CMAA Chapters 6,7,8

No state automatically issues license to the physicians who apply for these ; they are decided on a case by case by case basis and each state has its own requirements and conducts its own evaluations to determine if applicants meet those requirements


A mutual agreement to exchange privileges , dependence , or relationships, as in an agreement between two governing bodies to accept the credentials of a physician , dentist , licensed dental professional , or other health professional licensed in either


When a physician is incapable of performing their tasks as a physician due to physical or mental obstacles

professional incapacity

When a physician breaches the ethical standards of the medical profession by betraying patient confidentiality , sexual harassment, or excessive use of narcotics and alcohol. This also includes the billing of services never rendered , over billing insuran

Unprofessional conduct

Earlier judgements of legal cases which a majority of our law is based on


A violation of a law against the state or government and involves the safety and welfare of the public

criminal law

Are minor offenses punishable by fines and jail time in city or county jails and vary state to state


A major crime such as rape, or murder and is punishable by imprisonment of no less than one year


The most serious crime and is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government


Is the supreme law of the United states

The U.S. Constitution

A document with 8 sections meant to ensure that patient's receive high quality healthcare services

The patients bill of rights

A rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority


Is concerned with acts that are not criminal in nature , but that involve relationships with others

Civil law

Provides a remedy for an individual or a group who has been harmed by the wrongful doing of others

Tort law

An obligation between two or more parties and can be either verbal or written


Are regulations set by governmental agencies

Administrative law

Sets the limit on the amount of time that can lapse before one can brig legal action against a previous event

The state of limitations

When a party agrees without expressly granting , but by an inference to agreement

Implied consent

Involves he verbal or written acceptance by another party

Expressed consent

The direct cause for malpractice lawsuits today and is defined as the lack of attention to a duty or business , lack of necessary diligence and care


Negligence found by this when a physician performs surgery on an individual purely for reasons of financial gain, and with the knowledge that the patient does not medically require the surgery


Negligence can be found through this is a physician accidentally gives the patient the wrong medication


Negligence can be found under this if a physician simply does not give the patient the care they need


when a patient does not take the prescribed medication or does not follow a prescribed course of therapy by a physician


Care delivered is consistent with the highest quality of care available in the community , and courts hold that physicians must follow these standards

Standards of care

Or the formal consent of a patient for treatment includes no only the patient signing a form , but also the patient having full a full understanding of the diagnosis and treatment

informed consent

When there are child play areas in the patient reception area , the medical administrative assistant is responsible for ensuring the area is safe and clean (True or false)


If the patient arrives for their appointment with a family member of a friend , it is implied that their healthcare information may be shared with that individual (true or false)


OSHA requires office policy manuals be reviewed at least once biannually (true or false)


Pharmaceutical sales reps are nuisance to physicians to physicians , and there are rules and regulations as to how to manage these unscheduled visits and solicitations (true or false)


When sales reps visit the office, they often bring perks/gifts and promotional items to physicians; and there are no rules or regulations about accepting any gifts offered on behalf of the physician (true or false)


It is required by law that fire escape routes be posted in every room of a healthcare facility (true or false)


When opening the healthcare facility, one should arrive right when the first patient is due to arrive, so not to waste electricity and other valuable resources by opening the office early (true or false)


Task lists should be created and maintained on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to ensure the medical office runs smoothly at all times. (true or false)


Patient charts should be pulled as the patients arrive for their appointments (true or false )


The quality of a person's voice , how a person's voice sounds

voice tone

In speech , the relative highness or lowness of a tone

Voice pitch

The change in pitch or loudness of the voice

Voice inflection

Choice of words


The articulation of clear sounds


(true or false) when placing a caller on hold, it is appropriate to say "hold please


(true or false) it is wise to use speakerphone when checking the offices messages so one has more freedom of movement when writing messages.


(true or false) When making outgoing calls , it is a good idea to pull any patient charts relevant to the calls prior to making them


(true or false) Handling angry patients and complaints over the phone will require the use of active listening


(true or false) It is preferred by most medical offices that patients visit the doctors websites and make appointments online.


(true or false) Patient's first impressions through telephone calls reflect the images the individual creates in their own minds in response to the quality of communication they receive from the person on the other end of the call


(true or false) It is acceptable to chew gum when answering and handling calls in the medical office


(true or false) When transferring a call , it is common practice to let the caller know that you will be transferring them and also let the recipient know the information regarding the caller you are transferring to them and the reason for the call.
