
Penalty for staying a known false fact as true


Possibly penalty for committing perjury is:

Up to 4 years in prison

If you request a be Certificate of Authorization, the State of California must respond within:

5 days

If a notary willingly and knowingly notarized a real estate document that they know to be fraudulent, they are guilty of a:


A subscribing witness may bring a

Homestead declaration

When do you officially become a notary?

When your oath and bond are filed

The fine for overcharging for a nonimmigration form is:

Up to $750

The fine for failing to notify the State that your stamp or journal was lost is:

Up to $1,500

Willful failure to provide a peace officer with a journal when requested is punishable by civil penalty of up to:


What is the fine for failing to post signs in English and in the other language that you use that you are not an attorney and cannot give legal advice?

Up to $1,500 fine and at least one year suspension of
commission and on second time - revocation of commission for life

The fee for notarizing a circulator's affidavit is:


A notary can certify a copy of a power of attorney according to the:

Probate Code

If you move, ya must contact the proper authority within:

30 days

If you give up your journal to a proper authority, you must notify the Secretary of State within:

10 days

The statute of limitations for making a statement know to be false is:

4 years

Notary certificates are signed by:


When you resign a commission, you deliver all your papers to:

County Clerk where your current oath is on file

The fine for willful failure to notify the Secretary of State of an address or name change is:


Singers of what documents must leave a right thumbprint?

Power of Attorney and Trust Deed for real estate

A notary is obligated to:

Reimburse a surety company for bond funds paid out

An affirmation is:

Legal equivalent of an oath but has no referral to a Supreme Being

A non-attorney notary (qualified & bonded as an immigration consultant) may charge up to $10 for:

Completing a person's immigration application, oaths and affirmation, per signature on a Jurat

A California Notary may:

Take depositions and affidavits

An oath is:

An affirmation and a solemn spoken pledge

Influencing a notary to perform improperly is a:


What is signed in the presence of the notary?


Notaries obtain their seals from the:

Approved vendors or manufactures

When a subscribing witness brings a document the action is called

Proof of Execution

If a principal cannot appear, the document may be brought to the notary by:

One subscribing witness

The following are Notary Actions:

Proof of Execution, Jurat, Oath if Office, Acknowledgement

A military notary

Charges no fees

A person who is not commissioned and holds herself out as a notary is:


An employer of a Notary can:

Copy Journal entries of business generated documents in front of the notary

A notary must respond to a request for a transaction within _____ days


The notary or security bond protects the:


The most frequently completed form is:

The Acknowledgment

Which items must always be put in the journal?

Date, time, type of document, fees

A written request for a photocopy of a journal entry must include:

Type of document, month and year of notarization, and names of parties

A right thumbprint is not required in the Notary journal for a:

deed of reconveyance

An expired California Driver's License was issued 52 months before presentation to you, is it acceptable?


Notaries may not certify a copy of a

Journal entry requested by a member of the public

When a Notary changes a business address to a new county within California:

The notary must notify the Secretary of State of the address change

A proof of execution may be performed on a:

Deed of reconveyance

A notary who does not deliver papers to a county clerk after they allow a commission to expire is:

Guilty of a misdemeanor

A certificate reads: Subscribed and Sworn to before me on August 5, 2007 by ______. Whose name goes on the blank?


By using the term notario public in an advertisement, the Notary's commission could be:

Suspended for a period of not less than one year and revoked on the second offense

A notary may not charge a fee for notarization on:

A circulator's affidavit

A notary who engages in the unauthorized practice of law may face:

Commission denial, commission revocation and commission suspension

When a notary is employed by a city, county, or state agency, fees collected for non-agency related notarization are:

Remitted by the Notary Public to the employing agency

It is allowable for a notary to notarize for a family member when acting as a:


A notary to notarize documents to be filled another state but:

Can't certify sign or holds a particular capacity

An oath to a witness:

Can use phrase "under penalty of perjury

In the case of the death of a notary public, the personal representative of the deceased shall:

Promptly notify the Secretary of State and send their papers and records to the county where their oath is recorded

No fees maybe charged for verifying:

Nomination document or circulator's affidavit

What must be included in a Journal?

Character of every document

When the venue of the notary's certificate has been filled in before hand with an incorrect state and county, the notary must:

Line through the inapplicable words, writing the correct state and county

The main purpose of an acknowledgement is to:

Authenticate signatures

When notarizing a document containing an acknowledgment, the Notary:

May accept a document that has already been signed

One main purpose of a Jurat is to:

Make sure the signer signs in front of the Notary

A foreign passport must have one additional item:

Stamp from U.S. Immigration Agency

To meet the 30 day calendar day filing limit of the oath with the county you must:

allow for any form of delay

A judgement is lodged against a notary for $22,000 and the bonding company pays $15,000 to the client. The notary is liable for:


The key wording of an acknowledgment is:

Personally appeared

A subscribing witness can be identified by:

One credible witness known to the subscribing witness and the notary who has ID

In foreign language advertising regulations there are strict rules but the one exception is:

A single desk plaque

When a notary public pays an employee's expenses, the fees:

Shall be remitted to the agency

When a check has not been honored for payment, the Secretary of State shall give a written notice. If no correction is done a second notice of cancellation shall be effective when:

20 days