Dental Insurance

Diagnostic and Preventitive

an important feature of a dental insurance plan, which is typically not found in a medical expense insurance plan is the inclusion of diagnostic and preventive care. Most dental plans provide coverage for routine preventive procedures such as periodic tee


restorative care means treatments, which restore functional use to natural teeth such as fillings or crowns

Oral surgery

oral surgery means operative treatment of the mouth such as extractions of teeth and related surgical treatment


treatment of the dental pulp within natural teeth such as a root canal


treatment of the surrounding and supporting tissue of the teeth such as treatment for gum disease


the replacement of missing teeth with artificial devices like bridgework or dentures


treatment of natural teeth to prevent and/or correct dental anomalies with braces or appliances

Indemnity Plans

there are three diferent plans available. These plans consists of a scheduled or basic plan, a comprehensive or nonscheduled plan, and a combination of both basic and comprehensive plans

Choice of Providers

some dental plans limit the insured's choices of providers, but others simply limit the benefits to any qualified practitioner

Schedule Plans

basic or scheduled plans pay benefits from a list of procedures up to the amount shown in the schedule

Nonscheduled (comprehensive) plans

benefits are paid on a reasonable and customary basis and are subject to deductibles and coinsurance

Diagnostic/Preventive Services

generally are not subject to coinsurance or deductibles

basic services

fillings, oral surgery, periodontics, and endodontics may require the insured to pay a deductible of 20% of the balance

major services

inlays, crowns, dentures, and orthodontics, could either have large deductibles or pay around 50% for services provided

Deductibles and Coinsurance

most dental plans have a deductible amount such as $25, $50, or $100, which must be met each calendar year

Combination Plans

combine features of both basic and comprehensive plans


dental plans typically exclude cosmetic services (unless required by an accident), replacement of lost dentures, duplicate dentures, oral hygiene instruction, occupation injuries covered by Worker's Compensations, services provided by government agencies,


to help keep costs down, dental plans provide more limitations than deductibles and copayments. Most plans provide for calendar year maximum benefits and lifetime maximum benefits. Routine exams and cleaning are generally limted to once every 6 months, fu

Predetermination of benefits

the predetermination of benefits (precertification or prior authorization) clause is found in most dental plans. This service, although generally not mandoatory, will allow the insured and the dentist to know in advance what benefits will be paid.