Strategic Management Ch. 8

EcoCorporate Strategy

- Quest for competitive advantage when competing in multiple industries
- Where to compete?

Corporate strategy concerns the scope of the firm

industry value chain
products and services

Three Dimensions of Corporate Strategy

1. What stages of industry value chain and degrees of vertical integration (supply chain)
2. What range of products and services and degrees of horizontal integration (buying competitors)and diversification (successful diversification must be aligned with

Economies of Scale

Average per-unit cost decreases as its output increases

Economies of Scope

Savings that come from producing two or more outputs together rather than separately through using the same resources and technology

Transactional Cost

The cost associated with economic exchange (the costs associated with the "make or buy" decision)

If C in-house < C market, then the firm should...

vertically integrate

Disadvantage of "make" in-house

- Principal - agent problem- owners are the principals of the company and the managers are the agents
- Agent pursues his/her own interests- managers will make the best decisions for the owners, but the problem is when they do not do what's best for the c

Disadvantage of "buy" from markets

- Search cost
- Pay a premium
- Incomplete contracting
- Enforce legal constraints

Short-term contacts

Competitive bidding process
Less than one-year term
Lower prices --> cost advantages

Strategic alliances

Facilitate investment without administrative costs
Ex. long-term contacts, equality alliances, joint ventures
Ex. Hulu

Parent-subsidiary relationship

- Most integrated alternative
- Parent companies have command and control

Vertical integration

Ownership of its inputs, production, & outputs in the value chain

Vertical value chain

Industry-level integration from upstream to downstream


If you control the whole process, you are fully vertically integrated

Types of Vertical Integration

� Full vertical integration
- Ex: Weyerhaeuser (owns forests, mills, and distribution to retailers)
� Backward vertical integration
- Ex: HTC's backward integration into design of phones
� Forward vertical integration
- Ex: HTC's forward integration into

Benefits of vertical integration

-lowering costs
-improving quality
-facilitating scheduling and planning
-facilitating investments in specialized assets
-securing critical supplies and distribution channels

Risks of Vertical Integration

� Increasing costs (Internal suppliers lose incentives to compete)
� Reducing quality (Single captured customer can slow experience effects)
� Reducing flexibility (Slow to respond to changes in technology or demand)
� Increasing the potential for legal r

Degrees of diversification

Range of products and services a firm should offer
(Ex: PepsiCo also owns Lay's & Quaker Oats.)

Diversification strategies:

-product diversification
-geographic diversification
-product market diversification

Product diversification

Active in several different product categories

Geographic Diversification

Active in several different countries

Product - market diversification

Active in a range of both product and countries

Types of Corporate Diversification

-single business
-dominant business
-related diversification
-unrelated diversification

Single Business

Gibson guitars

Dominant business


Related diversification

Draws on synergy (1+1=3; the whole is more valuable than the individual parts of the company)
Related Constrained - Shared manufacturing processes (Ex. Exxon Mobile)
Related Linked - Connected by types of businesses (Disney)

Unrelated diversification

- Very few or no connection between the different divisions.
- There is no synergy
Ex. General Electric

Diversification discount

Stock price of diversified firms is less

Diversification premium

Stock price of diversified firms is greater

Core Competence

- Unique skills and strengths
- Allows firms to increase the value of product/service
- Lowers the cost
Examples: Walmart (global supply chain), Infosys (low-cost global delivery system)

The core competence - market matrix

Provides guidance to executives on how to diversify in order to achieve continued growth

How does diversification enhance performance?

Economies of scale --> lower the cost
Economies of scope --> increase the value
Reduce cost and increase value simultaneously


Process of reorganizing and divesting business units
To refocus a company to leverage its core competencies

Boston Consulting Group growth-share matrix

- Dogs
- Cash cows
- Stars
- Question marks


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