CC unit 10

operational database

used to collect, modify, and maintain data on a daily basis

analytical database

used to collect data that will be used for spotting trends that offer insights for tactical and strategic business decisions

Operational databases perform the following:

1.Collect and store data
2.View data
3.Find data
4.Update data
5.Organize data
6.Distribute data
7.Move or remove data

Decision makers can access analytical databases using an _______________, provided by software such as iDashboards, which uses tools for visually displaying query results

executive dashboard

database model

The underlying structure of a database

One of the simplest models for storing data is a _________that consists of a single, two-dimensional table of data elements

flat file

A ___________uses a uniform format to store data for each person or thing in the file

structured file


contains the smallest unit of meaningful information; it is the basic building block for a structured file or database

variable-length field

like an accordion�it expands to fit the data you enter

fixed-length field

contains a predetermined number of characters (bytes)


refers to a collection of data fields

record type

the template for a record


an association between data that's sorted in different record types

An important aspect of the relationship between record types is_________



which refers to the number of associations that can exist between two record types

entity-relationship diagram (sometimes called an ER diagram or ERD)

The relationship between record types can be depicted graphically

graph database

offers an alternative way to track relationships; its structure resembles sociograms with their interlinked nodes

relational database

stores data in a collection of related tables


sequence of records, similar to a flat file

multidimensional database

organizes relationships over three or more dimensions; in the context of databases, a dimension is a layer based on a data element, such as a product, place, or customer, that can be used to categorize data

object database

also called an object-oriented database, stores data as objects, which can be grouped into classes and defined by attributes and methods


database stores unstructured data, such as the text of a speech

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

a popular tool used to format document databases

Data dependence

term that refers to data and program modules being so tightly interrelated that they become difficult to modify

Modern database tools support ___________

data independence

data independence

which entails separating data from the programs that manipulate it

dedicated applications

-The simplest tools for managing data
-for specific data management tasks, such as keeping track of appointments or maintaining an address book
-easy to use, however they generally don't allow users to add fields or change field names

single-level sort

uses only one field to arrange records

multi-level sort

arranges information by more than one field


(database management system) refers to software that manages data stored in a database

There are three core elements in a relational database: __________, _________, and ______________ (Remember F.T.P)


database structure

refers to the arrangement of fields, tables, and relationships in a database

The first step in structuring a relational database is to

determine what data should be collected and stored

computed field

a calculation that a DBMS performs, similar to the way a spreadsheet computes a formula

field format

a template that adds the correct formatting as data is entered

field validation

rule is a specification that the database designer sets up to filter data entered into a particular field

lookup routine

validates a field entry by checking data in an in-house or third-party database

data type

specifies the way data is represented on physical storage media and RAM

3 data types ( Remember R.I.D)



used for fields that contain numbers with decimal places


used for fields that contain whole numbers


stores dates in a format that allows them to be manipulated


assigned to fixed-length fields that hold character data


provides a variable-length field for user comments

Logical (Boolean)

used for true/false and yes/no data

BLOB (binary language object)

can be any type of data


stores URLs used to link from a database to a Web page


helps database designers create a database structure that minimizes storage space and increases processing efficiency

The goal of normalization is to minimize ___________ ( D.R)

data redundancy

data redundancy

the amount of data that is duplicated in a database

physical sort order

the order in which data are arranged on storage devices

sort key

the column of data that is used as the basis for rearranging the data

database index

contains a list of keys, and each key provides a pointer to the data that contains the rest of the fields related to that key

query languages

Commands processed by the DBMS are issued using computer programming languages designed for databases


database management system

The database client software collects input from the user and then converts it into an _________ Query

SQL query

SQL keywords

-The SQL query language provides a collection of special command words

An SQL query begins with an action keyword, or ____________, which specifies the operation you want carried out



are detailed specifications for a command

Using the _________ command, a user can add data to a record (Starts with an "I")


One of the most common database operations is to query for particular record or a group of records by using the __________ command (Starts with an "S


SQL uses ___________ ( Remember B.O) such as AND, OR, and NOT to form complex queries

Boolean operators

Updates and modifications to the contents of a database field are made by using the SQL __________command ( Start's with a "U" )

UPDATE command

joining tables

In SQL terminology, creating a relationship between tables

SQL __________ (Starts with a "J" ) command allows users to temporarily join and simultaneously access the data in more than one table


When joining two tables, the convention is to use___________ ( Remember D.N) for field names; SQL uses dot notation to make distinctions between data

dot notation

Big data

refers to the huge collections of data that are difficult to process, analyze, and manage using conventional database tools

Big data is characterized as having:

1.High Volume
2.High Velocity
3.Diversified Variety
4.Unknown Veracity
5.Low-density Value (low-density data refers to large 6.volumes of data containing unimportant details)


used to refer to a group of technologies for managing databases that do not adhere to the relational model and standard SQL query language


-which is a blueprint for its structure; rows, columns, and tables of a database are part of its schema

Relational databases are organized according to a ______________ (Starts with a "S" ends with "a")


The simplest structure for storing data in a NoSQL database is the

key-value data model

column-oriented data model

stores data in columns, rather than in rows, so it works well in situations where the focus is on analysis of chunks of data

Popular NoSQL tools include:

7.Google Big Table


1.Structured Query ( Question ) Language
2.Used to communicate with a database