Exam 3

The nurse is aware that adrenergic drugs produce effects similar to which of these nervous systems?
a. Central nervous system
b. Somatic nervous system
c. Sympathetic nervous system
d. Parasympathetic nervous system

Adrenergic drugs mimic the effects of the sympathetic nervous system

When an adrenergic drug stimulates beta 1-adrenergic receptors, the result is an increased force of contraction, which is known as what type of effect?
a. Positive inotropic
b. Anti-adrenergic
c. Negative dromotropic
d. Positive chronotropic

ANS: A An increased force of contraction is known as a positive inotropic effect

When a patient is taking an adrenergic drug, the nurse expects to observe which effect?
a. Increased heart rate
b. Bronchial constriction
c. Constricted pupils
d. Increased intestinal peristalsis

Increased heart rate is one of the effects of adrenergic drugs. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation also results in bronchodilation, dilated pupils, and decreased gastrointestinal mobility, depending upon which receptors are stimulated.

An adrenergic agonist is ordered for a patient in shock. The nurse will note that this drug has had its primary intended effect if which expected outcome occurs?
a. Volume restoration
b. Increased blood pressure
c. Decreased urine output
d. Reduced anxiet

For a patient in shock, a primary benefit of an adrenergic agonist drug is to increase blood pressure. A drug in this category should not be used in place of volume restoration, nor does it provide volume restoration (IV fluids do this). Adrenergic

The nurse is administering a stat dose of epinephrine. Epinephrine is appropriate for which situation?
a. Severe hypertension
b. Angina
c. Cardiac arrest
d. Tachycardia

Treatment of cardiac arrest is an indication for the use of epinephrine. The other options are not indications for epinephrine

A patient is on a low-dose dobutamine drip for heart failure. She had been feeling better but now has a sense of tightness in her chest, palpitations, and a bit of anxiety. Her heart rate is up to 110 per minute, and her blood pressure is 150/98 mm Hg (in

Because dobutamine is a vasoactive adrenergic, it works by increasing the cardiac output in heart failure patients by increasing myocardial contractility and stroke volume. However, adrenergic drugs may worsen a preexisting cardiac disorder, such a

A 14-year-old patient has been treated for asthma for almost 4 months. Two weeks ago, she was given salmeterol as part of her medication regimen. However, her mother has called the clinic to report that it does not seem to work when her daughter is having

Salmeterol is indicated for the prevention of bronchospasms, not treatment of acute symptoms. The dosage is usually two puffs twice daily, 12 hours apart, for maintenance effects in patients older than 12 years of age. The other options are incorre

A hospitalized patient is experiencing a severe anaphylactic reaction to a dose of intravenous penicillin. Which drug will the nurse expect to use to treat this condition?
a. Ephedra
b. Epinephrine
c. Phenylephrine
d. Pseudoephedrine

ANS: B Epinephrine is the drug of choice for the treatment of anaphylaxis. The other drugs listed are incorrect choices

The nurse recognizes that adrenergic drugs cause relaxation of the bronchi and bronchodilation by stimulating which type of receptors?
a. Dopaminergic
b. Beta 1-adrenergic
c. Beta 2 -adrenergic
d. Alpha 1 -adrenergic

Stimulation of beta 2 -adrenergic receptors results in bronchodilation. The other choices are incorrect.

A patient is receiving a moderate-level dose of dobutamine for shock and is complaining of feeling more "skipping beats" than yesterday. What is the nurse's next action?
a. Assess the patient's vital signs and cardiac rhythm.
b. Discontinue the dobutamine

During the administration of adrenergic drugs, adverse effects such as cardiac irregularities, hypertension, and tachycardia may occur. Stopping the drug should cause the toxic symptoms to subside quickly because of the drug's short half-life

The nurse is preparing to administer dopamine. Which is the correct technique for administering dopamine?
a. Orally
b. Intravenous (IV) push injection
c. Intermittent IV infusions (IV piggyback)
d. Continuous IV infusion with an infusion pump

Dopamine is available only as an IV injectable drug and is given by continuous infusion, using an infusion pump. The other options are incorrect

The nurse is presenting information to a class of students about adrenergic drugs. Which are effects of drugs that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system? (Select all that apply . )
a. Dilation of bronchioles
b. Constriction of bronchioles
c. Decreased

ANS: A, D, E, G
Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system causes bronchodilation, increased heart rate, pupil dilation, and glycogenolysis as well as many other effects (see Table 18-1). The other responses are effects that occur as a result of the st