, and reverse. Important to mask identity of clients (Tor or Onion), allow for content filtering, improve performance, offloading SSL work, Cache content, mask servers

Network ACLs

Access control lists: determines what is authorized traffic to pass into and out of a private network. Can operate one of two ways; either all traffic is block, and a specific rule set allows only preapproved traffic in, or all traffic is allowed, and onl

Stateful vs Stateless

Stateful inspection firewalls (dynamic packet filtering firewalls) evaluate the state or the context of network traffic. This way they are able to grant a broader range of access for authorized users and activities and actively watch for and block unautho


a communications device that covers or modulates between an analog carrier signal and digital information in order to support computer communications of public switched telephone network. Traditional land-line modems have been replaced by digital broad-ba

Denial of Service


Distributed Denial of Service









A protocol stack comprising dozens of individual protocols found in just about every available operating system. Designed for ease of use rather than security, so easy to hack. Can be secured using VPN links. Comprised of UDP and TCP each of which contrai

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

A full duplex connection-oriented protocol operating on layer four of the OSI model. Establishes a 3 way handshake process for data transmission where 1) The client sends a SYN (synchronize) flagged packet to the server 2) The server responds with a SYN/A

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Operates on layer 4 of the OSI model. A connection-less best effort communications protocol which offers no error detection or correction, does not use sequencing, does not use flow control mechanisms, does not use a preestablished session, and is conside

Datagram Fragmentation

only so much data can be sent in a packet. The data is converted to packets and told what order it should be put back together in.

Fragmentation Attacks

messing with the fragments of data that are sent over or between a network so that packets are either overlapping or their is extra space between them and they are uninterpretable to the receiver.

Ping of Death

Sending a packet of data that is larger than the maximum 65,536 bytes that a normal operating system can receive. The receiver cannot accept or resolve the specially constructed oversized packets and crashes

SYN Flooding

when the server receives the first SYN, it makes an entry in its state table reflecting the half-open connection. an attacker may be able to send a bunch of Syn-Ack back to the original sender, and as long as they don't send another ACK back to the server

DNS Poisoning

the injection of false information into an organization's DNS server? For example, you could trick the Notre Dame DNS server into thinking that you are Basically, trick the server into thinking that you are the authoritative source for