Health Insurance Terms

Accidental Bodily Injury

Unforeseen and unintended injury from an accident


Cost-sharing by policyowner and insurer (percentage)


Specified amount of money that the insured must pay for covered medical expenses before the insurance policy begins to pay

Pre-existing condition

A health condition/sickness that occurred prior to the issuing of a health policy

Total Disability

Unable to perform any occupation for which he or she is reasonably suited by reason of education, training or experience OR (more liberal) inability to perform the duties of ones own occupation

Partial Disability

Inability to perform one or more of the regular duties of one's occupation

Residual Disability

Provides benefits when a person returns to work after total disability, but is still not able to work near or at same levels as he/she worked before being disabled

Managed Care

Characteristics: Controlled Access of Providers, Comprehensive case management, preventive care, risk sharing, high quality care


Covers all sickness or accidents that are not excluded

Attending Physician's Statement

A statement of how the applicant's medical conditions, diseases, and treatments obtained from applicant's doctor

Medical Information Bureau

made up of insurers, helps in underwriting

Disclosure Form

Must be provided at time of application or policy delivery

Workers Compensation

Offered and regulated by states. Accident or sickness that is work related. Benefits payable when a worker is injured by a work-related injury, regardless of fault or negligence

Workers Compensation (Types of) benefits

Medical, Income, Death, Rehabilitation

Agent, Applicant, Insured

Signatures required on health insurance application

Health contracts are...

conditional, unilateral, and of adhesion


Plans where providers receive a payment for billed charges for each service

Medical Expense Insurance

Reimburses policyowner for hospital and medical costs


Plans where providers are compensated regularly regardless of services provided

Basic (Hospital, Medical, Surgical)

Reimbursement insurance for medical expenses, First-dollar coverage (no deductible), Limited coverage

Major Medical

Reimbursement insurance for medical expenses, Deductible and coinsurance, larger benefit limits

(Health Maintenance Organization) HMO

Preventive Care, Service plan, prepaid basis, Limited service area and limited choice of providers, PCP = gatekeeper

(Preferred Provider Organization) PPO

Indemnity Plan, Fee for Service, Open Panel, no PCP

Elimination Period

Amount of time that must commence between onset of disability and benefits (essentially deductible in time)

Business Uses (of Disability Income Insurance)

Business Overhead Expense, Disability Buyout, Key-Person/Partner

Types of Group Health (Insurance Plans)

Individual employer groups, associations, Multiple-Employer Trusts (METs), multiple-employer welfare associations (MEWAs), customer groups; Small employer; Blanket insurance (insured members are not named); Contributory and noncontributory


Required for employers with >20 employees, extends group coverage to terminated employees and dependents after qualifying event; employees pay 102% of premium; limited period of coverage; Applies to health insurance only (not life)


Standard Provision - insurer may cancel a policy within a specified period after issue by notifying insured in writing

Change of Beneficiary

Standard Provision - policyowner can change beneficiary with written request to the insurer, as long as beneficiary revocable

Change of Occupation

Standard Provision - insurer can adjust benefits for a more hazardous occupation

Claims Forms

Standard Provision - Insurer's duty to supply forms to the insured within a specified number of days after notice of claim

Insurance with other insurers

Standard Provision - insurers pay proportionate amount for any claim

Insuring Clause

Standard Provision - identifies basic agreement between insurer and insured

Notice of Claim

Standard Provision - insured's duty to to provide a notice to the insurer in the event of a loss

Payment of Claims

Standard Provision - specifies to whom claims will be made

Physical Examination and Autopsy

Standard Provision - insurer's right to examine the insured, at the insurer's own expense, if not prohibited by state law

Proof of Loss

Standard Provision - must be submitted within specified period of time after loss


Cannot be cancelled by company nor can premium be increased


Allows insurer to cancel policy at any time or at end of policy period

Guaranteed Renewable

Cannot be cancelled by company, insurer has right to increase premiums on a class basis, not on an individual policy

Conditionally Renewable

Insurer may terminate the contract only at renewal and for certain conditions specified on the contract. Policy premium may be increased. Insurer may not deny renewal due to claims experience.

Optionally Renewable

Insurer may cancel the policy for any reason, on certain homogenous classes (not individuals within a class). Renewability is at option of the insurer, may decide not to renew on policy anniversary. If renews coverage, may also increase policy premium

Time of Payment of Claims

Standard Provision - Claims must be paid immediately upon proof of loss, but no later than the time specified in the policy

Unpaid Premium

Standard Provision - any past due premiums will be deducted from a claim

(Types of) Social Insurance

Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, Social Security Disability Income Insurance

Initial Enrollment

The 7 month window for applying for Medicare immediately after eligibility starts

General Enrollment

Also known as open enrollment - Jan 1-Mar 31

Special Enrollment

Period during which individuals may elect to enroll in , modify, coverage, or transfer between healthcare insurance plans, usually without evidence of insurability or waiting periods because of specific work or life events.


Federal medical expense insurance; Must be Age 65, chronic kidney disease, or SSDI eligible

(Medicare Supplement Policies) Medigap

Private insurance; fills in gaps like deductibles, coinsurance, benefit periods; Plan A - core benefits (offered in all of these plans); Guaranteed Renewable


State insurance program for individuals with insufficient income; funded by federal and state government; strict eligibility requirements

SSDI (Social Security Disability Income Insurance)

Must meet definition of disability, have proper insured status, and satisfy waiting period; amount based on insured's primary insurance amount (PIA)

Primary Insurance Amount

PIA, the amount single retirees receive in a monthly check if they retire at their retirement age

(Long-Term Care) LTC (Insurance)

Coverage requirements: >12 consecutive months, guaranteed renewable, elimination period, inflation protection, covers organic cognitive disorders (ex Alzheimer's, Parkinson's)

Skilled Care

Daily nursing & rehabilitative care

Intermediate Care

Rehabilitative care by medical personnel on a personal basis

Custodial Care

For meeting personal needs, help in performing activities of daily living

Home Health Care

Provided by a skilled nursing professional in the insured's home

30 days

Length of Medicare and LTC policies' "free look" period

Adult day care

Provided at recreation or community center for functionally impaired adults

Respite Care

Relief to family caregiver

Premiums not deductible, benefits tax free

Disability income (taxed?)

Premiums deductible above (7.5%) threshold

Medical Expense & LTC (taxed?)

Premiums paid by employer are tax deductible as a business expense, not taxable to employee; benefits attributable to employer's contribution taxable in group disability

Employer-Sponsored Group Health (taxed?)

Premiums not deductible, benefits tax free

Key-Person Disability & Disability Buy-Sell Insurance (taxed?)

Premiums deductible up to 100%

Sole Proprietors and Partners (taxed?)

5 days

If a consumer requests additional information concerning an investigative consumer report, how long does insurer/reporting agency have to reply?


Contributions to an HSA (taxed?)


Maximum dollar limit that must be provided for annual prostate cancer screening

Impairment (Rider)

Rider that excludes loss coverage for a defined pre-existing condition.


A new employee who meets HIPAA eligibility requirements must be issued health coverage on what basis?


True/False - A reinstated policy provides immediate coverage for an illness

Capital Amount, Lump Sum

Anna loses her left arm in an accident covered by her Accidental Death & Dismemberment Policy. What kind of benefit will Anna most likely receive from this policy?

Stays with (the) employer

When an employee covered under a health reimbursement account changes employers, the HRA


Contributions to an HRA (taxed?)


Type of hospital policy pays a fixed amount each day that the insured is in the hospital

As long as (the) policy is in force

How long does an insurer have to contest fraudulent misstatements made in a health insurance application?

(the) application (is) submitted

In insurance, an offer is usually made when


Disability income benefits, including those for medical expense and LTC policies, are received income tax-_________

(The) foreign company

Commissioner is conducting an examination of a foreign company located outside Colorado. Who incurs costs?


The classification "small employer" means any person actively engaged in a business that during the preceding calendar year had no more than _____ eligible employees

Notice of Intent

Before a carrier can offer health benefit plans to small employers what must be filed to the commissioner?

Insurance Exchanges

The purpose of these is to administer health insurance subsidies and facilitate enrollment in private health insurance

(on the) first page of (the) outline of coverage

A notice stating a policy may not cover all long-term care costs incurred must be printed

60 days after submitting proof of loss

When can an insured initiate legal action against the insurer?


True/False: Coverage for newborns, mental illness and cervical cancer vaccines must be part of policies issued in CO


Agent or insurer: Who can legally bind a contract?

(When an) insurer approves a prepaid application

When does acceptance typically occur?


of or pertaining to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable

18 Months

To convert to an individual policy, HIPAA requires that the individual have a previous continuous credible health coverage for at least

36 Months

What is the period of coverage for events such as death or divorce under COBRA?

Special Risk Policy

What special policy covers unusual risks that are not normally included under Accidental Death & Dismemberment coverage?

Attending Physician

Occasional Visits by which of the following medical professionals will not be covered under LTC's home health care? Attending physician; registered nurses; LPNs; Community-based organization professionals


Skilled nursing care is performed under the direction of a


In comparison to a policy that uses the accidental means definition, a policy that uses the accidental bodily injury definition would provide coverage that is... More Limited/Broader

Probationary Period

The period of time after a policy is in effect before claims arising from an illness can be covered

(Social Insurance Supplement) SIS or Social Security Riders

Supplement or replace benefits that might be payable under Social Security Disability

Defined Contribution

HRAs are: Defined Contribution/Defined Benefit

Presumptive Disability

Permanent disability due to total loss of sight, hearing, speech or use of 2 + limbs; benefits paid even while continuing to work.


Penalty tax for nonqualified distributions from a health savings account

Dread Disease Policies

Cover medical expenses for a particular medical condition, such as cancer or heart disease


Basic Medical/Surgical/Hospital - Deductible?


Major Medical/Surgical/Hospital - Deductible?

Are not

HSA contributions made by an employer are/are not included in the individual taxable income

2 or more

HIPAA applies to groups of

Relative Value

Relative value system that determines coverage for a given procedure

Corridor Deductible

A deductible that must be paid before a policy can pick up where another left off

31 Days

When a disabled dependent child reaches the age limit for coverage, how long does the policyowner have to provide proof of dependency to remain covered?

Conversion Factor

Represents the total amount payable per point


Sets limits on contributions to HSAs

20 days

Under "Notice of Claim", written notice of claim must be submitted to insurer within

6 months

An insured suffering a relapse from the same disability within a ____________ period will b e covered as continued disability

30 days

All premiums received from insurers or credited by insurers to a producer's account must be credited to the insured's account within

31 Days

Parents must inform insurer of a newborn's birth within

15 days

After notifying the commissioner of terminated employment, how many days does the insurer have to mail a copy of the notification to the producer's last known address?

30 days

A nonresident producer moved from one state to another. How soon thereafter should he file a change of address and provide certification from the new state?

60 calendar days

A covered individual requesting an external review after being denied coverage must make a request within what time period?

(At the time of) initial solicitation

When must an outline of coverage be provided to a prospective applicant?

Disability Income Insurance

May be purchased through a group or employer; intended to replace lost income, also included in a comprehensive insurance program.

3-6 Months

The amount of time that can pass between the recurrence of an injury or illness for it to be considered a recurrent disability


At what age may an individual make withdrawals from an HSA for nonhealth purposes without 20% penalty?

Health Care Accounts, Dependent Care Accounts

Two types of Flexible Spending Accounts


Available to employers of all sizes: MSAs/LPAs/HSAs/HRAs


The annual contribution limit of a Dependent Care FSA is set by

Diagnostic and preventive care

An important feature of a dental expense insurance plan that is NOT typical of a medical expense insurance plan


Under HIPAA, the gap of coverage for eligibility is _____ or less days

(Usual, Reasonable, and Customary) URC Charges

Charges in which the insurance company will pay an amount for a given procedure based upon the average charge for that procedure in that specific geographic area

Renewal Provision

What health insurance provision describes the insured's right to cancel coverage?


What percentage of covered charges above the deductible must the insured pay under Medicare part B?

5 Months

How long does a person have to wait after meeting requirements for disability benefits under Social Security before benefits will be paid?


Maximum dollar amount that must be provided by insurance coverage for low-dose mammography screening


Coordination of benefits is only found in (individual/group) health plans